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Nov. 17, 2022
91porn Choirs Concert
Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022 at 3 p.m.
Gerard Yun, conductor/facilitator
91porn Singers Roster
Salmo 150, by Ernani Aguiar (b. 1950)
Salmo 150 was composed by Brazilian composer, Ernani Aguiar in 1975 and published by Earthsongs in 1993 as the choral world began to explore “world musics.” It has become an immensely popular choral music standard. Aguiar’s setting uses the standard Latin text. (Translation recited in concert)
Indodana, traditional South African (Xhosa)/arr. Michael Barrett
Dreams (Interpolation on Only in Sleep), facilitated by Gerard Yun (b. 1961), poetry by Lucille Gill (b. 2004)
Only in Sleep, by Eriks Esenvalds (b. 1977)
Mist (Interpolation on Only in Sleep), facilitated by Gerard Yun (b. 1961), poetry by Lucille Gill (b. 2004)
Dreams/Only in Sleep/Mist: The 91porn Singers invite all of us to share in this moment to remember those whom we have lost or were not able to say our usual or proper goodbyes during the global pandemic. The set is intended to create a space for remembering, sitting, meditating, grieving, or prayer – whatever is needed by our community. Eriks Esenvald’s “Only in Sleep” was composed in 2010 for the University of Louisville choirs. The addition of the interpolations, “Dreams” and “Mist”, transform Esenvald’s work about childhood memories into a meditation on remembering as we continue to emerge from the global pandemic. Lucille Gill, a member the the 91porn Singers, created the original poetry with collaborative choral improvisation facilitated by Gerard Yun.
Lonesome Road, by James Taylor (b. 1948)/arr. Simon Carrington (b. 1942)
Lonesome Road is a pop/folk/acapella work by singer/songwriter, James Taylor (b. 1948) and jazz pianist, Dan Grolnick (1947-1966). English conductor, singer, and member of the Kings Singers, Simon Carrington (b. 1942) arranged this version for acapella choir.
Sure on this shining night, by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943), text by James Agee (b. 1909-1950)
Sure on this shining night is arguably the most famous and popular choral setting of the poem by James Agee (1909-1955). In this context it is a call for kindness, healing, and contemplation.
Sure on this shining night
Of star made shadows round,
Kindness must watch for me
This side the ground.
The late year lies down the north.
All is healed, all is health.
High summer holds the earth.
Hearts all whole.
Sure on this shining night I weep for wonder wand'ring far
Of shadows on the stars.
Elvera Froese, conductor
Henry Kelsey, piano
Maureen Forrester Singers Roster
Missa Brevis, by Adolphus Hailstork (b. 1941)
Sanctus & Benedictus
Agnus Dei
Adolphus Hailstork (b. 1941) is an African-American professor of music and composer-in-residence in Norfolk, Virginia. His compositions are for chorus, symphony, opera, and various ensembles. His choral music often combines the traditions of various genres of African-American music and European music and it also excels at evoking the mood and meaning of texts through his rich harmonic language. In May 2022, ‘A Knee on a Neck’ for chorus and orchestra was premiered in memory of George Floyd and those who suffered as a result of brutality.
Lord, have mercy on us, Christ, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. (from the Greek)
Gloria (this and subsequent movements from Latin)
Glory in the highest to God and on earth peace to [all] of good will.
We praise you. We bless you. We worship you. We glorify you.
Thanks we give because of your great glory.
Lord God, King of heaven, God Father Almighty. Lord Son only begotten, Jesus Christ.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of Father. who take[s] away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Who take[s] away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.
Who sits at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
You only are holy, only are the Lord, only are the most high, Jesus Christ.
With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God Father. Amen.
Sanctus & Benedictus
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Glory be to you, O Lord most High.
Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Agnus Dei
O Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. 2x
O Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
3 songs to poems by E. Pauline Johnson/Tekahionwake (1861-1913), set by Jeff Smallman (b. 1965)
Lifting of the Mist
Pauline’s Father was Chief of the Six Nations and her mother was British. She was born at Chiefswood near the Grand River in what is now Brantford and lived most of her life in Ontario before moving to Vancouver, B.C.
Johnson made important contributions to Indigenous and Canadian oral and written culture and was celebrated during her lifetime and again since the end of the 20th century. As an unmarried Indigenous woman, and a successful poet and dramatizer of poems and short stories, Johnson fought against prejudicial ideas of race and gender at the time. Pauline Johnson continues to be recognized as a talented literary figure.
Jeff Smallman (b. 1965) is a prolific and versatile Canadian composer with over 200 works in print. His style relies heavily on the Romantic/Impressionist musical language, with hints of modernism thrown in. He studied at Western University and continues to live in London, Ontario.
Carolyn Neumann VanderBurgh, conductor
Ian VanderBurgh, piano
Concert Choir Roster
Dena Ledi, transcribed by Carolyn Neumann (2001)
Phamakate, Source: Dr. Kathy Robinson and the Galeshewe Salvation Army Choir
No One Asked Me, by Laura Hawley (2020)
Wide Open Spaces, by Sarah Quartel (2015)
Sonnet 43, by Laura Hawley (2013)
Gerard Yun, director/facilitator
Convergence Roster
What A Wonderful World, by Bob Thiele (1922-1996) and George David Weiss (1947-2010)
What a Wonderful World was made popular by the well-known original recording by Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) and has since been covered by numerous artists across a variety of styles and cultures. Convergence uses this song among others to explore intercultural and stylistic spaces in order to support a variety of community music situations. You are invited to participate in our first “concert exploration” in this stylistic and cultural mash up.
TBA - Audience Participation Piece
Vox Experimental is a new vocal ensemble that focuses on musical theatre and contemporary commercial styles within the pop/rock group and show choir realm. It’s all about developing vocal techniques and mastering style elements for popular music, and working together collectively to explore the wide array of music in this vast canon. Show choirs traditionally have choreography. Our set has choreography for one song only. The Rock of Ages Medley including “Don’t Stop Believin’” and “Any Way You Want It” by Journey is choreographed by Christine Watson.
Amanda Kind, director
Christine Watson, choreographer
VOX Roster
“Dear Old Shiz” from Wicked The Musical (Stephen Schwartz)
“Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga (Stefani Germanotta, Nadir Khayat)
“Rolling In The Deep” by Adele (Adele Adkins, Paul Epworth)
“Visiting Hours” by Ed Sheeran (Amy Wadge, Ant Clemons, Ed Sheeran, Johnny McDaid, Kim Lang Smith, Michael Pollack, Scott Carter)
“You Learn” from Jagged Little Pill The Musical (Alanis Morissette, Glen Ballard)
“Don't Stop Believin'/Any Way You Want It” from Rock of Ages (Journey: Jonathan Cain, Steve Perry, Neal Schon)