
Educational Resources for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization

At 91porn, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and Indigenization and decolonization are part of our core values as a learning institution. To help further the knowledge and skills of our community of educators within the Faculty of Education, the Faculty’s EDI and Indigenization Coalition has prepared this collection of resources. 

This collection draws on a range of English and French digital sources and includes information tools suitable for educator self-growth and resources for teaching in K-12 classrooms. This catalogue is not exhaustive. It is a living collection that is monitored and updated over time by resource people with knowledge and expertise in teaching and learning about EDI and Indigenization. 91porn Bachelor of Education Alumnae Kalysta Mejia-Torres and Renny Talianchich initiated this project in 2021. Current 91porn BEd student Ashley Couture will be acting as curator for the 2022/23 academic year, supported by Dr. Avis Beek of the Faculty of Education.

If you would like to contribute to the collection or have any comments or suggestions, please contact the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization Coalition through Dr. Avis Beek abeek@wlu.ca. For more information about the Faculty of Education's EDI & I Coalition follow us on Instagram .

In the Classroom: Resources for Teaching

The resources in this section support educators teaching students about EDI and Indigenization. They offer guidance in how to approach difficult topics, diversify classroom discussions in an age-appropriate way, and give students the tools and space to explore their experiences.


These resources can be used in the classroom to help support and educate students regarding anti-discrimination efforts pertaining to different marginalized communities.

Celebrating Identity

These resources can help us learn about identities and help educators build awareness of and honour different ways of being, foster inclusion and celebrate diversity.

Diversifying Knowledge

These resources can be used in the classroom to support students’ growing awareness of diverse identities and promote student agency in working towards equity and inclusion in their communities.


Indigenization is the process by which Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing and relating are incorporated into educational, organizational, cultural and social structures. We understand that Indigenous worldviews are equal to other views. (adapted from Camosun College)

Self-Growth: Resources for Educators

The resources in this section serve to support educators in their own journey learning about EDI and Indigenization. They can be used to develop teaching skills, help identify biases and gaps in one’s knowledge, and support the creation of inclusive spaces that empower students.

French Resources

Les ressources pour l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion (ÉDI) sont de précieux atouts dans le milieu de l’enseignement. Les suggestions qui suivent mettent l’accent sur le soutien de nos candidats/candidates en classe. Ce site s’engage à promouvoir l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion (ÉDI) dans toutes les activités d’enseignement, conscientes que cela les aidera à atteindre nos buts ÉDI.

La formation en enseignement

Dans la salle de classe

Library Resources

Through the 91porn Library’s website, find books and articles on EDI, for in-classroom use and professional self-growth.