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I received my MA in biological anthropology followed by my PhD, in the same field, from the University of Toronto in 2003.
Prior to joining 91porn, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (2006-2008), and an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto (2008-2010).
I have also spent several years working in both the private and public sectors as a field archaeologist specializing in research involving human skeletal remains.
The Tay Point Archaeology (TPA) project provides a unique opportunity to explore the ecological sustainability of a single Huron-Wendat community. The archaeological sites of Tay Point reveal the relocation sequence of a single community over a 250-year period (AD1400-1650).
TPA has two main research objectives:
TPA involves a multiyear program of historical and archaeological research from 2014 through 2018, details can be found at /.
I have laboratory technician opportunities for undergraduate students interested in Huron-Wendat archaeology. Fieldwork in Penetanguishene, Ont., may also be available in the summer. Contact me for more information.
Glencross, B. Introduction to Archaeology (Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 2019)
Chapters in books:
1. Knüsel, C.S., Milella, M., Betz, B., Dori, I., Garofalo, E.M., Glencross, B., Haddow, S.D., Ledger, M.L., Anastasiou, E., Mitchell, P.D., Pearson, J., Pilloud, M.A., Ruff, C.B., Savardi, J.W., Tibbetts, B., Larsen, C.S. “Bioarchaeology at Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Indicators of Health, Well-being and Lifeway in Their Social Context,” in I. Hodder (ed), Peopling the Landscape of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons (Vol. 13, British Institute at Ankara, Monograph 54, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series, 2021) pp 315-356.
2. Glencross, B., Lesage, L., Prowse, T., Smith*, T., Warrick, G. “New Insights from Old Dog Bones: Dogs as Proxies for Understanding Ancient Human Diets,” in C. Meloche, L. Spake, K. Nichols (eds.), Working With and For Ancestors: Collaboration in the Care and Study of Ancestral Human Remains, (Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2020) pp 190-202.
3. Knüsel, C., Glencross, B. and Milella, M. “A Girardian Framework for Violent Injuries at Neolithic Çatalhöyük in their Western Asian Context,” in I. Hodder (ed), Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East: Girardian Conversations at Çatalhöyük, (Cambridge University Press, 2019) pp 60-95.
4. Knüsel, C. and Glencross, B. “Çatalhöyük, Archaeology, Violence,” in W. Palaver and J. Alison (eds), Palgrave Handbook on Mimetic Theory and Religion, (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017) pp 69-75.
5. Agarwal, S., Beauchesne, P., Glencross, B., Larsen, C., Meskell, L., Nakamura, C., Pearson, J. and Sadvari, J. “Roles for the Sexes: The (Bio)archaeology of Women and Men at Çatalhöyük,” in I. Hodder and A. Marciniak (eds), Assembling Çatalhöyük, EAA - Themes in Contemporary Archaeology, Volume 1 (Oxbow Books, 2015) pp 87-95.
Papers in refereed journals:
1. Glencross, B., Warrick, G., Smith, T., Prowse, T. Estimating Ancient Huron-Wendat Diet in Southern Ontario Using Stable Isotopes from Dogs. Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports, 41, 2022.
2. Glencross, B., Warrick, G., Fletcher, B. In Search of Carhagouha: The Archaeological Identification of Two Early 17th Century Huron-Wendat Villages. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 45:132-154, 2021.
3. Warrick, G., Glencross, B., Lesage, L. “The Importance of Minimally-Invasive Remote Sensing Methods in Huron-Wendat Archaeology.” Advances in Archaeological Practice, May:1-12, 2021 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/advances-inarchaeological-practice/article/abs/importance-of-minimally-invasive-remote-sensingmethods-in-huronwendat-archaeology/817B6BC98B963F1762075A99FDC53A63
4. Larsen, C.S., Knüsel, C.J., Haddow, S.D., Pilloud, M.A., Milella, M., Sadvari, J.W., Pearson, J., Ruff, C.B., Garofalo, E.M., Bocaege, E., Betz, B.J., Dori, I., Glencross, B. Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Çatalhöyük Reveals Fundamental Transitions in Health, Mobility and Lifestyle in Early Farmers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, United States of America, June 116(26):12615-12623, 2019.
5. Glencross, B., Warrick, G., Eastaugh, E., Hawkins, A., Hodgetts, L., and Lesage, L. Minimally Invasive Research Strategies in Huron-Wendat Archaeology: Working Towards a Sustainable Archaeology. Advances in Archaeological Practice, April:147-158, 2017.
6. Knüsel, C. and Glencross, B. Çatalhöyük, Archaeology, Violence. Contagion: Journal of
Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 24:23-36, 2017.
7. Glencross, B., Warrick, G., Anderson, K., MacKinnon, S., Miller, S., and Patterson, S. The Chew Site: A Case Study in the Value of Archived Artifact Collections. Ontario Archaeology 95:3-20, 2015.
8. Larsen, C., Hillson, S., Boz, B., Pilloud, M., Sadvari, J., Agarwal, S., Glencross, B., Beauchesne, P., Pearson, J., Ruff, C., Garofalo, E., Hager, L., Haddow, S., Knusel, C. Bioarchaeology of Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Lives and Lifestyles of an Early Farming Society in Transition. Journal of World Prehistory, 28:27-68, 2015.
Contact Info:
Office location: P350, Frank C. Peters Building
Languages spoken: English