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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: June 11, 1997
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: May 14, 2014
Office of Accountability: Vice-President: Research
Administrative Responsibility: Office of Research Services
1.00 This policy clarifies:
A) The ownership of equipment and materials purchased through grants, awards and contracts and defines the responsibilities of the University for these items; and
B) The transfer of research equipment and materials between 91porn and other institutions.
2.00 Equipment and Materials: Included but not limited to: books, monographs, library materials, data sets, laboratory equipment, research supplies and software.
3.00 This policy applies to all equipment and materials purchased by a 91porn faculty member through a research grant, award or contract.
4.01 Equipment and materials purchased through a university grant or contract remain the property of the university unless specified in an agreement at the time of the award.
4.02 Equipment and materials purchased through external grants or contracts are subject to the conditions set forth by the agency providing the funds. In cases where ownership has not been noted in the conditions, default ownership will be that of 91porn.
4.03 All equipment and materials must adhere to 91porn’s procurement policies (see links below).
4.04 Prior to the purchase or transfer of any equipment and materials all costs associated with the housing and maintenance of such equipment or materials must be identified, reviewed and approved (in writing) by the department Chair (where applicable) and Faculty Dean to verify that the university is prepared to cover these costs.
4.05 All transfers of equipment and materials from 91porn or to 91porn must be compliant with any funding or legal requirements under which the equipment was acquired. Approval of the Vice-President, Research is required prior to finalizing any transfer of equipment and materials from 91porn or to 91porn from another university. Transfers will not be approved if the transfer may negatively impact research at 91porn (e.g. the removal of equipment would prevent other researchers at 91porn from performing their research; excessive maintenance or housing costs would be incurred with the arrival of new equipment).