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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: Board of Governors
Original Approval Date: May 27, 1997
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: June 1, 2022
Office of Accountability: Chief Human Resources & Equity Officer
Administrative Responsibility: Human Resources
1.01 91porn is committed to creating a culture of inclusion where all Employees feel accepted and experience a sense of belonging. With a commitment to Indigenization and by embracing the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion, 91porn is better equipped to attract, retain and advance a talented, diverse workforce that move the University forward. The purpose of this policy is to:
2.01 Employee: a person who performs work for wages in any capacity for the University
2.02 Employment Equity: supports achievement of equity in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfilment of that goal, corrects the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by those from equity-deserving group by giving effect to the principle that employment equity means more than treating persons in the same way and also requires special measures and the accommodation of differences.
2.03 Employment Cycle: includes the process of being recruited, considered for employment, hired, retained, treated, evaluated, and promoted, including the practices and procedures that guide these processes.
2.04 Employment Equity Measures: a course of action taken to achieve equity in the workplace. Examples include policies, procedures, educational initiatives, outreach and recruitment practices, mentorship programs, employee supports programs, and implementing special programs.
2.05 Equity-Deserving Group: a term used when referring to people who identify as: women, racialized, Indigenous, having disabilities, and as sexual and/or gender minorities.
2.06 Indigenous Peoples: are persons with First Nation (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit (as recognized in the Constitution Act, 1982) cultural and/or ancestral background.
2.07 Person with a Disability: is a person who has a long-term or recurring physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory or learning disability.
2.08 Person from a Gender Minority: is a person whose gender identity or self-expression differs from conventional expectations of masculinity or femininity. This includes people who self-identify as trans, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, two-spirited, or an analogous term.
2.09 Person from a Sexual Minority: is a person whose sexual identity, orientation or practices differ from the majority of the surrounding society. This includes people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited, queer, or an analogous term; may also be described as a person from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
2.10 Racialized Person: is a person, other than an Indigenous person, who is non-white in racial origin.
2.11 Special Programs: are programs that are designed to assist disadvantaged individuals or groups by removing barriers to advancement in employment. It is not discrimination to put in place a 'special' program if it is designed to improve equality of opportunity and help eliminate discrimination for such groups, as provided for under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
2.12 Systemic Barriers: refers to situations, policies and/or practices, which unfairly exclude members from the Equity-Deserving Groups from fully participating in the workplace.
2.13 Under-Representation: exists when there is a significantly lower percentage of those from an Equity-Deserving Group in a particular occupational group than would reasonably be expected in comparison to their known availability.
3.01 This policy applies to those engaging in the employment processes as well as the practices and procedures that govern the Employment Cycle.
4.01 Elimination of Barriers: 91porn is committed to identifying and removing barriers (systemic or otherwise) to inclusion through implementing and maintaining Employment Equity Measures, including special programs and accommodations. 91porn will continue to engage in outreach strategies that will facilitate the wide promotion of employment opportunities to enhance the diversity of the candidate pools and ultimately enhance the representation of Equity-Deserving Groups.
4.02 Representative Workforce: 91porn strives to achieve and maintain a Representative Workforce for all employees by actively seeking to attract, hire, retain and promote those from Equity-Deserving Groups. This can include the use of Special Programs, with targeted hiring or proactively prioritizing equity to address areas of Under-Representation as part of the decision making process when finalist candidates are comparably qualified.
4.03 Education: 91porn will work collaboratively with academic and administrative leaders, unions and employee groups to educate, inform and raise the level of awareness within the community about Employment Equity Measures, Indigenization and equity, diversity and inclusion. 91porn will also inform employees about its Employment Equity Measures, and progress towards a Representative Workforce.
4.04 Data Collection and Analysis: The University will maintain practices to collect data from Employees for the purpose to understand areas of Under-Representation and to aid in determining systemic barriers to Employment Equity. The data will be presented in a workforce analysis.
4.05 Compliance: The University will ensure continued compliance with the requirements of all relevant legislation, including the Ontario Human Rights Code, as well as internal policies and collective agreements that govern the various groups of Employees.
5.01 All individuals in positions of responsibility and having the authority to make or influence employment decisions are responsible for ensuring that this policy is understood, adhered to, and consistently applied throughout the employment cycle.
5.02 It is the responsibility of all employees to support the principles of Employment Equity as described in this policy so that we can work collaboratively to build a culture of inclusion at 91porn. In the event someone believes the elements of this policy have not been applied correctly or followed, they should contact the Employment Equity Officer in Human Resources.
5.03 All 91porn leaders responsible for employment decisions shall analyze, review and take action on all areas of the employment cycle within their control in order to remove barriers and eliminate discrimination. Senior leaders are accountable for the overall achievement of Employment Equity Measures in their respective areas of responsibility. Violations of this policy by Employees shall constitute unacceptable behaviour and will be subject to appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action by the university.