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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Original document approved by the board of governors: May 30, 1995
Amended to comply with the WLU-WLU Faculty Association Agreement, effective from: April 1, 1996 to June 30, 1999
Amended document approved by the Board of Governors' Executive Committee (formerly Executive and Governance Committee): August 28, 1996, November 8, 2024
Amended by the university secretariat to comply with WLU-WLU Faculty Association Agreements, effective from: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2002; July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2005; July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2008; July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011; July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014; and July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017
Changes approved by the Board of Governors: September 11, 2020, September 16, 2022, June 6, 2024
"The government of the University and the control of its property and revenues, the conduct of its business and affairs, except with respect to such matters as are assigned by this Act to the Senate, are vested in the Board of Governors, and the Board of Governors has all powers necessary or convenient to perform its duties and to achieve the objects of the University and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, has the power to,
(a) appoint, promote, suspend and remove the President and all other officers of the University, heads and associate heads of faculties, the members of faculty or administrative staff of the University, and all other agents of the University, but no person shall be appointed, promoted, suspended or removed as the head of a faculty or school, as a senior administrative officer or as a member of faculty except on the recommendation of the President".
Excerpt from section 12 of The 91porn Act, 1973.
These general rules apply to the composition and proceedings for Search and Review Committees for university officers who are ex-officio members of Senate, except for the Chair of the Board of Governors and the Chancellor, including the following positions: President and Vice-Chancellor, Provost and Vice-President: Academic, Vice-President: Finance and Administration, Vice-President: Advancement and External Relations, Vice-President: Research, Vice-President: Student Affairs, Assistant Vice-President: Enrolment Services and Registrar, Deans of Faculties, University Librarian, Associate Vice President: Academic, Associate Vice-President: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Vice-President: Indigenous Initiatives. The procedures for appointment/renewals for each position considered in this document are found in section II, Procedures for Searches and Reviews of Senior Administrators.
1. A Committee secretary will be designated to a Committee as a non-voting member. An HR resource may be designated to a Committee as a non-voting member.
2. Multi-campus representation should be a consideration when determining Committee membership.
3. All reasonable efforts shall be made to ensure that the Committee membership is diverse, representing a range of identities from equity-deserving groups. All Committee members shall undergo equity training provided by the University.
4. Committee membership for each search committee is outlined in section III of this document.
5. Members of a Committee shall sit as individuals and not as delegates or representatives of any group.
6. All consultations, discussions and deliberations of a Committee shall be confidential. Any materials distributed in advance or at a meeting must be kept confidential, as are notes taken by committee members. Violations of confidentiality shall result in such sanctions the Board deems appropriate subject to the by-laws, regulations and policies of the university.
7. Committee members must come to meetings prepared and having reviewed any materials provided in advance.
8. Although attendance by video or teleconference may be permitted for certain meetings, Committee members are strongly encouraged, when appropriate, to attend meetings in person and may be required to attend in person for candidate presentations and interviews.
9. Once appointed to a Committee, a member cannot apply for consideration for the position that is the subject of the search.
10. Before joining a Committee, members are strongly urged to consider the time commitment required for the search or review as well as any other personal or professional obligations or circumstances that may interfere, or be in conflict with, their duties as a Committee member. If a conflict arises during the course of the review or search, the member with the conflict will declare it immediately to the Committee Chair. The Chair will review the details of the conflict and determine the appropriate steps to manage it. In reviewing and assessing the conflict, the Chair will refer to university policy 8.1 Conflict of Interest Policy.
11. In the event a Committee member is unable to continue service due to unforeseen circumstances, the Committee Chair shall determine what action is appropriate in consideration of the timelines and stage in the search process, and in accordance with applicable collective agreements.
1. The Committee Chair shall determine if the services of an external consultant shall be used.
2. All Committee meetings, meeting materials, and minutes shall be in camera and confidential.
3. Meetings may be attended by members by telephone conference or video conference when available.
4. Minutes shall be kept by the Committee Secretary.
5. Normally, the Committee shall complete its work within 8 months from the date of the Committee’s first meeting. Approval of the Board of Governors or its Executive Committee is required where a search or review is anticipated to take significantly longer than 8 months.
6. All confidential materials shall be collected securely deleted by the Committee secretary members when the Committee work is finished. The Committee secretary will retain a master record of the search process.
1. Subject to the provisions governing renewal of an appointment section II.B, all decisions of Search and Review Committees shall be taken by majority vote (see Section A. Definitions).
2. All Committee members who have attended at least one round of interviews for all candidatesare eligible to vote unless they are defined as a non-voting member or as may be otherwise specified.
3. When a vote is conducted, any member attending by teleconference or video conference shall cast their vote ballot through a confidential online medium as indicated by the Committee secretary.
4. The Committee shall attempt to make decisions by consensus.
5. Decisions other than recommendation for appointment or renewal are to be determined by a majority vote, where the Committee Chair has the right to vote as a Committee member, and their vote does not have any additional weight. In the event the Chair has voted and it is a tie vote, the Chair shall declare the motion defeated.
6. In voting on all appointments or renewals, a secret ballot must be used, abstentions are not allowed, and proxy votes are not permitted. The recommendation for appointment or renewal shall be framed in the affirmative.
7. A recommendation for a renewal without competition requires the support of at least sixty percent (60%) of those voting.
a. With the exception of the Search or Review Committee for the President, the Committee Chair shall not participate in voting on a recommendation for appointment or renewal, but shall cast a vote to confirm or veto the Committee’s recommendation of a candidate for the office. In the event of a tie vote, where the Committee cannot recommend a single candidate, the meeting shall be adjourned and another meeting be scheduled at which another vote shall be held. If this second vote also results in a tie and no recommendation, then to overcome the procedural impasse, the Chair shall cast a vote. The Chair retains the right to confirm or veto the recommendation of the Committee arrived at through this procedure.
b. For the Search or Review Committee for the President, the Chair has the right to vote as a committee member and generally shall vote; however their vote does not have any additional weight. In the event of a tie vote, where the Committee cannot recommend a single candidate, the meeting shall be adjourned and another meeting be scheduled at which another vote shall be held. If this second vote also results in a tie and no recommendation, then the search/renewal is declared failed.
1. Except for the procedures and requirements set out in the WLUFA Collective Agreement and below, the Search Committee shall establish its own procedures.
2. The Search Committee shall have the composition as specified for the position and follow all rules in the General Rules for Search and Review Committees.
3. The Committee shall adhere to all requirements of the University’s Employment Equity Policy (8.4)
4. The Committee shall establish, through consultation, the specific qualifications expected of the position. The grid or assessment grid form will be developed by the Committee Secretary based upon the qualifications identified in the advertisement. Committees shall not introduce new qualifications after the posting of the advertisement. Candidates will be assessed based on the qualifications listed in the job posting. The committee may decide to accept equivalencies to the stated education and/or experience qualifications in order to ensure a broad and diverse candidate pool.
5. The Committee shall take appropriate steps to advertise the position to reach a broad and diverse applicant pool and to invite applications. Advertisements appearing in different media must be consistent in terms of the job requirements and qualifications.
6. The Committee shall review all applications, which are to be considered under a set of criteriathe set of qualifications established by the Committee. The Committee will develop a qualified short list of candidates, seeking diverse representation that takes into consideration the areas of underrepresentation in the University. Such candidates will be invited to meet with the Committee and with such other persons or groups as the Committee considers appropriate.
7. The Committee shall only use information provided during the recruitment process to assess candidates and not other information that may be obtained through informal channels.
8. A set of standard questions based on the advertised qualifications shall be prepared in advance to serve as a guide during each candidate's interview with the Committee. The questions shall conform to the Ontario Human Rights Commission's interview guidelines for permissible questions.
9. The Search Committee shall recommend one candidate for appointment. In forwarding its recommendation to the President, Senate, or Board as appropriate, the recommendation shall be supported by a comprehensive report of the work of the Committee, including a description of the procedures followed, the number of candidates considered, equity data for the candidate pool and the recommendation. The Committee's recommendation shall be presented to the Senate for its advice and to a subsequent meeting of the Board for approval at the earliest possible time.
10. In considering the report and recommendation of a Search Committee, Senate will meet in camera as a committee of the whole, and shall determine its advice which shall be transmitted to the Board (see Senate By-law, section 9.1 for the Procedures for Senate Advice in the Selection of University Officers).
11. Based on the report of a Search Committee and the advice of Senate, the Board of Governors (or as delegated, the Executive Committee) will meet in camera and shall determine its decision regarding approval of the recommendation.
12. Should recruitment and selection efforts not result in a recommended candidate for the Board, the Committee shall notify the Board of their next steps.
1. Prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, as indicated under Appointment Term and Renewal of each position in section III, the chair of the Review Committee shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment. If the response is positive, a Review Committee shall be formed. The Review Committee shall have the same composition as a Search Committee and follow all rules in General Rules for Search and Review Committees.
2. If the incumbent holds a tenured or continuing faculty appointment and has completed two terms of office, a search shall be undertaken and a Search Committee established. The incumbent may stand for a further term in competition with other candidates for the office, but the incumbent may not stand for a fourth term.
3. The Review Committee shall determine whether or not to recommend renewal. In carrying out its deliberation, the Committee shall use the review process and criteria employed in the annual review of the incumbent, the goals established during the incumbent’s current term, and the broad objectives of the University for the next five years.
4. The Committee shall meet with the incumbent at the beginning of the process to discuss the review and to provide an opportunity for the incumbent to submit a self-evaluation.
5. In seeking opinions on the performance of the incumbent, the Committee shall consult with the internal university community (particularly within the relevant Faculty for Deans) and, if applicable, appropriate individuals and groups external to the University. It is expected that such consultations shall be conducted primarily through private interviews and written feedback.
a. In the case of a positive review for the position of President, the Review Committee shall recommend renewal and the Committee Chair shall present the recommendation to the Senate for advice and to the Board for approval.
b. In the case of a positive review for the position of any Vice-President, Dean, Assistant Vice-President, Associate Vice-President, or University Librarian, the Review Committee shall recommend renewal and the Committee Chair shall forward this recommendation to the President. The Committee Chair, subject to the President’s recommendation shall present the recommendation to Senate for advice and then to the Board for approval.
c. In the case of an unfavourable review or the Committee recommendation is not approved by the Board, the Board will provide direction to the Committee Chair as to next steps.
7. In the case of extenuating circumstances, the Board of Governors may approve an extension of the term of an incumbent.
The President of the university is the chief executive officer of the university and has supervision over and direction of the academic work and general administration of the university, the members of faculty, officers, employees and students thereof, and such other powers and duties as from time to time may be conferred upon or assigned to them by the Board.
The President is appointed by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the Board Chair following endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Chair of the Board shall determine if the President intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
Given the critical importance of the Presidential role to the success and sustainability of the University, it is the Board’s responsibility to ensure continuity and preparedness in times of change for this role, in line with the Procedures for Presidential Succession Planning.
The Search and Review Committees for the President shall be composed of:
13 voting members as follows:
The Assistant Vice President, Governance and Policy or designate shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary.
The duties of the Provost and Vice-President: Academic are delegated from the Board through the President and include responsibility for the overall plan, coordination and supervision of the academic components of the University in cooperation with the Deans of the Faculties and implementing the Collective Agreements with the 91porn Faculty Association.
The Provost & Vice-President: Academic is appointed by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the President following endorsement of the process by Senate. The term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Presidentshall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
The Search and Review Committee for the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall be composed of:
13 voting members as follows:
The Vice-President: Finance and Administration is responsible for financial resources, risk management, facilities and asset management, information and communication technologies and for a number of ancillary services.
The Vice-President: Finance and Administration is appointed by the Board following the endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the President shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment. There shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B. Thereafter, any review may be initiated by the President, or by a motion of Senate passed by a 60% majority.
The Search and Review Committee for the Vice-President: Finance and Administration shall be composed:
12 voting members as follows:
The responsibilities of the Vice-President: Advancement and External Relations include overall management of external relations, development, alumni relations, and advancement servicesand other duties included in the position description.
The Vice-President: Development and Alumni Relations is appointed by the Board following the endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the President shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment. There shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B. Thereafter, any review may be initiated by the President, or by a motion of Senate passed by a 60% majority.
The Search and Review Committee for the Vice-President: Development and Alumni Relations shall be composed of:
12 voting members as follows:
The responsibilities of the Vice-President: Research include overall management of the research enterprise of the university, and other duties as described in the Position Description.
The Vice-President: Research is appointed by the Board following the endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the President shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
The Search and Review Committee for the Vice-President: Research shall be composed of:
13 voting members as follows:
The responsibilities of the Vice-President: Student Affairs include the development, direction and implementation of all student life activities and policies for the University, and other duties as described in the Position Description.
The Vice-President: Student Affairs is appointed by the Board following the endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed.
No later than 18 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the President shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment. There shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B. Thereafter, any review may be initiated by the President, or by a motion of Senate passed by a 60% majority.
The Search and Review Committees for the Vice-President: Student Affairs shall be composed of:
12 voting members as follows:
A Dean is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the endorsement of the process by Senate. The initial term of appointment is five years (unless fewer years are recommended by the Search Committee) and may be renewed. No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Vice-President: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
A representative from Human Resources shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Search Committee for the position of Dean. The Office of the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Review Committee for the position of Dean.
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committees shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committees shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committees shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Search and Review Committee shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The University Librarian is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the advice of Senate, for a renewable term of five years.
No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Vice-President: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
The Search and Review Committee for the University Librarian shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The Assistant Vice-President: Enrolment Services and Registrar is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the advice of Senate, for a renewable term of five years.
No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Vice-President: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
For the position of Assistant Vice-President: Enrolment Services and Registrar, there shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B. Thereafter, a review may be initiated by the President, or by a motion of Senate passed by a 60% majority.
The Search and Review Committees for the Assistant Vice-President: Enrolment Services and Registrar shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
A representative from Human Resources shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Search Committee for the position of Associate Vice-President: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
The Office of the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Review Committee for the position of Dean.
The Associate Vice-President: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the advice of Senate, for a renewable term of five years. No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
For the position of Associate Vice-President: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, there shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B.
The Search and Review Committee for the Associate Vice-President: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
A representative from Human Resources shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Search Committee for the position of Associate Vice-President: Indigenous Initiatives. The Office of the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Review Committee for the position of Dean.
The Associate Vice-President: Indigenous Initiatives is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the advice of Senate, for a renewable term of five years. No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Vice-Provost: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
For the position of Associate Vice-President: Indigenous Initiatives, there shall be a review after the conclusion of the initial five-year term of office, according to section II.B. Thereafter, a review may be initiated by the President, or by a motion of Senate passed by a 60% majority.
The Search and Review Committee for the Associate Vice-President: Indigenous Initiatives shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
A representative from Human Resources shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Search Committee for the position of Associate Vice-President: Academic. The Office of the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall serve as the non-voting Committee secretary for any Review Committee for the position of Dean.
The Associate Vice-President: Academic is appointed by the Board of Governors following the recommendation of the President and with the advice of Senate, for a renewable term of five years. No later than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first term of the incumbent, the Provost & Vice-President: Academic shall determine if the incumbent intends to seek a renewal of the appointment.
The Search and Review Committee for the Associate Vice President: Academic shall be composed of:
11 voting members as follows:
The WLU Act mandates that “there shall be a President of the University who shall be appointed by the Board of Governors in such manner and for such term as the Board of Governors shall determine following advice thereon from the Senate. The President is the chief executive officer of the university and has supervision over and direction of the academic work and general administration of the University, the members of faculty, officers, employees, and students thereof, and such other powers and duties as from time to time may be conferred upon or assigned to the President by the Board of Governors.” The Act gives the Board of Governors the power to appoint, promote, suspend or remove the President.
Given the critical importance of the presidential role to the success and sustainability of the University, it is a Board responsibility to ensure continuity and preparedness in times of change for this role. Succession planning will facilitate Board decision-making, whether the change is part of a planned transition or in response to an emergency or other short or long term vacancy.
The President’s position may become vacant under one of the following circumstances, with guidelines provided for each context:
Procedures for Presidential Succession Planning: 91porn:
Reviewed/Revised by the Governance Committee: February 5, 2024
Approved by the Board of Governors: February 15, 2024