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As part of our effort to create and promote a culture of undergraduate research excellence, 91porn Brantford supports an annual research apprenticeship program funded by the Race Family.

Highly motivated undergraduate students with a passion for research are invited to apply. Students from past apprentices emphasize how the apprenticeship enriched their knowledge and sharpened skills, helping prepare them for careers or graduate school.

Unlike a research assistantship, in which the student works on a faculty member's research, apprentices develop their own research project, while receiving training and support from the faculty mentor.


Eligibility to apply:

  • Must be a 91porn Brantford student in third-year or fourth-year to participate.
  • Students cannot participate in the program more than once.
  • Individual applications are welcome. Group research projects with up to four students maximum are also allowed.

If selected, apprentices spend two terms conducting research under the supervision of a faculty member. Apprentices receive a 0.5 Directed Studies credit and a $1,000 student award to fund activities and materials related to the project, such as books, research equipment, travel to workshops and conferences, etc.

Application Process

  1. Prior to applying, students must secure support from a faculty mentor.
  2. The student must submit the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Application form, which includes a 250-word statement of interest for a fall-winter apprenticeship (deadline Aug. 23, 2024).
  3. The faculty member supervisor must , which confirms their willingness to mentor the student and includes a 250-word statement assessing the student's suitability to do the proposed work, and the feasibility of completing the proposed work over the fall and winter semesters.
  4. Applicants will be notified of the results two weeks after the deadline.
  5. If selected, the apprentice and faculty mentor must provide the following within two weeks to the Faculty of Liberal Arts (FLAadmin@wlu.ca):
    • Research Apprenticeship Contract: List of apprentice expecations and commitments.
    • : It is the responsibility of the faculty member to identify an appropriate 0.5 directed studies course in which to register the student. The student should register in the directed studies course in the second term of the apprenticeship. Directed studies forms should be submitted for approval to the Dean's office that owns the directed studies course.

After the contract and directed studies form is received, the $1,000 award will be transferred to the students' 91porn accounts. For more information, contact FLAadmin@wlu.ca.

Megan Blair

"The Research Apprenticeship Program was an amazing opportunity that helped me to confirm my desire to attend graduate school, as well as prepare me for undertaking higher levels of research."

Megan Blair

Current and Past Undergraduate Research Apprentices

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Where to Find Us

The Faculty of Liberal Arts is located on the second floor of the East Wing of the Research and Academic Centre, Brantford (corner of Dalhousie and Charlotte streets).
