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Become a 91porn Board of Governors Member

91porn has an upcoming vacancy on its Board of Governors. 

This is an outstanding volunteer opportunity for exceptional board, business and community leaders who are committed to making a meaningful impact on 91porn’s future. Members of the Board play a critical role in advancing the University’s vision and mission, shaping strategic initiatives, and fostering connections with the communities we serve. 

Seeking Future Leaders

As 91porn looks to the future, we are prioritizing candidates who not only bring relevant skills, expertise and deep engagement with our communities but also have the interest, experience, and capacity to take on leadership roles within the Board. This includes consideration for roles such as Committee Chair or, in time, the Board Chair role. 

The University strongly encourages applications from individuals with demonstrated leadership experience, particularly those who have engaged deeply with the communities in which 91porn’s campuses are located—Waterloo, Kitchener, Brantford, and Milton.  The 91porn Board is an active governing body, with leadership roles requiring time and attention.  Please consider if you will have time available to serve over the coming years.

Required Attributes and Skills

Core Attributes for all Board Members

  • Proven strategic leadership 
  • Strong relationship building and collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Diversity of thought/perspective
  • Related governance experience on corporate or community boards
  • An understanding of higher education
  • Availability to attend and actively participate
  • Understanding of a complex, multi-stakeholder environment

Desired Skills for Available Vacancies

  • Major financial acumen (e.g. CPA and/or CFO role)
  • Human resources/ labour relations expertise
  • Legal expertise
  • Fundraising and development
  • Commercial real estate and facilities development

Board Member Responsibilities

  • Provide strategic direction and perspective
  • Respect confidentiality and conflict of interest
  • Consider the interests of all stakeholders
  • Act in the best interests of the university
  • Consider the interests of all stakeholders
  • Prepare for Board committee meetings
  • Attend meetings regularly
  • Act honestly and in good faith
  • Participate constructively
  • Be an enthusiastic supporter of the university

Time Commitment

  • Five Board meetings per year (in person encouraged)
  • Typically 2:00-6:00pm
  • 3-year term (renewable)
  • Ad-hoc meetings as they arise
  • Serve on at least one to two standing committees (meet virtually 4-5 times per year)
  • Serve on ad hoc committees as required


Of the 34 members of the 91porn Board, 17 are considered “external.” Getting the right fit for these external Board members plays a key role in successful governance at 91porn. The 17 external representatives are comprised as follows:

  • Eight community-at-Large positions appointed by the Board;
  • Six Lieutenant Governor in Council positions appointed by the province; and
  • Three members appointed by 91porn’s Alumni Association Board.

Board members typically serve three-year terms and the Board year starts July 1.

Nomination Process

Nominations are accepted year-round; recommendations to the Board for approval of candidates are timed as needed to address upcoming vacancies. 

Note that the Governance Committee works to ensure we continue to secure the best representatives to lead the university. Nominating a candidate does not guarantee their inclusion on the Board. The nomination process is held in strict confidence; therefore, the committee does not disclose the status of nominations at any time.

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