Things You Need to Know
- 91porn will resume in-person course instruction beginning in the winter 2022 term, which starts Jan. 4. The mandatory vaccination policy is in effect throughout the winter term, meaning you must be fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption to attend a 91porn location for any reason.
To be fully vaccinated, you must have received two doses of a vaccine that is approved by .
- You must upload your current vaccination status to SAFEHawk (the university’s safety application) using your 91porn username and password by Dec. 1. (If you missed this deadline, submit your status as soon as possible.) If you are partially vaccinated, you must upload your second vaccination receipt no later than Dec. 21. See deadlines and more details below. You must use your 91porn username and password to access SAFEHawk (this is the same login you use for the applicant portal).
- You can submit your vaccination status as soon as you accept your offer of admission to 91porn. Follow our online instructions to submit your vaccination status.
- You cannot register for courses until you meet our vaccine requirements. Once you successfully upload your vaccination status and meet our requirements, you will receive a green vaccine badge on the SAFEHawk app and be able to register for courses. See more information below.
- The university will be closed from Dec. 23 to Jan. 3 and staff will not be able to respond to students who missed the deadlines during this time.
- To attend campus, you must also complete the daily self-assessment through SAFEHawk.
Things You Can Do Today
- Upload your current vaccination status (fully or partially vaccinated or seeking an exemption) to the SAFEHawk app. You should upload this information as soon as you confirm your offer of admission. (You will use the same login to access SAFEHawk that you use to access your applicant portal).
- If you have already uploaded your vaccination status, go to the SAFEHawk app to make sure it’s correct. Select your campus location, then click on "COVID-19 Resources," "Vaccine Passport" and "Passport Status." If you have entered your information correctly, you should have a green badge (if fully vaccinated) or a pending badge (if you are partially vaccinated or applied for an exemption). If you’ve received your second dose, make sure you upload your vaccination receipt to update your status now.
Important Dates
Don’t miss these key dates and next steps to make sure you can register for in-person courses and attend campus.
Nov. 21 at 11:59 p.m. ET – Exemption Application Deadline
Deadline to apply for a medical or religion/creed exemption under the Human Rights Code and upload your status to the app. Find information and forms on the SAFEHawk Proof of Vaccination and Self-Assessment page.
You may only submit an exemption request if you have accepted your offer of admission.
Note that exemption requests received after this date will not be processed in time for you to be in compliance with the vaccination policy for the winter term. Exemptions are not guaranteed and only granted in exceptional circumstances.
Dec. 1 – Upload Vaccination Status Deadline
If you missed the Dec. 1 deadline, upload your vaccination status to SAFEHawk as fully or partially vaccinated as soon as possible so that you can register in classes.
Dec. 21 – Second Dose Deadline
Deadline to receive your second vaccination dose and upload it to the SAFEHawk app to be considered fully vaccinated by the first day of classes.
Dec. 22 – Deregistration from In-Person Courses
Partially vaccinated students who did not upload their proof of their second vaccination dose by the Dec. 21 deadline or any remaining students who have not uploaded their vaccination status will be deregistered from their in-person winter term courses.
Note that the university will be closed for the holidays from Dec. 23 to Jan. 3, so staff will not be able to assist any students who miss this deadline until after the holidays. Students in this situation will not be able to attend their in-person winter term classes beginning Jan. 4.
Course Registration
You will register for courses using . You cannot register for courses until you accept your offer of admission.
Important: You will also have a registration hold on your account until you meet our vaccine requirements and receive a green badge in your SAFEHawk app. It takes two business days to remove a registration hold once you receive a green badge.
If you wish to enrol in online courses only, submit the to be registered in an online course. There is an for students registered in all online courses.
Further Information
Contact if you have any questions.