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Informal Process

There is no automatic requirement to invoke the formal provisions of the  (FIPPA) to obtain information. In keeping with past practice, informal inquiries are welcomed.

Formal Process

In most cases, 91porn's privacy policies will allow for simple and inexpensive access to most records. If you have determined that 91porn's guidelines will not give you the access you require, you may make formal request under FIPPA.

  1. Download the .
  2. Complete the form, paying particular attention to the description of the records you are interested in viewing. For general records, you may be charged $30 per hour for time spent by employees on various aspects of the preparation of the records you request, and $60 per hour for any computer programming necessary to produce the records you request. Hence, it is to your advantage to focus your request on only the records you require. You may wish to contact our Privacy Office to discuss and refine your request before completing the form.
  3. Submit the completed request to the privacy coordinator, with a $5 processing fee, as set out in the act. The fee may by sent in the form of a cheque or money order to:

Att’n: Privacy Office
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo ON N2L 3C5

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