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The Lazaridis Intellectual Property Lab provides legal information on topics related to intellectual property (“IP”) law and IP business strategy. The Lazaridis IP Lab assists both individuals and businesses living in Southwestern Ontario, with particular emphasis on the Waterloo, Brantford and Milton regions and surrounding areas.

The Lazaridis IP Lab can assist businesses and individuals with understanding topics such as: patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets. Situated within the well-regarded Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, the Lazaridis IP Lab is uniquely situated to not only provide legal information, but to also assist businesses in developing their non-legal business strategies related to IP.

The Lazaridis IP Lab’s mission is to grow innovation within Ontario by educating the local communities on IP-related issues. Further, by having students assist with the clinic’s operations, the Lazaridis IP Lab provides unique experiential learning opportunities to its students. The Lazaridis IP Lab strives to encourage research into IP and is happy to publicise that research in its efforts to further education and research into IP. As part of its mission, the Lazaridis IP Lab will also be hosting IP educational events within the Waterloo region open to all community members.

If you are interested in using the services of the Lazaridis IP Lab, or if you wish to partner with or become involved with the Lazaridis IP Lab in any capacity, please contact iplab@wlu.ca.



The Lazaridis IP Lab is not a law firm, and its employees/contractors/affiliated entities are not your lawyers. Information shared with the Lazaridis IP Lab is not privileged. Therefore, any information shared with the Lazaridis IP Lab may be disclosable, should the Lazaridis IP Lab be compelled by law to disclose such information.

The Lazaridis IP Lab also does not, and is unable to, provide legal advice. The Lazaridis IP Lab can only provide you or your business with legal information. Examples of legal information may include, for example, prior art searches, memorandums that explain legal topics and/or procedural matters in a general, non-prescriptive manner, and non-legal business strategy advice.


The Lazaridis IP Lab’s operations are made possible by funding from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). The Lazaridis IP Lab is grateful for this funding and to be able to offers its services to the local community.

Contact Us:

Brandon Mattalo, Director of Lazaridis IP Lab

E: bmattalo@wlu.ca
T: 548.889.4664
