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Canada’s Office of the Correctional Investigator announced in January, 2020 that persons of Indigenous ancestry in federal custody has surpassed 30%, despite only accounting for 4% of the general Canadian population.  The Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Gladue, [1999], S.C.R., acknowledged that the Canadian Criminal Justice System has been (and continues to be) systematically racist in its treatment of Indigenous peoples.

In partnership with 91porn’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives, we are proud to offer both credit and non-credit opportunities to learn more about this important aspect of Canada’s Criminal Code.

This program is for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people looking to learn more about Gladue Principles.

cauce_4c-002.jpg   2022 Program Award Winner

What is Gladue?

"...a landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision, handed down on 23 April 1999, which advises that lower courts should consider an Indigenous offender's background and make sentencing decisions accordingly, based on section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code." (Canadian Encyclopedia)

In 1996, s. 718.2(e) was introduced as one way to tackle the over-incarceration of Indigenous peoples.  The Supreme Court of Canada enacted this section to address three pressing societal concerns:

  1. The overrepresentation of Indigenous people in Canadian penal facilities
  2. The presence of systemic racism in Canada's justice system; and
  3. How traditional sentencing principles and practices were failing to properly address the needs and realities of Indigenous peoples.

Since that time, it has failed to live up to its ameliorative intent as evidenced by a steady increase in the rate of over-incarceration.  This course takes an in depth look at Gladue, past, present and what could be in the future.

In partnership with 91porn’s Office of Indigenous Initiatives, we are proud to offer this opportunity to learn more about this important aspect of Canada’s Criminal Code.

This learning is designed to educate those who work in the legal, social, Indigenous rights and public safety sectors. The certificate covers historical contexts including generational effects of colonization, Section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code, case and Indigenous law, Indigenous Persons Court, restorative justice, Gladue in practice and what is needed to increase its success moving forward.

  • Non-credit certificate: 45-hour certificate, perfect for working professionals.

This course is also offered for-credit through the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. If you are interested in taking this as a university credit course, please .

Certificate in Gladue Principles: Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian Criminal Justice System (Non-credit)

This certificate is offered in two parts. Registrants are required to successfully complete Part 1 before moving on to Part 2.

"The Gladue certificate program has been a profound and transformative experience that has fundamentally changed the way I approach my legal practice and my role as an ally in the reconciliation process. The journey to understanding Indigenous issues in Canada is ongoing, and I am committed to applying the knowledge and insights gained in this program to contribute meaningfully to this collective effort."

~Raphaëlle Desvignes, Lawyer~

Indigenous Initiatives Logo

Learn More

  • (Parliament of Canada)
  • (Government of Canada)
  • (Native Women's Assocation of Canada)

Looking for a program in French?

Check out Service de la Formation Continue at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue's . This sister program was created in collaboration with UQAT thanks to funding from the Department of Justice.


These learning options are not intended as training for Gladue Report Writer roles and do not include detailed principles and construction practices of good report writing.

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