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I received my PhD in sociology at McMaster University in 2008. Prior to joining 91porn, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation in the Faculty of Medicine; University of Toronto (2007-2008).
Using interpretive theories, I research policing and technological change, crime and intelligence analysis, plural policing, police women, and police cultures. I am a qualitative researcher with an active research program. I am presently working on a number of SSHRC funded studies concerning:
The following are a selection of the funded research projects I have been involved in:
Sanders, Carrie (Principle Investigator) "Craft of Intelligence Analysis Lab" Canadian Infrastructure Fund JELF $250,000
Langan, D (PI), Sanders, C (Co-I) “Recruiting, Retaining and Promoting Women in Policing: An International Comparison of Opportunities and Challenges” SSHRC Connection Grant January 2019 – January 2020 $25,000
Dej, Erin (PI) and Sanders, Carrie (Co-I) ““Brokering Dialogue: Constructing a Fact-Based Counter Narrative on Policing and Homelessness” Ministry of Public Safety British Columbia Gang Outreach Group, (February 2019-March 2021) $100,000
Saulnier, Alana (PI) and Sanders, Carrie (Co-I) ‘An evaluation of Durham Regional Police Body Worn Camera Pilot Project’ SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant June 2018 – August 2019 $25,000
Saulnier, Alana (PI) and Carrie Sanders (Co-I) Police Adoption of BWCs in Canada: Building qualitative understandings of officer perceptions and constructing a national policy template. SSHRC Insight Grant(March 2019 – June 2021) $66,866
Sanders, Carrie (PI),Chan, Janet; Bennett Moses, Lyria; Smith, Gavin; Mackenzie, Simon; and Sheptycki, James. “Conceptions of Intelligence: Building a Cross Country Comparative Analysis of Practices and Frameworks of Policing” SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (June 2017 - June 2020), $200,000
Sanders, Carrie (Principle Investigator), Janet Chan and Manny San Pedro (Collaborators) “Technology and Data Science in Policing: Studying the Work of Crime Analysts”, SSHRC Insight Grant (2016 - 2020), $107,375
Chan, J., Bennet-Moses, L., and Sanders, C. (“Field of Intelligence Production” Law Faculty Research Grants, University of New South Wales, Australia, (2016) $15,000 AUS
Langan, Debra and Sanders, Carrie "The Experiences of Women in Red and Blue: Canadian Police Mothers' Experiences of the Organizational, Cultural, and Occupational Contexts of Policing", (2016-2018) SSHRC Insight Development Grant
Lavoie, J., Sanders, C., Schulenberg, J. and Huey, L. "Exploring Police Responses to Citizens in Mental Crisis", (2015 – 2017), SSHRC Insight Development Grant, $56,636
Sanders, Carrie “Bridging the Gap: Studying the Design and Use of Police Technologies”, (2010-14), SSHRC Insight Development Grant, $68,000
I have research assistantships opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students interested in intelligence-led policing and police culture.
I am willing to supervise graduate students in the areas of qualitative research, policing, deviance, technology and the law, social problems, surveillance and social control.
Journal Articles (bold denotes student authors)
Weston, C., Bennett Moses, L and Sanders, C (2019) “The changing role of the law enforcement analyst: Clarifying core competencies for analysts and supervisors through empirical research” Policing and Society: An International Journal. Online First
Sanders, C.B.and Langan, D. (2018) “Extending State Control through Efforts to Responsibilize: Plural Policing and Community Safety and Wellness Initiatives in Canada” Policing & Society: An International Journal
Langan, D., Sanders, C.B. and Gouweloos, J. (2018) “Policing Women’s Bodies: Pregnancy, Embodiment, and Gender Relations in Canadian Police Work” Feminist Criminology. Online First
Cain, K., Shore, K., Weston, C. & Sanders, C.(2018). “Knowledge mobilization as a tool of institutional governance: Exploring academics' perceptions of 'going public'”. Canadian Journal of Higher Education48(2): 39-54.
Sanders, C.B. and Condon, C.(2017) “Ontological Security and Intelligence Analysis: Studying the work of crime analysts”. Global Crime, DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2017.1323637
Sanders, C. B., Weston, C. and Schott, N. (2015) “Police Innovations, ‘Secret Squirrels’ & Accountability: Empirically examining the integration of intelligence-led policing in Canada”. British Journal of Criminology. 55:4, 711-729.
Sanders, C. B., Christensen, A., and Weston, C. (2015). “Discovering crime in a database: ‘Big data’ and the mangle of social problems work”. Constructionist Futures: New Directions in Social Problems Theory, J. Best and D. Loseke (Eds.). Qualitative Sociology Review XI: 2, 180-195.
Agocs, T., Langan, D., and Sanders, C. B. (2015). “Police Mothers At Home: Police Work and Protective Parenting Practices” Gender & Society 29: 2, 265-289.
Sanders, C. B., and Eisler, L. (2015) “Engaging and Debating the Role of Public Criminology”. Radical Criminology
Sanders, C. B. and Eisler, L. (2014) “The Public Would Rather Watch Hockey: The promises and challenges of doing public criminology within the academy”. Radical Criminology 14, 37-66.
Lavoie, J., Eaton, J., Sanders, C. B., and Smith, M. (2014) “All in the Wall”: A Narrative Analysis of Vancouver’s Apology Wall. Symbolic Interaction and New Social Media. Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction 43: 203-222.
Sanders, C. B. (2014) “Need to Know vs. Need to Share: The Intersecting Work of Police, Fire and Paramedics” Information, Communication and Society 17:4, 463-475.
Refereed Book Chapters
Hannem, S., Sanders, C,Doyle, A, Schneider, C., and Antony Christensen (Eds.)(2019)Security and Risk Technologies in Criminal Justice. Canadian Scholars Press.
Kleinknecht, Steven, van den Scott, Lisa-jo, and Sanders, Carrie.(Eds)(2018)Craft of Qualitative ResearchCanadian Scholars Press.
Van den Scott, L, Sanders, C.B. and Puddephatt, A. (2016). “Reconceptualizing Users Through Rich Ethnographic Accounts” in Clark Miller, Urike Felt, Laurel Smith-Doerr, Rayvon Fouche [Eds.] Handbook of Science and Technology Studies 4th Edition MIT Press.
Fetner, T., Stokes, A., and Sanders, C. B. . (2015). "Institution Building and the Religious Right: Lessons from U.S. and Canadian History." Chapter 3 in H. Ramos and K.Rodgers (Eds.), A Social Movement Society? Possibilities and Realities. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Sanders, C. and Howells, S (2015). “Coding” Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology 2nd Edition, (Ed.) George Ritzer.
Contact Info:
F: 519.756.3716
Office location: GRH126
Office hours:
See Course Syllabus.
Languages spoken: English