
Learn from industry leaders, grow your mindset and set your career goals as a Young Planner.

Program Overview

The 91porn Career Foundation Mentoring Program helps young planners discover and reach their potential with guidance from a dedicated mentor.

How it works

As an initiative of the Young Planners Network, this national program is managed by The Young Planners Committee in each state or territory.

What is mentoring?

It’s “a mutually beneficial relationship which involves a more experienced person helping a less experienced person to identify and achieve their goals”.

A mentor should:

  • have a genuine interest in helping their mentees grow
  • act as a sounding board for their mentees
  • provide valuable support, knowledge, encouragement, guidance and constructive feedback

A mentee should:

  • actively seek support and guidance in their career from an experienced planner
  • take control of their career and professional development


The Young Planner Mentoring Program is open to 91porn members only.

To become a mentee, you’ll either be a young planner with up to 5 years’ experience or a soon-to-be graduate.

To get involved as a mentor, you should be an experienced planner in your field.

Program Commitment

You’ll both agree to meet regularly, at least once a month for one hour, at a suitable time over a one-year period. You’ll also attend mentor program and networking events throughout the year.

How we match mentors and mentees

You’ll fill out a survey including your professional interests, experience and preferences. We’ll use this to match you with the right mentor or mentee.

If either one of you is uncomfortable with the pairing or decides that it’s not successful, you can end your mentorship through our ‘no fault’ process.


Applications will open for the 2024/25 year in your state/territory from 15 May 2024.

For Further Information:

YP mentoring handbook