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BEng (Hunan University), MEng (Northeastern University), PhD (The University of British Columbia).
Professor Xuan Zhao earned her PhD in the joint fields of Management Science and Logistics at the University of British Columbia. Her research involves utilizing the tools of Management Science/Operations Research and Economics to model, analyze and derive insights into problems in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Revenue Management and Inventory/Production Control. Her research papers have been published or accepted by various journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, Decision Sciences, as well as in strong marketing journals such as Quantitative Marketing and Economics and European Journal of Marketing.
For a full list of Zhao's research publications, visit her page.
Besides the above external awards and grants, Zhao also earned multiple Faculty Merit Awards and Course remission Awards from 91porn.
External funds (total of $636,000) enable Zhao to supervise and financially support 6 post-doctoral fellows, 5 doctoral students and 4 master’s students.
Zhao will continue to supervise graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the area of (but not limited to) supply chain management, revenue management, inventory/production control, marketing/OM interfaces, operations risk management, and new product development and entrepreneurships.
I am currently accepting MSc and PhD students. Please visit our graduate program websites to learn more about our MSc in Management with a focus on Supply Chain Management and PhD programs in Management with a focus on Supply Chain, Operations and Technology Management.
If you are interested in my research areas, please directly contact me for more information and include your transcript and a description of your research interests as well as the type of position you are interested in pursuing.
Zhao is currently accepting applications for a post-doc position in the area of supply chain management, marketing/economics-operations management interfaces. The candidate must have completed a PhD or expect its completion before starting the appointment. Candidates that have strong operations research/management science and business analytics background and are familiar with empirical research methodology, game theory/industrial organization and contracting theory will be preferred.
Applications should include:
For more information or to apply to the position, please contact Xuan Zhao.
62. Tian, X. H. Jiang, X. Zhao. 2024. Product assortment and online sales in community group-buying channel: Evidence from a convenience store chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
61. Huang, Y. X. Wei, X. Zhao. 2024. Supplier Encroachment and Pricing Scheme Choice in a Supply Chain with Two-Sided Uncertainties. International Journal of Production Research.
60. Li, J. X. Zhao, Y. Zheng. 2024. Effects of behavioral bias regarding demand forecasting in a competitive market. Naval Research Logistics.
59. Tian, X, J. Zhu, X. Zhao, X. Zhou. 2024. Unveiling insights from online shopping carnivals: A Pre-vs-Post experimental analysis. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
58. Xu, Peng, X. Zhao, T. Xiao. 2024. Entry accommodation strategies in a shipping supply chain with corporate social responsibility. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 190.
57. . Liu, Y. T, Xiao, Z. Fan. X. Zhao. 2024. Price and service-level decisions and channel coordination under disruption of social welfare responsibility degree. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. Doi:
56. Jin, S. Y. He, S. Li, X. Zhao. 2023. Break up or tolerate? The post-disruption cooperation in global supply chains. International Journal of Production Research.
55. Li. W., X. Zhao and J. Chen. 2023. Co-opetition or decentralization? A study of manufacturers’ sourcing and distribution strategies. European Journal of Operational Research. 311 (3) 867-886
54. Hafezi, M., X. Zhao and H. Zolfagharinia. 2023. Together we stand? Co-opetition for the development of green products. European Journal of Operational Research. 306 (3) 1417-1438.
53. Guo. L., H. Yin, X. Zhao, Q. Zhu. 2022. Managing your own low-tier suppliers via donation to NGOs: Why do multi-national corporations bother? International Journal of Production Economics. 250. 108670.
52. He, Y., X. Zhao, H. Krishnan, S. Jin. 2022. Cooperation among suppliers of complementary products in repeated interactions. International Journal of Production Economics. 252. 108559.
51. Xing, W. S. Ma, X. Zhao and L. Liu. 2022. Operational hedging or financial hedging? Strategic risk management in commodity procurement. Production and Operations Management. 31 (8) 3233-3263.
50. Yu, Y. Y. He and X. Zhao. 2022. Certify or not? An analysis of organic food supply chain with competing suppliers. Annals of Operations Research. 314 (2) 645-675.
49. Zhu, J. Tian, X. Zhao, J. Wu. “” Production Planning & Control.
48. Wang, N. W. Xing, X. Zhao. “” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 159.
47. Chen, Z. Z. Fan, X. Zhao. “.” International Transactions in Operational Research.
46. Ma, S., G. Li, S. Sethi, X. Zhao, “.” Transportation Research Part E. 158.
45. Li. W. X. Zhao. 2021. “” European Journal of Operational Research. 297 (1) 180-202.
44. Li, J. M. Li, X. Zhao. 2021. “” Production and Operations Management. 2803-2913.
43. Yu, Y. Y. He and X. Zhao. 2021. “” Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 172, 212001.
42. Chen, Z. Z. Fan, X. Zhao. 2021. “.” Omega—the International Journal of Management Science. 103, 102447.
41. Bian, J., X. Zhao. 2020. “.” International Journal of Production Economics. 230, 107891.
40. Chen, Z. Z. Fan, X. Zhao. “” International Transactions in Operational Research.
39. Xing, W., Q. Li, X. Zhao, and J. Li. “” Transportation Research: Part E.
38. Zhang, Q. Q. Zhao and X. Zhao. “”. Computers & Industrial Engineering.
37. Yu, Y. Y. He and X. Zhao. “” Annals of Operations Research.
36. Bian, J., X. Zhao and F. Liu. “.” International Journal of Production Economics.
35. Bian, J., X. Zhao. 2020. “Tax or Subsidy? Analysis of Environmental Policies in Supply Chains.” European Journal of Operational Research. 283 (3) 901-914.
34. Wang, N., Z. Fan, and X. Zhao. 2020. “Coordination in competitive dual-sales channels of the mobile phone industry.” International Transactions in Operational Research. 27 (2) 984-1012.
33. Xing, W. Q. Zhang and X. Zhao. “” International Journal of Production Research. 57 (24) 7536-7551.
32. Zhang, Q., Q. Zhao and X. Zhao. “.” International Journal of Production Research. 57 (23) 7423-7438.
31. Xing, W, Q. Zhang, X. Zhao and L. Liu. “Effect of Downstream Entry to Supply Chains with Spot Market.” IISE Transactions 51 (10) 1110-1127. DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2018.1550825
30. Li, J., M. Yang and X. Zhao. “Quantifying and Mitigating Inefficiency in Information Acquisition under Competition.” Central European Journal of Operations Research. 27 (4) 985-1007.
29. Ma, S., G. Li, S. Sethi, X. Zhao. “Advance Selling in the Presence of Market Power and Risk-Averse Consumers" Decision Sciences 50 (1) 142-169
28. Zhang, P., Y. He., and X. Zhao. “Preorder-online, Pickup-in-Store Strategy in a Dual Channel Retailer.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 122 27-47
27. Liu, Y., T. Xiao, Z. Fan and X. Zhao. “Pricing, Environmental Governance, and Channel Coordination in a Socially Responsible Tourism Supply Chain.” International Transactions in Operational Research. 26 1025-1051
26. Bian, J. K. Lai, Z. Hua, X. Zhao and G. Zhou. “Bertrand vs. Cournot competition in distribution channels with upstream collusion.” International Journal of Production Economics 204 278-289.
25. Li. J., M. Yang, W. Xing and X. Zhao. 2018. “Information Acquisition Behavior: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective.” Dynamic Games and Application. 8 (2) 434-455.
24. Lévesque, M., X. Zhao and J. Bian. 2018. “Rivals’ Production-Quantity and Entry-Timing Decisions in Emerging Markets.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 65 (1) 85-98.
23. Zhao X., D. Atkins, M. Hu and W. Zhang. 2017. “Strategic Revenue Management under Price and Seat Inventory Competition.” European Journal of Operational Research. 257 (3) 957-970
22. Zhang Y., M. Hafazi, X. Zhao and C. Shi. 2017. “The Impact of Development Cost on Product Line Design and Its Environmental Performance” International Journal of Production Economics. 184 122-130.
21. He, Y. and X. Zhao. 2016. “Coordinating a Supply Chain with Both Demand and Yield Uncertainty.” Naval Research Logistics. 63 (4) 305-319.
20. Ma., S., J. Lin, and X. Zhao. 2016. “Online Store Discount Strategy in the Presence of Consumer Loss Aversion." International Journal of Production Economics. 171 (1) 1–7.
19. Zhao, X., W. Xing, L. Liu, S. Wang. 2015. “Demand Information and Spot Price Information: Supply Chains Trading in Spot Markets.” European Journal of Operational Research. 246 (3) 837–849.
18. Gao, L., X. Zhao. 2015. “Determining Intra-company Transfer Pricing for Multinational Corporations.” International Journal of Production Economics. (168) 340–350
17. Yang, S., X. Zhao, and C. Shi. 2015. “Joint Determination of Salesforce Compensation, Production and Pricing Decisions.” International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics. 2(3): 144–155.
16. Ma., S., J. Lin, W. Xing, and X. Zhao. 2015. “Advanced Booking Discount in the Presence of Spot Market.” International Journal of Production Research. 53(10): 2921–2936.
15. He, Y., and X. Zhao. 2012. “Coordination in Multi-Echelon Supply Chain under Both Demand and Supply Uncertainty.” Special issue of International Journal of Production Economics. 139(1): 106–115.
14. Niu, R., I. Castillo and X. Zhao. 2012. “Joint Pricing and Inventory/Production Decisions in a Two-stage Dual-retailer Supply Chain System.” Special issue Asian Pacific Journal of Operations Research. 29(1): 1–38.
13. Shi, V., S. Yang and X. Zhao. 2011. “Inventory Competition for Newsvendors under the Profit and Revenue Satisficing Objective.” European Journal of Operational Research. 215(2): 367–373.
12. Yang, S., C.V. Shi, and X. Zhao. 2011. “Optimal Ordering and Pricing Decisions for a Target Oriented Newsvendor.” Omega—the International Journal of Management Science 39, 110–115.
11. Zhao, X., and C. Shi. 2011. “Structuring and Contracting in Competing Supply Chains.” Special issue International Journal of Production Economics 134(2): 434–446.
10. Shi, C.V., X. Zhao, and Y. Xia. 2010. “The Setting of Profit Targets for Target Oriented Divisions.” European Journal of Operational Research 206, 86–92.
9. Zhao, X., R. Niu, and I. Castillo. 2010. “Channel Structure for Non-Profit Organizations.” European Journal of Marketing. 44(7/8): 972– 996.
8. Zhao, X., D. Atkins, and Yong Liu. 2009. “Effects of Distribution Channel Structure in Markets with Vertically Differentiated Products.” Quantitative Marketing and Economics 4, 377–397.
7. Zhao, X., and D. Atkins. 2009. “Transshipment between Competitive Retailers,” IIE Transactions 41, 665–676. (This is the lead paper in Volume 41 and was highlighted by Editor-in-Chief in Industrial Engineer Magazine).
6. Atkins, D., and X. Zhao. 2009. “On the Modeling of Demand Spill for a Stochastic Demand System under Competition.” Operations Research Letters 37, 269–272.
5. He, Y., and X. Zhao. 2009. “Supply Chain Coordination Using Returns Policy with Sales Rebate and Penalty under Effort and Price Dependent Demand,” Applied Mathematical Modeling 33, 2777–2790.
4. Zhao, X., and D. Atkins. 2008. “Newsvendors under Price and Inventory Competition.” M&SOM (Manufacturing and Service Operations Management). 10(3): 539–546.
3. Zhao, X., 2008. “Coordinating a Supply Chain System with Retailers under Both Price and Inventory Competition.” Production and Operations Management 17(5): 532–542.
PhD Seminar in Supply Chain Management
Operations Management
Business Decision Models
Contact Info:
E: xzhao@wlu.ca
F: 519.884.0201
Office location: LH4023
Office hours:
By appointment.
Languages spoken: English