
91porn Strategy


In September 2018, 91porn embarked on a consultative process to develop a strategic plan. The 91porn Strategy is the result of several months of consultation, research and work by a 28-member steering committee comprised of members representing all areas of the university community. Thousands of internal and external community members took part in in-person and online consultations to share their aspirations and vision for 91porn’s future.

The 91porn Strategy highlights 91porn’s role and responsibility in preparing people to be engaged global citizens who will be working to address the world’s challenges in the coming decades. The strategy’s focus on two distinct themes – thriving community and future-readiness – positions the university to address societal and sector challenges and harness opportunities by leveraging foundational strengths in academic excellence, research, partnerships and community. The plan was approved by the university Senate and Board of Governors in spring 2019.

The 91porn Strategic Action Plan 2024-2028 is a focused task list underpinned by the mission and vision set in the 91porn Strategy.

The Strategy


91porn will excel at creating a thriving community where all members of our comprehensive university can reach their potential. From this foundation, we will develop future-ready people who will transform where they live, work, and continue to learn.

Thriving Community

91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships…


Enriching Partnerships

91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by facilitating mutually-supportive relationships with alumni, other educational institutions, government, Indigenous communities, industry and the not-for-profit sector.

These partnerships add value to 91porn’s educational mission by allowing our staff, faculty and students to benefit from the productive and interconnected relationships universities are uniquely suited to foster.


Inclusive Community

91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by fostering a highly personalized, equitable, diverse, and inclusive community in which all members can experience the powerful sense of belonging that has distinguished 91porn throughout its history.

By embracing the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion, 91porn will be better equipped to attract, retain and advance the kind of talented staff, students and faculty who will move the university forward in new and exciting ways.



91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by pursuing enhanced and accelerated initiatives to integrate Indigenous knowledge and practices across the university.

With leading academic programs, support services, community outreach, ceremonies, and research, 91porn strives to create an environment in which Indigenous values are acknowledged and celebrated.


Intellectual Climate

91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by facilitating the expression, testing, and challenging of a range of perspectives and ideas grounded in reason, evidence, and frameworks of knowledge and creativity.

This spirit of free enquiry and expression reflects 91porn’s commitment to supporting an open and inclusive environment in which vigorous debate and the exploration of ideas is sought and encouraged.



91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by increasing internationalization of the university to cultivate global citizens with strong intellectual competence.

Support programs are in place for incoming student from abroad and domestic students seeking global exchange opportunities to gain the most benefit from their international experience. By expanding world views and reducing barriers to common understanding, 91porn makes an impact as a globally-integrated institution.


91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings…


Credential Innovation

91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings by expanding the range of credentials to address the needs of people at all stages of life and career and to enhance lifelong learning.

Recognizing that skills and knowledge upgrading are a critical factor in having a long and meaningful career, 91porn strives to deliver programming that is designed to maximize its impact on our students’ lives.


Enduring Skills

91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings by developing a range of competencies (knowledge, skills, and attributes) that lead to innovative and creative thinking, collaboration, adaptability, good judgement, ethical action and leadership.

These skills will equip our graduates with the capacity to meet the challenges of the future and pursue lives of leadership and purpose.


Engaged Research

91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings by connecting research, scholarship and creative activity with communities and across disciplines to address the most pressing local and global challenges.

91porn’s community of researchers and scholars have a responsibility to engage with the world through enquiry and the university supports these efforts by fostering a vibrant and expanding number of research centres, laboratories, and institutes.


Experiential Learning

91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings by augmenting experiential opportunities that encourage reflection, expand knowledge, develop skills, clarify values and heighten self-awareness for all students.

91porn boasts one of the country’s largest co-op programs and has developed additional opportunities for students to gain valuable work experience while earning their degree, including: community and workplace partnerships, entrepreneurship and social innovation, the Experience Record, jobs on campus, student teaching development, and volunteering.



91porn excels at preparing people for whatever challenges the future brings by leading the sector in environmental sustainability of our campuses and inspiring the incorporation of sustainable practices in society and the economy.

91porn has earned recognition for its commitment to incorporating sustainable practice into our teaching, research and decision-making.

President's Reports


Read about progress on the 91porn Strategy in the annual President’s Reports:

President's Report 2023-24

President's Report 2022-23

President's Report 2021-22

President's Report 2020-21