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Dr. O’Leary received his Ph.D. at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto and his MSW at York University, Faculty of Social Work. Dr. O’Leary’s research and teaching interests are informed by his 15-plus years of social work practice as a prisoners’ rights advocate, a community mental health worker, and as a hospital-based social worker. His research focus is inclusive of harm reduction/substance use; equitable healthcare practice/services; and identity construction.
Rudzinski, K., O’Leary, W., Perri, M., Guimond, T., Guta, A., Chan Carusone, S., & Strike, C. (2023). Community reinforcement approach (CRA) supported with structured recreation therapy: Experiences of people living with HIV in a pilot substance use treatment program at a specialty hospital. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
O'Leary, W., Brennan, D.J., & Ashcroft, R., Chan Carusone, S., Guta, A., & Strike, C. (2022). A structuration theory guided analysis of the hospitalization experience for people living with HIV who use drugs: My rules and their rules. International Journal of Drug Policy. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103743
Rudzinski K., Ceranto A., Strike C., Azmila A., Baltzer Turje R., Cardow A., Guta A., O’Leary W., Hyshka E., Ibáñez-Carrasco F., Kucharski E., McDougall P., McKnight I., Medina, C., Morley L., Murcia Monroy D., Sipione J., Valentine D., Vose, K., and Chan Carusone S. (2022). Twelve characteristics of client-centred supervised consumption services (SCS): A toolkit for service design, delivery, and evaluation. Toronto. Report available at:
Rudzinski, R., Chan Carusone, S., Ceranto, A., Ibáñez-Carrasco, F., Valentine, D., Guta, A., Hyshka, E., O’Leary, W., Cardow, A., & Strike, C. (2022). Philanthropic donor perspectives about providing harm reduction services for people living with HIV/AIDS in a hospital setting. Harm Reduction Journal,19(124).
Rudzinski, K., Xavier, J., Guta, A., Chan Carusone, S., King, K, Switzer, S., O’Leary, W., Baltzer Turje, R., Harrison, S., de Prinse, K., Simons, J., & Strike, C. (2021). Feasibility, acceptability, concerns, and challenges of implementing supervised injection services at a specialty HIV hospital in Toronto, Canada: perspectives of people living with HIV. BMC Public Health 21(1482).
Strike, C., Robinson, S., Guta, A., Tana, D., O'Leary, W., Cooper, C., Upshur, R., Chan Carusone, S. (2020). Illicit drug use while admitted to hospital: patient and health care provider perspectives. PlosOne 15 (3):e0229713.
Chan Carusone, S., Guta, A., Robinson, S., Tan, D. H., Cooper, C., O’Leary, W., & Strike, C. (2019). “Maybe if I stop the drugs, then maybe they’d care?” - hospital care experiences of people who use drugs. Harm Reduction Journal, 16(1), 16.
Miscovic, M., Chan Carusone, S., Guta, A., O’Leary, W., dePrinse, K., & Strike, C. (2018) Distribution of harm reduction kits in a specialty HIV hospital in Canada. American Journal of Public health, doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304600
O’Leary, W., Strike, C., Sagar Rohailla, R., Barnes, M., McDougall, P., Baltzer Turje, R., & Chan Carusone, S. (2018). Perspectives of healthcare workers about the delivery and evaluation of harm reduction services for people living with HIV who use substances. Cogent Medicine, 5(1), doi.org/10.1080/2331205X.2018.1461005
Chan Carusone, S., O’Leary, W., McWatt, S., Stewart, A., Craig, S., & Brennan, D. (2017). The lived experience of the hospital discharge ‘plan’: a longitudinal qualitative study of complex patients. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 12(1),1-5.
Brennan, D.J., McWatt, S., O’Leary, W., Carusone, S.C., Stewart, A., & Craig, S.L. (2015). Living through the transition: The impact of complex care needs on the hospital to community transition. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease and Medical Microbiology, 26(Supp B.), 30.
O’Leary, W. (2015). Constructing a ‘teacher’ identity: Influence and impact of doctoral studies on the development of a teaching practice. Canadian Social Work, 17(1), 28-39