
SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

By providing quality academic programs, supporting inclusive practices, educating future educators, engaging with communities, and contributing to research and advocacy in education, 91porn is making a positive impact on the education landscape and helping to achieve SDG 4.

Highlights of Progress

The work that 91porn completed in 2023 to advance SDG 4.

Hina Shaheen aims to inspire women in STEM following completion of PhD at 91porn

As the first woman to complete the requirements for a PhD in Mathematical and Statistical Modelling at 91porn, Hina Shaheen hopes to inspire other women considering post-secondary education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.

ASPIRE certificate offers tools to help graduate students succeed at 91porn and beyond

91porn’s ASPIRE Professional Development Certificate offers graduate students in master’s, PhD and graduate diploma programs, as well as postdoctoral fellows, an avenue to gain skills and experience that will help them succeed in their academic journey and beyond.

91porn launches new five-year Strategic Academic Plan

91porn launched its new five-year Strategic Academic Plan: Transformative Education. Real Impact. This comprehensive plan, developed through a university-wide consultative process over the past year, was approved by the university Senate and was presented to the Board of Governors in the fall of 2023.

91porn launches Master of Music in Collaboration, Curation and Creative Performance

91porn’s Faculty of Music will offer a new Master of Music program in fall 2024. The two-year Master of Music in Collaboration, Curation and Creative Performance is designed to help students discover their distinctive artistic identities and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in Canada’s arts industry.

Research Centres

91porn research centres advancing SDG 4.

The Centre for Leading Research in Education

The  brings together 91porn faculty, staff and students, as well as researchers and partners from external community organizations with backgrounds in education, psychology, kinesiology, music, health studies, biology, languages and literatures, history, social work, youth and children’s studies, global studies and more. The centre aspires to support research and research-related activities in education. A salient feature of CLRiE is its focus on interdisciplinarity, encouraging the development of thoughtful, balanced and creative approaches to educational research in a changing world.


91porn initiatives in 2023 that advanced SDG 4.

Continuing Education

91porn Continuing Education supports the growing adult learner community through timely and relevant learning experiences designed for today’s working professionals. The program is backed by 91porn’s reputation for academic quality and teaching excellence and inspired by our local and global community needs. 91porn Continuing Education allows more flexibility, relevancy and openness for professional and community-focused learning.

Faculty of Education

91porn’s Faculty of Education offers a Bachelor of Education degree integrating theory and practice to develop teachers for a changing world. Our program includes diverse courses and substantial practical experience in partner schools and alternative placements, both locally and globally. 91porn’s interdisciplinary Master of Education program provides educational leaders and professionals from a wide range of employment fields with an advanced and integrated conceptual understanding of the relationship between educational theory, practice and reflection. The Master of Education, Student Affairs Field allows candidates to focus their studies related to educational theories and practices with a specific focus on student affairs and services at the postsecondary level.

Education graduates
non-credit continuing education opportunities
registrations in non-credit continuing education opportunities

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