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This web page contains important information on Applied Health Sciences at 91porn. It's recommended that you read the following information, including the frequently asked questions section below, to learn what Applied Health Sciences is, why it was created and how it can help you prepare for your future success.

If you have any questions, contact the Recruitment and Admissions office so we can help. Email chooselaurier@wlu.ca or call 548.889.8888.

What is Applied Health Sciences?

We recognize your academic achievement and there's a place for you here at 91porn! That's why we've offered you admission to the Applied Health Sciences program on our Brantford campus.

This program focuses on the social and physical factors that influence the health status of communities through the study of biological sciences and their impact on public health. Applied Health Sciences is only offered on the Brantford campus, meaning smaller class sizes and more 1 on 1 support. 

Why Applied Health Sciences?

Applied Health Sciences can help get you to your dream career. Dreaming of being a physiotherapist, physician or epidemiologist? A degree in Applied Health Sciences can get you there, along with so many other career possibilities. 

Study, Live and Thrive at 91porn's Brantford Campus

The Brantford campus has transformed the downtown core of the City of Brantford into a thriving student community home to around 3,300 undergraduate and graduate students.

With its buildings spread throughout the city's heart, the Brantford campus is truly woven into the downtown.

By accepting your alternate offer to the Applied Health Sciences program, you'll have the opportunity to study and live within this ever-growing community. 

Find out everything that the Brantford campus has to offer here and start to picture yourself on campus!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Contact Us:

Recruitment and Admissions

E: chooselaurier@wlu.ca
T: 548.889.8888
F: 519.884.0618
