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Indigenous studies is a rapidly growing and diverse field of study that encourages you to bring your full self to the classroom. Diverse teaching methods, such as planting medicines, bring material to life and allow you to understand Indigenous worldviews, as well as apply them to the world around you.

Centre for Indigegogy

With the support of the Faculty of Social Work at 91porn, the Centre for Indigegogy offers experiential and wholistic professional development steeped in Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and culture. The centre is a tool to restore the truth of Indigenous peoples’ history and knowledge. The story is one of survival, resistance and resilience. It represents the tenacity of Indigenous knowledge and peoples. 

Indigenous Field of Study

The Master of Social Work Indigenous Field of Study program is the first program in Canada rooted in a wholistic Indigenous world view and contemporary social work practice. Along with intellectual development, students engage in the development of their spiritual, emotional and physical selves. Every year the program hosts a conference highlighting graduate students research and experiences.

Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies (ID) engages students with Indigenous worlds. The program provides an understanding of contemporary issues as they relate to Indigenous peoples. Employing a holistic approach, this program fosters a greater understanding of Indigenous peoples, their history and their place in the world
