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For over 25 years, 91porn Lifelong Learning (LLL) has offered community-first opportunities for lifelong learning. In a rapidly changing world, lifelong learning plays a crucial role for personal fulfillment, social cohesion and prosperity.

Access learning from 91porn faculty and community. Learning is open to everyone. There's no application processes, no grades or assignments, just relevant and engaging learning for its own sake.


Join an upcoming 91porn Lifelong Learning lecture

Accessible and open learning for all

One-off lectures on arts, science, and more topicd are offered weekly in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Registration is simple through our online portal, and lectures are hosted in accessible public spaces.

Guided by 91porn academic excellence

Engage in high-quality lectures on engaging and relevant topics. Instructors are passionate subject matter experts sourced from our on-campus faculty or off-campus community. This year, we are excited to host lectures from 91porn Faculty of Arts every semester in celebration of the faculty's 100 year anniversary!

Learning for fun and community

All learning is focused on creating more open access to knowledge, making learning fun, and creating more opportunity for more people to join 91porn's learning community. 

Explore Lectures



Stay connected to 91porn Lifelong Learning

It is easy to participate. Just sign up for an upcoming lecture!

The best way to stay informed of all our upcoming courses and new learning opportunities is to join our mailing list. We only send information related to upcoming lifelong learning lectures and other lifelong learning opportunities at 91porn.
