
University of Canberra Campus Master Plan

MGS Architects with Turf Design Studio, New Learning Environments, Canberra Town Planning, WSP, Waters Consulting and Vector Consulting

As Covid-19 threatens to undermine the University sector in Australia, the University of Canberra Campus Master Plan provides a vision for an education campus of the future. The Campus Master Plan brings together meaningful engagement processes, contemporary community and education planning, sustainability and reconciliation around a once in a lifetime opportunity to draw the Belconnen Town Centre to Civic light rail corridor through the Campus. The judges were impressed by the scale and vision of the Campus Master Plan which proposes a series of connected neighbourhoods, supported by active travel networks, and looks to bring the academic and broader community together. The celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture into the built environment alongside the placement of ecology and biodiversity at the centre of the Plan was applauded.