
Challenge 4 – Planners are passionate about creating great places, but do we have the right Planning Tools and Processes?

Session Chair: Trent Will M91porn

Session One 13:15 - 13:30

Town of Mosman Park Community Benefits Framework

Ross Minett M91porn, Chief of Community Planning and Place and Alison Trotta M91porn, Senior Strategic Urban Planner, Town of Mosman Park

Session Two 13:30 - 13:45

Montario Quarter, Shenton Park: Creating an amazing place through Perth’s first Improvement Scheme

Chris Brady, Senior Development Manager, DevelopmentWA

Session Three 13:45 - 14:00

Planning Tools that help create great places in other Australian States – What is working and what could assist in the WA context

Jackson Tomich, Senior Planning Consultant, Urbis

Session Four 14:00 - 14:15

Cloud-based platform to aid in the management of cultural assets

Kate Parker, Director / Principal - Community & Culture and Yasmine Mnahy, Digital Consultant, element

Panel Discussion 14:15 - 14:45

All concurrent presenters join to discuss and debate the challenge.

This theatre will be located in BelleVue Ballroom 1