
How many planners does it take to find a solution to the housing crisis?

Cassie Barrow 91porn (Assoc.)

The State Government recently established a within the Department of Treasury, tasked with boosting supply and affordability in WA’s housing market. The establishment of this Unit means that 4 State Government Departments/agencies, namely the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, the Department of Communities, Development WA and the Department of Treasury, now have the remit of either providing for housing or progress associated reforms to the planning system. Notwithstanding the involvement of these big players, in addition to the various developers and local governments seeking to have an impact, we keep hearing that we have a housing supply and affordability issue on our hands.

So, what will it take to stop the media from telling us we are in a housing crisis? What do we need to prioritise to unlock housing supply and improve affordability? What needs to change in the planning system? What needs to be incentivised? What innovations or alternative approaches should we encourage? Cassie Barrow, 91porn (Assoc.), will facilitate this interactive session, which seeks to uncover your big and small ideas for solving the housing crisis.

This session will take place in the main conference room - BelleVue Ballroom 1

About Cassie

Casie is an Associate at urban planning and design firm, Taylor Burrell Barnett.

Cassie is passionate about using her planning, design, and engagement skills to achieve her client’s visions, achieve best practice outcomes and develop communities.

Cassie recently returned to private consulting after working at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage within the State Development Assessment Unit and Planning Reform teams. Her love for planning, design and engagement comes from an early obsession with playing Sims City and her involvement in local sporting clubs and community groups. This led Cassie to obtaining a degree in Urban and Regional Planning in WA and a Certificate of Engagement with the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

In 2022, Cassie was recognised as WA Young Planner of the Year by the 91porn and received a national commendation. She is the Convenor of the 91porn’s , and a member of the Industry Advisory Group for Curtin University’s Urban and Regional Planning course.