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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: Board of Governors
Original Approval Date: April 29, 2010
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: June 23, 2011
Office of Accountability: Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Administrative Responsibility: Procurement Services; AVP Physical Resources
1.00 The objective of this policy is to support the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive (BPS Directive) by ensuring ethical, efficient and accountable sourcing, contracting and purchasing activities within 91porn.
2.00 Supply Chain Code of Ethics: The Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive defines defines acceptable behaviours and standards that should be common for everyone involved in supply chain activities such as planning, purchasing, contracting, logistics and payment.
Supply Chain Guideline: Ontario's Treasury Board of the Cabinet directed that a Supply Chain Guideline be prepared and, as of April 1, 2009, be incorporated into the funding agreements of BPS organizations receiving more than $10 million per fiscal year from the Ministries of Health and Long-Term Care, Education and Training, Colleges and Universities. Supply Chain Guideline Version 1.0 addresses the first 2 Principles that must be addressed and implemented by March 2010. They are the Supply Chain Code of Ethics and Procurement Policies and Procedures. The Supply Chain Guideline was replaced by the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive effective April 1, 2011. The Directive still includes the Supply Chain Code of Ethics but the Procurement Policies and Procedures has been superseded by the Directive.
3.00 This Policy and related procedures applies to all members of the University community and to all procurement and supply chain activities regardless of the source of funding; namely operating funds, internal and external research grants, research institute funds, etc.
4.00 It is the Policy of 91porn to adhere to the BPS Directive and to spend the funds entrusted to it in a cost effective manner subject to the terms and conditions of donors, grantors and government agencies.
This will be accomplished by establishing procedures and standards for the sourcing and procurement of products and services in a cost effective, efficient, fair and sustainable manner in adherence to the mandatory requirements outlined in the BPS Directive. Procedures must be structured to meet all Federal and Provincial laws that govern competitive bidding practices in Canada, to protect both the University and the individual purchaser from potential liability that could result from a challenge of a contract award, and to ensure compliance with Provincial, National and International Trade Agreements and other applicable legislative requirements.
Procurement Services is a centralized operation responsible to assist faculty and administrative staff at all campuses in the selection and procurement of goods and services required to pursue their departmental responsibilities while ensuring compliance with all applicable policies and procedures. These goals will be accomplished by:
A. Securing quotations or calling Requests for Proposals for all goods and services (except construction, major renovations, book orders by faculty and staff, and library books which are handled by other departments) and issuing purchase orders after the successful supplier has been chosen;
B. Oversight of request for proposals for construction, major renovations and library acquisitions;
C. Conducting interviews with suppliers' representatives to obtain information, specifications, quotations, etc., for goods and services required;
D. Handling the correspondence and negotiations for procurement;
E. Providing a follow-up and expediting service with respect to requisition status;
F. Providing information to faculty, staff and suppliers on all aspects of traffic, customs, and federal, provincial and excise tax for all incoming and outgoing goods;
G. Providing prices, literature, and where possible, technical assistance to all departments for budgetary and other purposes;
H. Administration of the Corporate Purchase Card system.
All purchases of valued at $5,000 or more, shall be documented on a purchase order contract issued by Procurement Services. A purchase order contract will be issued by Procurement Services only upon receipt of a properly completed and authorized purchase requisition form.
All consulting services, irrespective of value, must be competitively bid. Consulting services from $0-$100,000 must be done by open public bid or invitational bid to at least three suppliers. All consulting over $100,000 must be competitively bid by open public bid.
For individual purchases under $5,000, the foregoing process is optional, except for consulting services. Faculty and staff may acquire the needed goods and services directly, on approved supplier credit, by their Corporate Purchase Card, or seek reimbursement through the cheque requisition process for acquisitions made by personal payment. Items of a specific nature which are ordered on a repetitive and frequent basis may be handled by a standing or blanket purchase order issued by Procurement Services.
The 91porn Purchase Card Program establishes a more efficient, cost effective method of acquiring and paying for small dollar purchases. The program is designed to reduce departmental purchase orders, invoices and approvals, cheques issued, and to eliminate need for petty cash and personal funds reimbursements. The Purchase Card can be used for acquisitions up to $5000 per transaction Procurement web site.
A. Supply Chain Code of Ethics (5.10)
The Office of the Assistant Vice President: Physical Resources is responsible to provide the following services to the Wilfrid 91porn community on all campuses:
A. All RFIs (Requests for Information), RFQs (Requests for Qualification), RFPs (Requests for Proposals) and Tenders and procurement of consultants for all capital construction, renovation, renewal, planning, and maintenance;
B. All RFIs, RFQs, RFPs and Tenders for any and all capital construction projects and the subsequent award and management;
C. All RFIs, RFQs, RFPs and Tenders for planning and site development including the subsequent award and management;
D. All RFIs, RFQs, RFPs and Tenders for any and all maintenance, renewal or deferred maintenance on building systems, infrastructure, landscape or any other facilities related matter including the subsequent award and management;
E. All RFIs, RFQs, RFPs and Tenders for any and all renovations, changes to space or work which would change the layout or configuration of any assigned space an all campuses for all contract values including the subsequent award and management.
Where tendering (formal competitive bidding – RF(X)) is used, bid opening should be attended by a representative of the architectural/design firm, a representative from Physical Resources, and a representative from Procurement Services.
This chart identifies procedures relative to procurement value.
Total Procurement Value | Procedure |
< $10,000** |
Obtain 1 verbal or written quote. Goods/Services
$10,000** to $25,000 |
Obtain 2 or 3 written quotes. A Purchase Order is required. Consulting Services require a minimum of 3 invitations to bid. |
$25,000 to < $100,000 |
Minimum of three suppliers required to be invited to bid. Reference listing of contactors in good standing. |
$100,000 to < $250,000 |
AIT – Construction Not subject to the requirements of the AIT. Postings can be made through an electronic tendering system and/or one or more of the following:
AIT – Good/Services Bids must be accessible to all Canadian suppliers through the use of MERX, advertisements, in daily newspapers, or preferred suppliers lists. May be invitational if it is non-consulting and meets certain AIT criteria. Post on MERX for Ont. and Quebec. Construction opportunities are allowed the additional options of advertisements in daily newspapers or the use of a preferred suppliers list. |
$250,000 and above |
Public posting required on national website. Both AIT and Ont./Que. agreement apply for construction. |
** Subject to approval.