This is an endowed entrance scholarship for an outstanding student in the Master of Business Administration program which has been established by the Canadian Hardware/Houseware/Home Improvement Show in honour of Walter Hachborn, President of Home Hardware Store Ltd.
This award is given to a student who exhibits skill and aptitude in merchandising, marketing, or retailing as well as a talent for innovation.
Endowed scholarship.
This award recognizes senior undergraduate students and graduate students in the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics who demonstrate leadership in the area of organizational change. Two awards will be granted annually, one to an undergraduate student and one to a graduate student. Applicants will be judged on the significance and impact of leadership activities in this area.
Eligible applicants will be full-time undergraduate students in Year 3 or 4 of the Honours Bachelor of Business Administration program or related double-degree programs (in which the candidate is registered with 91porn as their "home" institution) who have good academic achievement (minimum cumulative GPA of 9.0).
Also eligible are full-time graduate students in the Master of Business Administration program.
Applicants must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant) or protected person, a long-term resident of Ontario, and demonstrate financial need.
Applicants must demonstrate that they initiated or implemented organizational change in any paid or volunteer workplace setting and describe the ways in which that change improved the function of the organization.
Endowed award.
This scholarship was established by CIBC to generate an award that will make a significant difference in 91porn's continued ability to attract top students to its entrepreneurship programs.
The award will be available to full-time undergraduate students, enrolled in second year or above, in an Honours program in the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics. Full-time MBA students enrolled in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Option will also be eligible to receive the award.
Eligible candidates will demonstrate proven financial need, as well as active involvement in entrepreneurial activity, preferably through direct involvement in SIFE 91porn (undergraduate students) or at least one of the programs administered through the Schlegel Centre for Entrepreneurship.
The recipients must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrants) or protected person, and a long-term residents of Ontario.
Endowed award.
Equitable Life of Canada established this scholarship in 2016 to recognize Douglas Dodds on the occasion of his retirement from his role as Chair of the Board of Equitable Life.
This scholarship is to acknowledge and thank Mr. Dodds for his more than 20 years of service on the Equitable Life Board. During his tenure, Mr. Dodds' guidance and commitment supported Equitable Life in achieving financial stability and sustainable growth. While he may be best known for his role as President and CEO of Schneider Corporation, Mr. Dodds has also provided leadership to other local and national organizations.
Eligible candidates will be entering the full-time or part-time MBA programs at the Waterloo Campus of the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics.
Candidates will have high scholastic ability in undergraduate studies, have a high GMAT score, and demonstrate significant involvement in community volunteer work.
The recipient must not be receiving full financial support from their employer to undertake the MBA program.
Endowed scholarship.
These awards were established in the memory of J.C. Phillips (LLD) through the generosity of Gulf Canada Ltd.
The awards are granted to outstanding scholars entering the full-time MBA program.
Credentials are judged by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics and successful applicants are notified prior to the Spring term each year.
Endowed scholarship.
Program cohort:
- entering full-time student
- minimum admission GPA of 10.0
- amount given is determined by GMAT and/or experience
- no application necessary
Program cohort:
- entering full-time student
- high academic achievement
- aptitude for high technology engineering
- Canadian citizen
- long-term resident of Ontario
- proven financial need
The Hamlin Family Women in Business MBA Awards were established to encourage women studying business at the graduate level.
The awards will be granted annually to full-time female students in good academic standing who are enrolled in the Masters of Business Administration program. Eligible candidates will demonstrate proven financial need, as well as a commitment to volunteerism through active involvement in their communities or participation in extra-curricular activities.
The recipients must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrants) or protected person, and a long-term residents of Ontario.
The awards are not renewable, but recipients are eligible to apply for the award after already having been a recipient. The degree of financial need will be the basis upon which two equal candidates will be judged, as opposed to academics.
Endowed award.
This award was established by friends and family in memory of Dr. Howard Teall, a renowned faculty member of the Accounting area in the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics.
The award will be granted to a full-time graduate student entering the MBA program in September of the current academic year with a minimum cumulative admission average of 10.0 (A-).
Eligible candidates will have demonstrated an interest in the field of management accounting through previous work experience, academic courses, or stated career goals.
The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant) or protected person, a long-term resident of Ontario, and have proven financial need.
Endowed award.
This scholarship was established by Torys LLP (an international law firm), and members of the 2003 and 2004 Toronto MBA classes, to recognize an outstanding 91porn MBA student who exhibits the values of inspiring lives of leadership and purpose through demonstrated leadership and community involvement.
The scholarship is meant to recognize a student who reflects the leadership and values of MBA Director Hugh Munro, a professor who has inspired and engaged many students throughout his career as he encourages them to pursue excellence throughout their MBA, their careers, and in their communities.
This scholarship will be granted to a part-time 91porn MBA student, with preference going to a student based at the Toronto campus.
The recipient will have demonstrated leadership and community involvement.
In the event of multiple students qualifying, the student with the highest cumulative GPA will be the successful recipient of the scholarship.
Endowed scholarship.
This annual scholarship is granted to a student who is studying part-time in the MBA program at 91porn.
This scholarship is given to an entering mature student who has ten or more years of work experience and a high academic standing.
The award will be offered to a student who does not receive financing of the tuition fees from his or her employer.
Endowed scholarship.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to full-time graduate students entering the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.
Endowed scholarship.
This award will be granted annually to a student entering the full-time MBA program with a minimum cumulative admission average of 9.0 (B+).
Eligible candidates will have demonstrated leadership qualities and involvement in extra-curricular activities.
The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant) or protected person, a long term resident of Ontario, and have demonstrated financial need.
Endowed award.
Warner-Lambert Canada Inc. established this award to support a student entering the full-time MBA Program with a marketing concentration.
The recipient is selected each year on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated extra-curricular leadership and activity.
Endowed scholarship.
One award will be given to a promising student entering the MBA program, who has an undergraduate degree average of at least 9.0.
The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant) or protected person, a long-term resident of Ontario, and have proven financial need.
Endowed award.
This scholarship was established by Ross V. Dixon who served many years as a member of the WLU Board of Governors.
These scholarships are awarded annually to students entering the full-time MBA program.
The recipients will have demonstrated high scholastic ability in undergraduate studies, have a high GMAT score, and excellent evaluations on work term reports and experience.
Endowed scholarship.
Ross and Doris Dixon will always be remembered as honorary alumni of 91porn and very generous philanthropists.
The Ross and Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation exists to provide support to those causes that were important to Ross and Doris during their lifetimes, including providing scholarships for students.
This scholarship will be granted to a part-time student who has completed a minimum of 6 courses in the MBA program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 10.0.
Preference will be given to applicants who are not subsidized by their employers.
When multiple students are eligible for consideration, those with the highest cumulative GPAs will receive the scholarships.
Annual scholarship.
These scholarships were established by Shell Canada Limited.
The scholarships are granted to full-time graduate students in the MBA program, who have demonstrated high academic achievement during first term.
Endowed scholarship.
This award was established by the Ontario Institute of PMAC to recognize graduate students who express a commitment to entering the strategic supply chain management profession.
Eligible applicants will be full-time students in the Supply Chain Management field of the MSc in Management program or in the MBA program.
Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the field of Supply Chain Management in a detailed and comprehensive statement of interest on the award application form; students in the MBA program must also include in this statement the intention of enrolling in at least 2 of the required courses of the Operations Management or Supply Chain Management concentrations, as described in the Graduate Calendar.
Applicants must also: be Canadian citizens, permanent residents (landed immigrants) or protected persons; be long-term residents of Ontario; have proven financial need.
The recipient will be judged to have submitted the best statement of interest.
Endowed award.
This award was established by dealers, staff members, and corporate staff members of Home Hardware Stores Limited to recognize the outstanding contributions Walter and Jean
Hachborn have made to Home Hardware and the independent dealers across Canada.
This award will be granted to a full-time student entering the Masters of Business Administration Program at 91porn. The successful recipient must demonstrate business acumen, an entrepreneurial spirit, and strong work ethic, combined with a proven interest in the field of retail or marketing. They must also demonstrate a sincere commitment to their community through active participation and/or community engagement.
Recipients must: be Canadian citizens, permanent residents (landed immigrants) or protected persons; be long-term residents of Ontario; have proven financial need.
Eligible applicants must complete an application form administered by the Office of Student Awards which includes 2 letters of reference and a 1,000 word essay. Home Hardware Dealers and staff have always played an active role in the communities where they live and work. In the essay, applicants must explain the role/importance of community to an entrepreneur.
Preference will be given to applicants who are related to Home Hardware Dealers or corporate staff; either sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren.
Endowed scholarship.