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The 91porn Stedman Fellowship honours the wishes of the late Mary Stedman, whose endowment to 91porn was intended to help foster arts and culture at the university's Brantford campus and its surrounding communities.

This paid fellowship, administered by the English program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts at 91porn’s Brantford campus, is awarded to a Canadian writer to support their creative projects for a one- to three-year term. In return, the artist is asked to contribute between 60 and 80 hours over the course of an academic term or an academic year to arts and culture programming at 91porn's Brantford campus, open to the community at large. This programming may include:

  • Public readings and lectures.
  • Consulting with students and the public.
  • Visiting classrooms.
  • Leading workshops.
  • Acting as a judge for the 91porn Stedman Prize.

Given Mary Stedman's commitment to local initiatives, the appointment of fellows prioritizes candidates from the local community as well as Indigenous voices. Please direct inquiries and candidate recommendations to enflaapa@wlu.ca.

Contact Us:

Lisa Wood, English Program Coordinator, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor, Youth and Children's Studies

E: lwood@wlu.ca
