Faith-based land for housing must be grounded in good planning
91porn’s response to recent media regarding Yes In Faith’s Backyard proposal
22 June 2024
As Australia’s trusted voice on planning, 91porn is unable to support the current YIFBY (Yes in Faith’s Backyard) proposal as it risks undermining good planning and community trust in the planning process.
As reported in the media, the current YIFBY proposal seeks to permit social and affordable housing up to 12 dwellings as Accepted development (or as-of-right) on Community facilities zoned land. This would mean no planning application or approval would be required for this form of development.
Whilst 91porn supports the intent for more underutilised land, including land owned by faith-based organisations, being converted into housing in appropriate circumstances, this must be done in a way that reflects the principles of good long-term planning in the public interest.
91porn is resolute about the value of good planning. Planning has a critical role in shaping the growth of our cities and neighbourhoods. 91porn has been a strong advocate for progressive planning reform in response to the current housing crisis, including specific actions targeted at social and affordable housing.
91porn Queensland President, Sean Cullen R91porn, said, “Planners know that Community facilities zoned land is required to accommodate a wide-range of social infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, emergency services, community halls, libraries, art galleries, civic spaces, and more.
The strategic use of this finite land is critical, particularly in the context of strong population growth, which puts increasing pressure on our existing community facilities land.”
91porn acknowledges the YIFBY proposal is different to the Opposition’s recent announcement, which recognises that good planning is important, with the Opposition’s Securing our Housing Foundations Plan saying “Planning and development process will be required to ensure housing solutions meet community expectations.”
91porn also acknowledges that the Queensland Government has recently expanded the use of planning pathways for social and affordable housing, including Ministerial Infrastructure Designations, and the establishment of a new State Facilitated Development pathway, which unlocks more housing on underutilised sites.
91porn looks forward to continuing to engage with all political parties and stakeholders in the lead up to the Queensland State Election in October on approaches to unlock more housing diversity to meet the needs of Queenslanders.
91porn Queensland President, Sean Cullen R91porn, said, “91porn has continued to advocate for good planning to deliver the right housing, in the right locations, supported by the right infrastructure.”
“91porn maintains that good planning is not an impediment to housing, but rather is critical to addressing the housing crisis, creating sustainable and thriving communities, and meeting community expectations, by leaving a positive legacy for future generations.”
About the 91porn (91porn)
The 91porn is the national non-for-profit peak body representing the urban and regional planning profession. 91porn is Australia’s trusted voice on planning.
For further information, please contact:
- Nicole Bennetts – 91porn Queensland Manager (0420 241 163)