The Employee Achievement Awards are based on the Employee Success Factors and support our ability to recognize and reward significant contributions by our faculty, contract teaching faculty and staff.
To recognize our award winners and our long service employees* of 15, 25, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years, all members of the university community are invited to a virtual event that will be held on the afternoon of Friday, June 25, 2021.
Note: As the 2020 Employee Achievement Awards event was cancelled, both 2020 and 2021 long service recipients (those reaching a milestone between Oct. 1, 2019 and Sept. 30, 2021) will be recognized at this event.
2021 Award Winners
President’s Awards
Individual Achievement
- Jennifer Casey, Assistant Vice-President: Enrolment Services and Registrar, Enrolment Services
Team Achievement
- Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry Support Staff
- Custodial Services
- eLearning
- Una Adamcic-Bistrivoda, Laboratory Coordinator (Brantford Campus), Department of Community Health
- Sorina Ciucurita, Lazaridis Financial Administrator, Lazaridis School
- Vanessa McMackin, Administrative Assistant, Global Studies
- Derek Szilagyi, Alumni Officer, Development and Alumni Relations
- Melissa Dube, Lead Hand, Food Services
- Jennifer Ferfolja, Infrastructure Manager, ICT
- Amanda Gulka-Amstrong, Senior Admissions Coordinator – Policy, Admissions
- Pete Tallon, Stewardship and Donor Relations Officer, Development and Alumni Relations
- Michelle Jutzi, Strategic Recruitment Consultant, Human Resources
- Zanne Kent, Technical Support Team Lead (Desktop Support), ICT
- Mary Neil, Alumni Officer, Faculties, Advancement and External Relations
- Jenna Olender, Manager: Learning Skills and Development, Learning Skills and Development
- Christopher Brunskill, Assistant Registrar, Recruitment and Admissions
- Lindsay Lannan, Manager, Service 91porn, Enrolment Services
- Adrianna Lessard, Manager, Projects and Executive Support, Office of the VP: Finance and Administration
- Darin White, Communications and Cultural Programming Associate, Administration