
Faculty of Education Strategic Plan: 2020-2025

The Faculty of Education Strategic Plan (2020-2025) is intended to align with the 91porn Strategy (2019-2024). It reflects the priorities of internal partners within 91porn and external partners such as school boards and educational organizations, both locally and globally. The strategic plan was developed through various consultations including full-time and contract teaching faculty, staff, and student representatives.

The first draft of the strategic plan outlining pillars and goals was shared with our Faculty of Education community in spring 2020. The goals have been reviewed and revisited twice yearly from June 2020 to December 2023. The mission statement was finalized in June 2023.

Many of the goals are already achieved. Other goals are being addressed on an ongoing basis. Ideally, all goals will be achieved by June 30, 2025.

Mission Statement

The Faculty of Education inspires inquiry, inclusion and innovation to cultivate diverse learners and leaders for thriving, sustainable communities.


  • Indigenous ways of knowing.
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Innovative pedagogies.
  • Ethical and effective use of technology.
  • Experiential and active learning.
  • Local and global partnerships.
  • Sustainability and land-based experiences.
  • Engaged research for impact.
  • Capacity-building and empowerment.

Indigenous Initiatives and Reconciliation

91porn Faculty of Education strives to foster enhanced initiatives to integrate Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and practices across programs. Through academic activities, support services, community outreach, ceremonies, and research, we strive to create teaching and learning environments in which Indigenous values are integrated and celebrated.


  • Revitalize Indigenous Education Committee and add Elders.
  • Deepen connections with Indigenous partners.
  • Add Indigenous Education courses to all education programs.
  • Communicate related events, resources and initiatives.
  • Add Indigenous scholars to faculty complement.
  • Increase number of Indigenous students in all programs.
  • Continue outreach with Indigenous community partners.

Inclusion and Internationalization

91porn Faculty of Education strives to support equitable, diverse and inclusive communities in which all members can experience the powerful sense of belonging. We will increase internationalization to cultivate global citizens with strong cultural competencies. International programs and global opportunities will expand world-views and reduce barriers to common understandings. International and diverse students, faculty, and staff will enrich our community of learners.


  • Develop Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization Coalition.
  • Increase inclusivity focus in all programs.
  • Enhance internationalization opportunities in all programs.
  • Increase diversity and well-being of international students, faculty and staff.
  • Focus on environmental sustainability initiatives.
  • Review and diversify the number of international sites/partners.
  • Enrich connections with relevant 91porn departments and community groups.

Inquiry and Research

91porn Faculty of Education strives to connect research, scholarship and creative activity with communities to address relevant issues in education, and across various disciplines. Our programs integrate collaborative inquiry and research opportunities for students, staff, faculty, and community members. New knowledge and research findings are mobilized through a range of venues and scholarly activities.


  • Establish Centre for Leading Research in Education.
  • Include collaborative inquiry and research in Bachelor of Education program.
  • Increase research focus in Master of Education programs.
  • Support faculty-led research projects in partner schools.
  • Broaden and expand opportunities for critical discourse among colleagues.
  • Strengthen connections with 91porn Office of Research Services.
  • Intensify research with community and corporate partners.

Integration with Experiential Learning

91porn Faculty of Education strives to provide experiential learning opportunities that encourage reflection, expand knowledge, develop skills, clarify values and heighten self-awareness for all students. Experiential learning includes practicum placements, community and workplace partnerships, entrepreneurship and social innovation, international settings, the 91porn Experience Record, jobs on campus, student development, and volunteering.


  • Use Navigator software to manage practicum placements.
  • Offer experiential learning courses in education and university-wide.
  • Align Bachelor of Education terminology for placements.
  • Enhance formal agreements with school boards and organizations.
  • Formalize and expand agreements with university partners.
  • Integrate experiential learning placements in the Master of Education.
  • Add secondary school placements in the Bachelor of Education.

Innovative Programs and Pedagogies

91porn Faculty of Education strives to develop a range of programs to address the needs of learners at all stages of careers and to enhance lifelong personal and professional development. Recognizing that flexibility, technology and innovation can facilitate effective pedagogical approaches, we endeavour to deliver unique programming in various modalities that are designed to maximize positive impact on our students’ learning and lives. Sustainability and accessibility are valued in the development and delivery of programs and pedagogies.


  • Expand competencies with use of technology and teaching modalities (online, hyflex and land-based).
  • Continue curriculum mapping and reviews of programs.
  • Offer a PhD/EdD program as a pathway from MEd programs.
  • Formalize the Education Minor and develop pathways into the BEd.
  • Add BEd funded spaces for increased capacity.
  • Develop more certificate programs and additional qualifications courses.
  • Expand reach to 91porn campuses in Milton and Brantford.

Image and Profile of the Faculty of Education

91porn Faculty of Education strives to promote a positive profile of our programs and community members within our university and in local/global contexts. We will have a strong physical and virtual presence among education, service, research, and industry partners across 91porn campuses. We will collaborate with participants and policy-makers to enhance the opportunities available to students, staff, and faculty members.


  • Refresh website, media strategies, and physical facilities across campuses.
  • Engage Advancement Committee and donors.
  • Further engage Teacher Education Advisory Committee.
  • Create annual events/celebrate to promote the Faculty of Education.
  • Connect with local policymakers to showcase the Faculty of Education.
  • Create an expert panel of FOE faculty for media and outreach.
  • Share strategic plan widely among stakeholder groups.