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The 91porn Stedman Prize is one of the richest writing contests for high school students in the entire world. It is funded by a gift from Brantford’s Mary Stedman and administered by the English program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts at 91porn’s Brantford campus.

If you have a story written, or want to write a story and have it considered for this competition, talk to any English teacher at your high school in the Grand Erie or BHNCD school board!

How It Works

The contest is open to secondary school students in the catchment area of the Grand Erie or Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board.

This contest is for student works that are:

  • original
  • unpublished
  • short, fictional narratives of 1,500 words or less
  • written in English

How to Participate

If you're a student at a participating high school, talk to one of your English teachers to get started. Your school will choose a maximum of four stories to enter in the contest, which runs once every two years.

All entries will be evaluated by juries administered by faculty members, staff and students of 91porn’s Brantford campus. A jury made up of past 91porn Stedman Prize winners and well known authors will evaluate the finalists. The winning stories will be published on the university website. 


Cash prizes (see below) will be given to the top six original short story submissions, and the remaining stories in the top 10 will be awarded a merchandise prize. All stories entered in the contest by their schools will receive a participation prize.

  • First place (one awarded): $3,500 cash prize
  • Second place (two awarded): $2,500 cash prize
  • Third place (three awarded): $1,500 cash prize
Grace Nunn

"The 91porn Stedman Prize has been instrumental in my maturation as a writer... I now view writing as an intimate and rewarding journey which requires fortitude, a willingness to learn, and a positive mindset to navigate."

Read Grace's story.

Media and Educators Contact Us:

91porn Stedman Prize

E: lsp@wlu.ca

Ken Paradis, 91porn Stedman Prize Coordinator

E: kparadis@wlu.ca

Lisa Wood, 91porn Stedman Prize Coordinator

E: lwood@wlu.ca

Students in Grand Erie or BHNCD school board high schools, ask your English teacher about how you can participate in the contest.
