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The Centre for Indigegogy workshops are dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous knowledge and practices. 

Explore our offerings: 

For more information on preparing to attend your module, see our "Workshop Preparation" page. 

Custom Offerings

For organizations and businesses looking to invest in professional development, our centre delivers a collective learning experience steeped in Indigegogy and hosted in circle pedagogy.

Our professional development programming offers an Indigenous-centred, wholistic approach to critical topics such as:

  • Colonial trauma
  • Decolonizing/Indigenizing,
  • Strategic planning,
  • Land-based healing and education,
  • Circle work (circle facilitation)
  • Community development


Custom Workshops are priced at $5,500 +taxes (full day) and $2,750 (half day)*. Extra fees are associated with in-person workshops (i.e. travel, accommodations, travel fee etc.).

Want to know more? Schedule a consult with Katie McLellan at kmclellan@wlu.ca

Indigegogy Certificates

Decolonizing Education Certificate

This certificate program is for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who want to develop their capacity to understand Indigenous perspectives in the history of colonization to contemporary realities in Canada. You must complete a minimum of eighty-four (84) program hours to obtain the certificate.

Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate

This certificate is for Indigenous or non-Indigenous practitioners working with Indigenous peoples. We cover practicing from a wholistic lens, and learning about what it means to decolonize and Indigenize trauma work in the context of the politics of colonialism.

You must complete a minimum of eighty-four (84) program hours to obtain the certificate. Modules 1, 2 and 4 are mandatory to complete the certificate.

Indigenous Re-Search Series

Wholistic Professional Development
