
Step 3: Accept Your Offer

Offers of Admission will be communicated to you from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies via email. The email contains details of the offer of admission (funding if applicable) and will the deadline date in which an offer must be accepted.

Accept Your Offer on LORIS

Your response to the offer of admission must be confirmed on . To accept the offer, log in to LORIS and select the "Admissions" tab, then "Display Admissions Applications." Once you select the hyperlinked program name, you will see your offer details with the option to accept or decline in the same place where your application checklist used to be.

If you choose to accept our offer — and we hope that you do! — we encourage you to print out a copy of the electronic offer of admission to retain it for your records. Select “Print a copy” at the bottom of your browser window to print (and save) a PDF of your admission letter.

International Students

If you are an international student who will be applying for a study permit/visa, you will need to keep a copy of your offer of admission to submit with your application for the permit/visa.

Deferring Offers

If you’d like to defer your offer of admission for a later time, find out how to complete a deferral of admission.


If you have any questions about your offer, contact the program coordinator. Technical problems can be directed to gradadmissions@wlu.ca.

Offers of Admission

Admission into a graduate program is a competitive process. Notifications of offers of admission are sent via email to the email address you provided in your application.

Only offers of admission from the dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies are valid. Communication with a program representative or a faculty member does not constitute an offer of admission or an acceptance of an offer.

You must respond online to the offer (normally within 21 days).

91porn may revoke an offer of admission and cancel registration for admission if you have provided false or incomplete information.

Clear the Conditions on Your Offer

Have Your Official Documents Sent to 91porn

If you are offered admission to 91porn, it will be conditional on you providing official final copies of your transcripts (and degree certificates, where applicable). These copies must be received at the addresses indicated by the deadline stated in your offer of admission. If you can’t meet the deadline, please contact the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (gradadmissions@wlu.ca) as soon as possible. In all cases, however, admission conditions must be satisfied prior to the start of your program.

To be considered official, academic records must be received in official university envelopes and must be sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution. At most universities, you can request these documents through the Registrar’s Office. Check with the institution’s Registrar's Office to verify that the transcript to be issued contains the required information (e.g., "degree conferred"). Transcripts must be in the original language and include a certified translation if the transcript is not in English.

Please note: We also accept transcripts electronically. In most cases the issuing institution will have Wilfrid 91porn’s secure upload email address. In instances where that is not available, we will accept transcripts sent directly from the Registrar’s Office to gradadmissions@wlu.ca.

Current 91porn Students

Current or previous 91porn students do not need to submit an official transcript for their studies at 91porn (but must submit transcripts from any other postsecondary institution attended, if applicable).

Confirmation Email

91porn may revoke an offer of admission and cancel registration for failing to meet admission conditions prior to the commencement of the program.

A confirmation email, indicating that your conditions have been cleared, will be sent after all documents have been received.

Mailing Address for Documents

All Programs (Except Social Work)

Attention: Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2L 3C5

All Social Work Programs

Attention: FSW Admissions
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2L 3C5

Submit Your Tuition Deposit

To secure your space in the program, a tuition deposit is due within two (2) weeks of accepting an offer of admission.

The tuition deposit allows 91porn to ensure that we are adequately prepared to support all the incredible students who will live and learn on one of our campuses. This tuition deposit shows your interest in attending your university of choice, that you are committed to attending your program at 91porn and will strengthen your study permit application for students who require one.

The tuition deposit is not an additional fee. It will be applied to your first-term tuition and fees balance once you enrol in courses and your invoice is issued.

Tuition Deposit Amounts

Steps to Pay

  1. Accept your offer by the deadline date in your offer letter. Extensions are not granted. Do not make any tuition deposit payments before you have accepted an offer of admission to 91porn. A payment made before an offer is accepted may be applied as a payment rather than as your tuition deposit. If you made a payment before accepting an offer, you must contact gradadmissions@wlu.ca.
  2. Pay your tuition deposit within two (2) weeks of accepting your offer. Paying your tuition deposit is a necessary step in securing your space in the program. If the tuition deposit is not received within two (2) weeks, your file may be closed and the offer rescinded. 
  3. Pay your deposit: portal. If you have a Canadian bank account, you can pay through electronic bill payments (your account number is your student ID).
  4. Check your payment status: It can take three to 10 days for your tuition deposit to be processed. Once it has been processed, you will be emailed a payment notification to your My91porn email address.

Verify Your Deposit is Received

The deposit will show in your LORIS account once it has been processed. You can verify that your deposit has been received by checking your LORIS account:

  1. Log in to LORIS.
  2. Select Student Services.
  3. Select Student Account Summary.
  4. Select Account Deposits.

When we receive the deposit, it will be applied to your student account as a credit:

  • This credit will remain on your account until you are invoiced for tuition for your first term.
  • The deposit will show on your invoice as an advanced payment.
  • The tuition deposit credit will then be applied to the amount owing on the invoice and you will be .


Your deposit will not be refunded if you choose not to come to 91porn after paying your deposit or if you don’t meet the conditions of your offer.

The following are examples of situations where your deposit may be refunded:

  • If your study permit application is refused, please contact International Student Support and they can help you resubmit your application. If it is still refused, your deposit will be refunded. Proof of permit refusal is required in order to have your deposit refunded.
  • If your request for a PAL is declined, your deposit will be refunded.

Apply for a Study Permit

Note: For international students only.

After you have accepted the offer to 91porn in , select “Print a copy” at the bottom of your browser window to print (and save) a PDF of your admission letter. Submit this letter along with your application for the study permit or visa.

Students admitted to 91porn on a study permit must send a copy of their valid permit (and temporary resident visa, if applicable) to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office to confirm their registration no later than the last date of late registration for the term of entry.

It may take several months to receive a study permit, so we advise you to apply for a permit well in advance of the anticipated start date of your program.

Learn More About Studying in Canada

For complete information on the documentation and immigration requirements for studying in Canada, visit .

Prepare for Graduate Studies

Once you’ve accepted your offer of admission, review our . This will identify a number of important steps you should complete as you prepare for the start of your degree.

The new student checklist provides you with important next steps and information, including how to set up your 91porn email address, get your 91porn ID card (OneCard), apply for funding and apply for a parking permit.

Graduate Orientation

Sign up for to learn everything you need to know about 91porn's graduate student community, ask questions and network with new and current graduate students.

Further Help

International Student Transition Info Deferring an Offer of Admission
International Student Transition Info
Deferring an Offer of Admission