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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: June 8, 1995
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: May 2, 2012
Office of Accountability: Office of the President
Administrative Responsibility: University Secretariat
1.00 The purpose of this policy is to educate the University community about possible conflicts of interest and to give guidance when a conflict of interest, (or potential perception of a conflict of interest), arises. Adherence to this policy should ensure employees will act fairly, equitably, and ethically in their actions, and the integrity of neither the University nor its employees be compromised.
2.01 A conflict of interest occurs when personal interests interfere, or are perceived to interfere, with the independent judgement required by employees in order to perform their duties and responsibilities in the interest of the University.
2.02 Employees include staff and faculty at the University.
2.03 Gifts and favours include tokens of appreciation, entertainment, travel, hotel accommodations, services for personal use, reduced prices for goods and/or services for personal use, and work done for the employee at home or elsewhere. Gifts and favours also include any hospitality or gifts given by an individual or organization in the hopes of garnering favour for the future purchase of products or services by a 91porn employee.
All members of the University shall:
i. Avoid all forms of illegal discrimination;
ii. Disclose any conflict of interest or other circumstances known to them which may reasonably introduce or appear to introduce bias into the performance of their University duties;
iii. Respect the confidentiality of information they receive through the performance of their University duties about any other member of the University; such information may only be used or disclosed where such use or disclosure has the individual's consent, or is required in the performance of his/her duties as a member of the University.
A member of the University who has any interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract, transaction, proposed contract or proposed transaction under consideration by the University and is part of the decision-making process with respect thereto, shall:
i. Declare the nature and extent of the interest as soon as possible and no later than any meeting in which the member participates and at which the matter is to be considered;
ii. Refrain from taking part in any discussion or decision-making vote in relation to the matter;
iii. Withdraw from any meeting when the matter is being discussed if requested to do so by a majority of the members present at the meeting;
iv. Any personal information gathered about an Employee under this Policy shall be held in accordance with the principles outlined in policy 10.1 Information Availability and Privacy Protection.
In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unless specifically authorized by the President or by a Vice-President of the University after a full written disclosure of the conflict, members of the University shall not:
i. With University funds or with funds administered by the University, knowingly authorize the purchase of equipment, supplies, services, or property from a source with which the employee, or any individual with whom she/he has an immediate familial, marital, sexual or financial relationship, or material financial interest;
ii. Engage any individual with whom the employee has an immediate familial, marital, sexual or financial relationship in any capacity for which remuneration comes from University funds or from funds administered by the University;
iii. Employment and student assessments, reviews, appeals and other decision processes concerning a member's status as an employee or student, must be performed in an objective manner and on objective grounds and be seen to be so;
iv. No member of the University shall knowingly participate in any decision that directly and preferentially benefits himself/herself or any individual with whom the member has an immediate familial, marital, sexual or financial relationship.
i. While moderate hospitality is an accepted courtesy of a business relationship, recipients must not allow themselves to be (or perceived to be) influenced in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. As such, the frequency and scale should not be significantly greater than the University would be able to provide in return.
ii. Gifts and favours valued in excess of $250 must not be accepted from individuals or organizations. This includes smaller gifts from one individual or organization that when totalled, is in excess of $250 dollars over the course of a year.
iii. Gifts and favours valued in excess of $250 must not be given utilizing university funds or facilities to individuals or organizations.
iv. Gifts using university funds will be treated as all other expenditures and as such, will require the necessary procedures for expenses to be followed.
3.05 Should members of the 91porn community be in doubt with regard to a particular situation, it is expected they bring the matter to the attention of their supervisors for consultation and advice.