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ELT Lead: Vice-President: Finance and Administration
We will embed metrics, data and evidence into operational decision-making and planning to ensure long term sustainability, collective accountability and the responsible use of all resources available to the institution.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Support the pursuit of financial sustainability and fiscal strength by strengthening budget practices, generating revenue growth, containing costs, mitigating risks and monetizing assets where appropriate. |
Net income ratio |
1.5% |
Total expenditure per student |
Establish baseline |
University debt per student |
< $10,000 per student |
Successful implementation of 91porn’s Digital Strategy that enhances the way that students, faculty, and staff learn, teach, research and work at 91porn. |
Percentage of projects completed on Digital Strategy Roadmap (2024-2029) |
Increase to 30% from 20% |
ICT Effectiveness Index Rating |
Establish baseline |
Optimize the value, efficiency, condition, accessibility and sustainability of space university wide. |
Space per Full Time Equivalent student |
Maintain 202 SF/FTE |
Facility Condition Index (FCI) |
Maintain FCI of 12.6 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Reduce by 100 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)2 |
Maximize revenue generation and sustainability of ancillary operations, while maintaining or enhancing the 91porn community experience. |
Ancillary net income |
1.5% |
Campus student satisfaction Index3 |
75% |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
2 FY2025 projected emissions are approx. 7,250 tonnes CO2e, including the target to remove 100 tonnes CO2e.
3 Aggregate metric of Dining Styles Survey and Multi-campus Residence Survey.
ELT Lead: Chief Human Resources and Equity Officer
We will attract and retain diverse faculty, contract teaching faculty, and staff through enabling performance and professional growth and fostering an engaging, healthy and inclusive working and learning environment for all.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Recruit, hire and retain diverse faculty, contract teaching faculty, and staff with the needed skills, knowledge, and competencies to support the achievement of university and departmental goals. |
Turnover rate |
Decrease to 10% from 10.6% |
New Hire Diversity rate2 (EDI 2.1 & 2.2; Inclusion Indigenization in Indigenous Strategic Plan) |
Increase in representation against current benchmarks3 for new hires who are racialized, Indigenous, and/or have disabilities |
Encourage and support learning, professional growth and career development and create an engaging and fulfilling employee experience. |
Intention to Leave4 |
Decrease to 22% from 24% |
Employee Promoter Score5 |
Increase to 70% from 68% |
Support workplace health, safety, wellbeing, and work-life balance and foster an equitable, inclusive and healthy culture where all can thrive. |
Absenteeism rate |
3.0% |
Vacation Utilization Rate |
95% |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
2 Percentage of new employees who self- identify as belonging to one or more of the underrepresented groups at 91porn as compared to the external available pool.
3 New Hire Diversity Rate by Underrepresented Groups at 91porn:
4 Percentage of employees who report they are likely to leave 91porn in the next 12 months.
5 Percentage of employees who report they are likely to recommend 91porn as a great place to work.
ELT Leader: Provost and Vice-President: Academic
We will grow and diversify our student body through a variety of entrance pathways, academic programs, and modes of delivery, and will proactively support students for academic success.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Offer academic programming that meets the needs and interests of a diverse student body. |
Percentage of diversity within student body across key demographics |
Proactively support all students in achieving academic success, while maintaining high academic standards. |
Undergraduate retention rates from year 1 to year 2 First Step: Retention-focused curriculum assessment |
Completion of curriculum assessment |
Undergraduate and graduate graduation rates First Step: Retention-focused curriculum assessment |
Completion of curriculum assessment |
Purposefully expand existing efforts to decolonize and diversify the curriculum. |
Percentage of programs with embedded decolonial, and/or inclusive curriculum and traditional knowledges (Decolonization section of Indigenous Strategic Plan, EDI Strategic Plan 6.1 and 6.2) |
Establish baseline |
Attract and admit students who have the potential to succeed academically who do not have the traditional high school markers associated with university-level success. |
Number of undergraduate students admitted through new process First Step: New process development and pilot for Fall 2025 recruitment |
Completion of development and pilot launch |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
We will recognize, value, and support the contributions and impact of the diverse talent, experiences, and endeavours of our faculty members in each of the interrelated elements of a comprehensive university: research, teaching, and service.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Recognize and value the service/leadership commitments of faculty members. |
Percentage of departments/programs that adopt service transparency guidelines First Step: Draft service transparency guidelines |
Completion of draft guidelines |
Develop resources and implement supports for faculty, librarians, and contract teaching faculty with regard to freedom of expression and academic freedom in the classroom and their research. |
Number of resources and supports developed |
5 |
Percentage of faculty engaged with resources |
Establish baseline | |
Ensure equitable recognition and assessment of faculty members’ service and scholarly contributions as part of the recruitment, promotion and tenure processes. (EDI 3.1; Inclusion Indigenization in Indigenous Strategic Plan) |
Percentage of assistant, associate and full tenured faculty who are from underrepresented groups at 91porn First Step: Establish process for identifying faculty members in underrepresented groups |
Completion of process |
Develop a culture of continuous development in teaching. |
Percentage of faculty and contract teaching faculty who engage with Teaching Excellence and Innovation resources |
Establish baseline |
Continuous successful progress in implementation of new procedures for evaluation of teaching First Step: Draft new procedures for evaluation of teaching |
Completion of new draft procedures |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
ELT Leader: Vice-President: Student Affairs
We will foster a community spirit of wellbeing, belonging, pride, and achievement where all students feel connected and thrive in pursuit of their academic and personal goals.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Strengthen student support and success practices to increase engagement and retention of undergraduate and graduate students. |
Number of inclusive/diverse student services and supports (EDI 1.4 & 1.5 Inclusion Indigenization in Indigenous Strategic Plan) |
Establish baseline |
Respondents who indicated Satisfied or Very Satisfied on CUSC Question “Satisfaction with Concern Shown by University”2 |
Increase from 60.0% on 2021 Graduating Student report |
Respondents who indicated Excellent or Very Good on CGPSS Question “Your student life experience at this university”3 |
Increase from 31.3% on 2022 report |
Advance communication strategies and delivery methods to create efficient pathways to access student services and supports. |
Satisfaction results from student communication survey |
Establish baseline |
Maintain and enhance multi-campus physical infrastructure to ensure we can provide exceptional opportunities for students to be engaged and connected to a community and promote wellbeing. |
Student non-curricular space per full time equivalent student by campus toward new benchmarks (to be determined) |
Waterloo: maintain 14.96 SF/FTE Student Brantford: maintain 41.71 SF/FTE Student |
Facility condition index for athletics/recreation |
Forthcoming |
Facility condition index for student housing |
Forthcoming |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
2 CUSC is reported every year. However, the same sample group (Middle Year, Graduating Year, First Year) are reported every three years. Next report is of graduating students (surveyed Winter 2024), to be available in June/July 2024.
3 Reported every three years; next report available in June/July of 2025.
ELT Lead: Vice-President: Research
We will support the thriving of faculty, student and staff researchers and innovators by facilitating excellence in our research and innovation culture.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Enhance research culture at the institutional, faculty and departmental levels and improve post-award support for researchers. |
Question in Chapter 8 of the Research Culture Survey Report 2022: 91porn provides a strong research environment that meets or exceeds my research needs. |
Increase to 55% from 50% |
Question in Chapter 8 of the Research Culture Survey Report 2022: Reflecting on the past five years, do you think that the research culture has improved at 91porn? |
Increase to 43% from 38% |
Expand research partnerships and community-based research. |
Number of new community-based research partnerships established through the 91porn Hub for Community Solutions and other Faculty and University research centres and institutes |
5 new partnerships |
Number of externally funded research partnerships and partnership projects |
5 new grants |
Number of institutional relationships with Indigenous communities (Reconciliation in Indigenous Strategic Plan) |
2 new partnerships |
Integrate our innovation and entrepreneurship activities to better showcase our successes. |
Earned media coverage of innovation and entrepreneurship activities |
Establish baseline |
Increase research funding support through external sources. |
Tri-Agency funding |
Increase to $9.1 million from $8.7 million |
Non-Tri-Agency funding |
Increase to $10.25 million from $10 million |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
ELT Lead: Vice-President: Advancement and External Relations
We will enhance our reputation as an institution by providing tangible value to our diverse communities, ensuring 91porn is a premier choice for students, alumni, community stakeholders, donors and partners.
Objectives |
Performance Metrics |
2024-2025 Targets1 |
Increase fundraising results and meet annual fundraising targets. |
Revenue targets achieved |
Increase to $14 million from $9.15 million |
Number of donors |
Maintain over 3200 active donors |
Donor retention |
50% annual renewal (59% for alumni) |
Cultivate and facilitate strategic partnerships among students, alumni, community and government to advance top institutional priorities. |
Number of partnerships among stakeholder groups, including students, alumni, and community |
Establish baseline |
Number of government visits (municipal, provincial, or federal) on 91porn campuses |
Increase to 12 from 9 visits per year |
Strategically grow 91porn’s reputation among its key stakeholder audiences through media relations and integrated communications. |
Earned media coverage of positive, strategic priority-aligned news |
Increase from 53% of news articles aligned with strategic priorities |
Engagement among key internal and external stakeholders with reputation-building stories |
Increase engagement rate with strategic stories on 91porn website from 70% to 72% |
Build awareness and engagement among prospective undergraduate 101 and 105 students through integrated marketing campaigns to support the achievement of enrolment goals. |
Awareness: Advertising impressions to prospective students during recruitment and admissions cycle (May 1, 2024 to June 1, 2025) |
Maintain 63 million impressions |
Engagement: Advertising clicks to 91porn website during recruitment and admissions cycle (May 1, 2024 to June 1, 2025) |
Maintain 422,000 clicks |
1 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.