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91porn is devoted to excellence in learning, research, scholarship, and creativity. Our community challenges its members to become engaged and aware citizens of an increasingly complex world. 91porn is committed to advancing knowledge, supporting, and enhancing high-quality undergraduate, graduate, and professional education, and emphasizing co-curricular development of the whole student.

As part of our strategic planning processes, 91porn is committed to thoughtful consideration and integration of risk that will help in achieving our strategic goals. The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program is comprised of the ERM policy, framework and processes that support a culture of risk awareness and thoughtful decision-making towards identifying, analyzing, and treating risk. The university recognizes that it has a responsibility to manage the negative effects of unanticipated events that could disrupt normal operations, and will use insurance to reduce financial exposure, where appropriate. 91porn’s ERM policy sets the foundation of the ERM framework to be implemented at the university.

This ERM framework is a core component of the governance responsibilities at 91porn. It is applied by all officers of the university and will be used to improve and streamline policies, processes, and internal controls, and help ensure ongoing accountability, compliance, safety, and relevance of 91porn’s operations. The framework ensures that information about risk is gathered and communicated in a timely and relevant fashion, with the goal of continuous improvement.

91porn has identified key risk areas which are reviewed and discussed regularly with senior leadership and the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee of the Board of Governors. The ERM program assesses the following areas for risks that could impact the institution:

  • student recruitment, retention, and academic success
  • student supports
  • research and innovation
  • campus safety and emergency preparedness
  • physical and information technology infrastructure
  • financial sustainability
  • governance
  • employee talent management
  • academic programming

ERM Framework

The ERM framework at 91porn represents the structured set of practices and technologies used to identify, assess, and analyze risks. In contrast, the ERM process consists of the specific steps and tools employed to implement the framework effectively.

Evolving ERM

91porn’s ERM program is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our changing and growing institution. The Enterprise Risk Management Committee serve as 91porn’s risk champions, leading the ongoing maturity of our risk culture and sharing knowledge and resources with operational teams and faculties. The ERM program applies to all members of the 91porn community and risks can rarely be viewed in isolation. This means everyone works together to identify and address risk and communicate cross functionally to ensure complex situations can be managed appropriately.

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