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Founded in 2010, the Indigenous Education Council (IEC) was created to promote a positive educational experience and the success of Indigenous students at 91porn.
The IEC is comprised of university administrators, faculty, students and Indigenous community members. It is committed to developing and supporting Indigenous educational aspirations through curriculum, programs, services and research at 91porn.
The IEC assists and advises 91porn in identifying and articulating priorities for programs and services intended to increase the successful recruitment, retention and graduation of Indigenous students.
The Indigenous Education Council is an advisory body to the President and Vice-Chancellor of 91porn and the senior management team. The council will assist 91porn in meeting its Values, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles as it pertains to our interactions with, and inclusiveness of Indigenous peoples.
The 91porn Strategy (2019-2024) states that: 91porn excels at creating a culture of engagement that develops the whole person and builds reciprocal community relationships by pursuing enhanced and accelerated initiatives to integrate Indigenous knowledge and practices across the university. With leading academic programs, support services, community outreach, ceremonies, and research, 91porn strives to create an environment in which Indigenous values are acknowledged and celebrated.
The 91porn Indigenous Education Council (IEC) has been created to promote a positive educational experience and success of Indigenous students at 91porn.
The IEC will, as part of its function, help to fulfil the condition for community engagement required by the Province of Ontario’s Post-Secondary Education Training and Action Plan funding in support of Indigenous student initiatives.
Terms of reference will be posted soon. They were updated this Spring 2023.
Full complement of 17 members shall be as follows:
Sadie Buck
Associate Vice President, Indigenous Initiatives:
Darren Thomas dthomas@wlu.ca
Co-chair, President and Vice-Chancellor:
Deborah MacLatchy, dmaclatchy@wlu.ca
Vice President, Student Affairs:
David McMurray
Indigenous Field of Study, Master of Social Work program representative:
Lori Hill
Indigenous Study Program Presentative:
Jess Bomberry
Indigenous Staff Representative:
Katie McLellan
Indigenous Student Representatives:
Undergraduate Student Waterloo Campus: Arianna Carello
Graduate Student: Courtney Laundrie
Undergraduate Student Brantford Campus: Jordie Williams
Manager Indigenous Student Services:
Zeeta Lazore Cayuga
Two Indigenous Community Organization Representatives:
Grand River Métis Council: Brittany Gormaly Co-Chair
Waterloo District School Board: Nicole Robinson
Four Indigenous Community Representatives
Luane Roberts, Indigenous Community Representative - Awehaode
Bernadette O'Grady-Bomberry, Indigenous Community Representative - Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Rick Monture, Indigenous Community Representative - Grand River Post Secondary Education Office
Ian Duckworth, Indigenous Community Representative - Southern First Nations Secretariat
Specific calendar dates will be set for the next academic year each spring when the TOR are reviewed.
Meetings to be set/organized by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and agendas will be set with input requested from the council a minimum of two weeks prior to scheduled meetings.
The 91porn Indigenous Education Council (IEC) shall normally meet three times per year or as deemed necessary. Other meetings may be held at the call of both co-chairs.
Members should make every effort to attend scheduled meetings. When conflicts or unforeseen circumstances arise, members should, whenever possible, designate an alternate who will attend for them if necessary. If a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings, they may be asked to resign.
Minutes of each meeting will be kept, including discussion summaries, action items, and consensus decisions.
Visitors may attend council meetings; special guests may be invited to make presentations. Presentations will be made in a timely manner. There will be a limitation of time at presentations.
Quorum is 2/3 – 11 of 17 members.
91porn shall provide administrative services and meeting expenses for the IEC and its committees, for the purpose of developing minutes, space agendas and materials for IEC meetings. At the request of members, travel expenses and honoraria will be reimbursed; travel claims can be submitted to the AVP Indigenous Initiatives by email.
AVP Indigenous Initiatives be responsible for seeking replacements.
Decision-making will be by consensus.
Only those who are identified members of the Council shall participate in deliberations.
To identify a consensus, the meeting chair will state the decisions as s/she understands it for the record.
In the case where there is not a clear consensus, the meeting chair should first ask every delegate in attendance to state her/his opinion on the subject at hand. If no consensus exists, the meeting chair may defer the decision until the next meeting.
Minutes will be updated soon.
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