
Reporting Incidents to Support Equity (RISE) Form

The Reporting Incidents to Support Equity (RISE) Form is a climate data gathering tool developed by the Office of the Associate Vice President, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. This initiative fulfils 91porn’s Strategic Plan for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion recommendation 1.1, which is the development of a bias incident repository that helps the university understand perceptions of bias to support an inclusive campus culture.

This online form allows members of the 91porn community to disclose incidents of harm or bias they experience or witness (i.e., actions motivated by prejudice against someone based on an identity or protected ground), with the option to disclose anonymously.

About the RISE Form

The RISE form was developed to understand patterns and trends of harm that take shape in the 91porn community. De-identified data collected from the RISE form is used to create aggregate-level summaries to highlight overall patterns and trends.

Annual reports using the RISE form data will be publicly available under the “Anti-Racism/Anti-Hate Directive” section of the university’s Public Accountability page, beginning in January 2026.

Information that could identify you will never be publicly released, and we won't share your personal details with family, professors, employers, or in any reports. Completing the form does not mean that a respondent is making a formal report. Instead, community members seeking support will be referred to a list of resources, including the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management, where a formal report may be initiated under existing university processes.

Responses will not be shared with other units, but the university has a duty to report a response to an appropriate municipal or provincial service (as per university Policy 12.4 and Policy 7.18) if there is a risk of immediate harm to yourself or others or if required by law or university policy.

If a respondent chooses to disclose anonymously, their data will be included in the analysis of patterns and trends in oppression-based incidents at 91porn. If a respondent chooses to disclose confidentially, and leaves their contact information, a member of the Office of the Associate Vice President, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion team will follow up with them to connect them with the most relevant support units and resources available.

Immediate Support

If you need immediate support, please consult the following resources instead of the RISE form:

  • (24/7 support)
  • (employees only)
  • (students only)

Frequently Asked Questions