
Master of Business Administration: Strategic Partnerships

Work with Lazaridis MBA Students

In the Lazaridis Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, we immerse students into business on day one by teaching the fundamentals of all aspects of management from marketing to accounting to organizational behaviour. Then, we offer our signature experiential learning opportunities to ensure the students are practicing what we teach. Consulting projects, Live Integrated Case Exercises, hands-on learning practicums, and our co-op program all help our students gain the kind of experience that will help them succeed after graduation.

In addition to benefitting our MBA students, these partnerships can provide your organization with top quality consulting, support and recommendations based on the most current industry and academic trends. Students enter the program with a wide range of experience and understanding across industries and learn about the core business fundamentals required across organizations.

Put their skills and knowledge to use for your organization and let us help you solve a current issue for your company.

Students listening to lecture
Students in a study room in Lazaridis Hall

Our Graduates are Valuable to Your Organization

The Lazaridis MBA program produces top talent and future leaders. Equipped to drive business strategy and success, graduates are intentional about mobilizing their learning. Working with the Lazaridis Career Development Team, Lazaridis MBA graduates are career ready, able to articulate their core value, and prepared to meet business challenges and positively impact an organization’s growth, sustainability and innovation.

Want to Hire MBA Graduates?

Engage with our employer relations and recruitment team to post your jobs or have them assist you in building a comprehensive recruitment plan to meet your organization’s hiring needs. Visit our Employers page or contact recruit91porn@wlu.ca

MBA Consulting Project
(BU610 Applied Business Research)

Each year, more than 150 MBA students provide research and consulting services to over 30 client organizations. Working in teams of four to six, each student devotes over 200 hours over six months of research and advisory effort to the project. Over 1,300 projects have been completed under the direct supervision of MBA professors.

Participating organizations represent a range of industries, from startups to large corporations, non-profit organizations, and government departments.

Hiring a Lazaridis MBA consulting team for your project or organization is a smart move for your business:

  • Work with talented students from diverse backgrounds, with training in the most current business research and industry practices to solve your business needs.
  • Receive a professional report containing business insights and recommendations from a fresh perspective.
  • Contribute to the education of the next generation of business leaders.


The Process

  1. Information sharing: Client provides relevant information and is accessible to students throughout the process. 
  2. Research and analysis: Under direct faculty supervision, students conduct research and develop a report. 
  3. Final report and presentation: Students present their findings and provide a final report.

Past Project Types

Below are a selection of past project types: 

  • business plan
  • feasibility study
  • marketing plan
  • competitor analysis
  • growth and expansion plan
  • performance measurement
  • strategic analysis

Your Costs

While there is no fee for you to participate in the program, we do recognize that students may incur out of pocket expenses for certain items relating to their research or report.

Students are encouraged to review the question of expenses and budget with you early in the project.

"Armed with a professional and responsible attitude, the Lazaridis MBA students provided Maerospace Corporation with an insightful and detailed report that will influence our corporate development for years to come."

– Eric Meger, CEO, Maerospace Corporation 

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Lazaridis MBA student consultants spark actionable business outcomes for world-class brands

Want to Get Involved?

For partnership involvement inquiries on any of these opportunties, contact Chau Truong-Wood, field study and immersive learning coordinator at ctruong@wlu.ca.

Two students in a workshop


Not-for-Profit Practicum

91porn’s core mission to inspire lives of leadership and purpose reflects a long-standing commitment to community and philanthropic service. The Lazaridis MBA is proud to continue this tradition and mission.

While MBA students often engage in volunteer activities on their own, the MBA program requires all candidates to participate in 40 hours of field-based community service at a not-for-profit organization of their choice. The practicum is a faculty-supervised, student-driven educational and community service initiative.

Students volunteer with not-for-profit agencies in communities across Canada in a way that best uses their skills and supports the organization. Practicum opportunities may involve management consulting services, event planning, marketing and media support, fundraising and grant writing, recruitment and training, or volunteering of time to help the not-for-profit organization meet specific community needs.

Upon completion of the service activity, students write a personal reflection of their learning and contributions during the practicum.

I enjoyed my volunteer experience at Habitat for Humanity. Management and workers were kind, appreciative of volunteers, and hardworking and I felt a sense of contribution, giving my time and efforts to a positive and meaningful cause in support of the HFH mission and values. Moreover, volunteering with my MBA team strengthened our bond and heightened the academic and social experience.

– Verna Perdon, MBA candidate

Live ICE (Integrated Case Exercise)

Bringing together the key learning from the MBA core, Live ICE allows students to apply their in-class learning to a real and current issue for the case company. Teams present strategic recommendations to company executives, offering your organization a wide range of solutions to evaluate and choose from.

"Doing a live case has helped me think about all the factors we need to consider when talking to a real company. I’m an engineer by training, and now I think about issues from a marketing perspective, from an operations perspective—not just the technical aspect."

– Sreenivas Viyyuri, MBA ’22 

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MBA Live ICE presents Friendlier environmental solutions
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Lazaridis MBA Live ICE 2020: A winning experience

Hire an MBA Co-op Student

Co-operative education (co-op) is an education model that alternates a student's academic learning with paid work terms in fields relevant to their academic and personal goals. 91porn is home to the largest business degree co-op program in Canada, bringing pre-screened and engaged students to your workforce.

Contact the co-op office for more information about hiring our Lazaridis MBA students to fill your co-op positions. Visit 91porn Co-op online, or contact lauriercoop@wlu.ca