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I received my PhD in Computer Science from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 2016. Prior to joining 91porn University, I was an Assistant Professor at Thompson Rivers University for one year (from 2021 to 2022), at Lakehead University for two years (from 2019 to 2021), and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Waterloo for two years (from 2017 to 2019) and at UQAM for almost a year (from 2016 to 2017).
My research interests are: internet of things (IoT), wireless communications, cloud and edge computing, data mining & big data, algorithm design and optimization. However, my current research focus is on intelligent transportation systems (ITS), working on data communications, traffic management, routing, and charging of electric vehicles.
Currently I am accepting talented graduate students for the Thesis-Based Master in Applied Computing (MAC) program. If you are interested, kindly send me your CV, transcripts, and statement of purpose to my email at debrahimi@wlu.ca.
Helae, Maryam Qusay Yousif, Dariush Ebrahimi, and Fadi Alzhouri. "Data Analytics in the Pharmacology Domain." International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (IJBDAH) 7, no. 1 (2022): 1-16.
Ibrahim Sorkhoh, Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, and Sanaa Sharafeddine: “Optimizing Information Freshness for MEC-enabled Cooperative Autonomous Driving”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
Ali Muhammad, Moataz Shokry, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Dariush Ebrahimi: “Minimizing Age of Information in Multi-Access Edge Computing-assisted IoT Networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021).
Ahmed Al-Hilo, Moataz Samir, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Dariush Ebrahimi. "A cooperative approach for content caching and delivery in UAV-assisted vehicular networks." Vehicular Communications (2021): 100391.
Ahmed Al-Hilo, Dariush Ebrahimi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Chadi Assi: “Vehicle-Assisted RSU Caching Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (2021).
Moataz Shokry, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, Dariush Ebrahimi, and Ali Ghrayeb. "Age of Information Aware Trajectory Planning of UAVs in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Deep Learning Approach." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69, no. 11 (2020): 12382-12395.
Ahmed Al-Hilo, Moataz Samir, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Dariush Ebrahimi. "UAV-Assisted Content Delivery in Intelligent Transportation Systems-Joint Trajectory Planning and Cache Management." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2020).
Moataz Shokry, Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Ali Ghrayeb: “Leveraging UAVs for Coverage in Cell-Free Vehicular Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach”. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2020).
Ibrahim Sorkhoh, Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Maurice Khabbaz. "An infrastructure-assisted workload scheduling for computational resources exploitation in the fog-enabled vehicular network." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7, no. 6 (2020): 5021-5032.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, Pin-Han Ho, and Chadi Assi. "Autonomous UAV trajectory for localizing ground objects: A reinforcement learning approach." IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20, no. 4 (2020): 1312-1324.
Ahmed Al-Hilo, Dariush Ebrahimi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Chadi Assi: “Revenue-driven video delivery in vehicular networks with optimal resource scheduling." Vehicular Communications 23 (2020): 100215.
Samir, Moataz, Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, and Ali Ghrayeb. "Trajectory Planning of Multiple Dronecells in Vehicular Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach." IEEE Networking Letters 2, no. 1 (2020): 14-18.
Ibrahim Sorkhoh, Dariush Ebrahimi, Ribal Atallah, and Chadi Assi: “Workload Scheduling in Vehicular Networks with Edge Cloud Capabilities”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 8472 - 8486, Sep. 2019.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Sanaa Sharafeddine, Pin-Han Ho, and Chadi Assi. "UAV-aided projection-based compressive data gathering in wireless sensor networks." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6, no. 2 (2018): 1893-1905.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Wessam Ajib, Halima Elbiaze: “Device-to-Device Data Transfer through Multi-Hop Relay Links Underlaying Cellular Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 9669-9680, Oct. 2018.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Samir Sebbah: “A Column Generation Method for Constructing and Scheduling Multiple Forwarding Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15(9): 6513-6523 (2016).
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “On the Interaction between Scheduling and Compressive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15(4): 2845–2858 (2016).
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “Network Coding-Aware Compressive Data Gathering for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks”. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 11, no. 4 (2015): 61.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “Compressive data gathering using random projection for energy efficient wireless sensor networks”. Ad Hoc Networks 16: 105-119 (2014).
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “A Distributed Method for Compressive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks”. IEEE Communication Letters 18(4): 624-627 (2014).
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “Optimal and Efficient Algorithms for Projection-Based Compressive Data Gathering”. IEEE Communication Letters 17(8): 1572-1575 (2013).
Pronab Ghosh, Thiago Eustaquio Alves De Oliveira, Fadi Alzhouri, and Dariush Ebrahimi. "Maximizing Group-Based Vehicle Communications and Fairness: A Reinforcement Learning Approach." In 2024 IEEE 25th Wireless Communications and Networking (WCNC). IEEE, 2024.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Govind Sudarshan, and Fadi Alzhouri. "BNART: A Novel Centralized Traffic Management Approach for Autonomous Vehicles." In 2024 20th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2024.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Seyedmohammad Kashefi Mofrad, Maryam Helae, Sabah Mohammed, and Fadi Alzhouri. "Fastest Route and Charging Optimization of an Electric Vehicle With Battery's Life Consideration." In Proceedings of the Int'l ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet, Under MSWiM), pp. 39-46. 2023.
Fadi Alzhouri, Hardik Gunjal, Preetkumar Patel, Ahmad Hammad, and Dariush Ebrahimi. "A Smart Network Intrusion Detection System for Cyber Security of Industrial IoT." In 2023 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications (IDSTA), pp. 67-75. IEEE, 2023.
Pronab Ghosh, Dariush Ebrahimi, Fadi Alzhouri, and Thiago Eustaquio Alves De Oliveira. "MCFGV: Maximizing Communications and Fairness for Groups of Vehicles." In 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.
Joshua Weston, Brenden Bickert, Caleb Stasiuk, Fadi Alzhouri, and Dariush Ebrahim. "Dynamic Analysis of Demographic Sentiment." In 2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2022.
Andrew Motz, Elizabeth Ranta, Adan Sierra Calderon, Quin Adam, Fadi Alzhouri, and Dariush Ebrahimi: " Live Sentiment Analysis Using Multiple Machine Learning and Text Processing Algorithms" In The 119th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2022).
Ibrahim Sorkhoh, Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Sanaa Sharafeddine. "Minimizing the Age of Information in Intelligent Transportation Systems." IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2020).
A. Al-Hilo, M. Samir, C. Assi, S. Sharafeddine, Dariush Ebrahimi: " Cooperative Content Delivery in UAV-RSU Assisted Vehicular Networks." In The 2nd Workshop on Drone Assisted Wireless Communications for 5G and Beyond – co-located with ACM MobiCom 2020 (DroneCom 2020).
Ibrahim Sorkhoh, Dariush Ebrahimi, S. Sharafeddine, and C. Assi: "On Leveraging the Computational Potential of Fog-Enabled Vehicular Networks." In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, pp. 9-16. 2019.
Dariush Ebrahimi, S. Sharafeddine, P.H. Ho, C. Assi: “Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using UAV and Compressive Data Gathering”. In 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2018), pp. 1-7. IEEE Dec 9 2018.
El Haber, Elie, Tri Minh Nguyen, Dariush Ebrahimi, and Chadi Assi: “Computational Cost and Energy Efficient Task Offloading in Hierarchical Edge-Clouds”. In 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2018), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi, Samir Sebbah: “On Jointly Constructing and Scheduling Multiple Forwarding Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Thirteenth Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2016), pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2016.
Dariush Ebrahimi, Chadi Assi: “On the Benefits of Network Coding to Compressive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Twelfth Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2015), pp. 55-63. IEEE, 2015.
At Thompson Rivers University:
At Lakehead University:
Contact Info:
Office location: N2076H
Office hours:
Tuesdays and Thursday, 4:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. or by appointment.
Languages spoken: English, Farsi, Arabic
Personal website: debrahimi.ca