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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this collective agreement is housed in Human Resources. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by Human Resources, the official version shall prevail.
Collective agreement between 91porn (hereinafter referred to as the "University") and International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada, Local 357 (hereinafter referred to as the "Union").
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024
1.01 It is the general purpose of this Agreement to set forth the conditions of employment, the rates of pay, and hours of work to which both parties have agreed and to provide a procedure for the prompt and fair settlement of any dispute which may arise from the application or interpretation of this Agreement.
Agreement: the Collective Agreement between 91porn and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357.
Continuing Appointment: an appointment where no ending or renewal date is stated at the time of appointment.
Dean: the senior administrative head of an academic faculty or a person designated to act in this capacity.
Department: the senior administrative head of a non-academic department or a Head person designated to act in this capacity.
Employee: means those employees of 91porn who are included within the scope of Article 4 of this Collective Agreement.
Full-time: defines those Employees who are normally scheduled to work 1250 hours or more per year.
Immediate Supervisor: the individual to whom employees covered by this Collective Agreement report and who exercises management rights regarding the work performed.
Limited-term Appointment: an appointment where an ending or renewal date is stated at the time of appointment and where there is no employment commitment beyond the term of the appointment. Such appointments shall be for three (3) consecutive months or more but not to exceed three (3) consecutive years.
Part-time: defines those Employees who are normally scheduled to work fewer than 1250 hours per year.
Specialist: a specialist is someone who is experienced enough to replace House Crew employees on a temporary basis, or who has the qualifications to fulfill specific and specialized work assignments.
Stagehand: a stagehand is defined as an employee who is referred to work at the 91porn through I.A.T.S.E. Local 357 Hiring Hall.
Student: refers to an individual enrolled in an academic program at 91porn or who has completed their studies within the previous academic term. At the discretion of the House Crew, with consent of the Performance Facilities Manager and Business Agent, this definition may be broadened to include, but not limited to, high school students enrolled in a co-op placement.
Temporary Appointment: an appointment for a specified period of time that is less than three (3) consecutive months in duration.
Year: refers to the University's fiscal period, May 1 to April 30th, unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement.
Day: means a working day unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement.
Aird Centre: the premises known variously as the John Aird Centre, the Theatre Auditorium, the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall and their associated facilities.
IATSE: refers to the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357.
Business Agent: means the Business Agent or Designate for IATSE.
Manager Facilities Operations (Faculty of Music): In this Agreement any reference to the Manager, Facilities Operations (Faculty of Music) shall be deemed to include the term “or designate”.
Child: except where other otherwise indicated will include Children, adopted Children, and Step-Children.
3.01 The Union acknowledges that all managerial rights previously exercised by the University shall be reserved to it, except to the extent that these rights are limited by this Agreement.
3.02 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Union recognizes and agrees that the University has the exclusive right and responsibility to manage its business, to maintain order and efficiency, including the right to plan, direct and control the workforce, to expand or reduce the size of the workforce, and to cease any operation, function or service.
3.03 The University has the right to establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations and to discipline, suspend or discharge employees for just cause, subject to the Grievance Procedure outlined in Article 24.
3.04 In the event it is alleged that the University has exercised any of the foregoing rights contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, the matter may be made the subject of a grievance.
4.01 The University recognizes the Union as the bargaining agent of all stage and wardrobe employees of 91porn in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, save and except managers, and persons above the rank of manager.
4.02 Local 357, IATSE is a member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada. Nothing in this Agreement shall ever be misconstrued so as to interfere with any obligation the Union owes to said International Alliance by reason of prior obligation.
The foregoing shall in no event be construed or applied so as to contravene any applicable Federal, Provincial or Municipal Law.
4.03 The Union may from time to time request representation or be asked to provide representation on University committees whose actions may affect Union members, e.g. Health and Safety Committee. Representation on such committees shall not be unreasonably denied or withheld.
4.04 University employees who are members of the Union Negotiating Committee shall be compensated at their regular wage rate for time spent during normal working hours to participate in negotiations, conciliation, or mediation.
During the six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Agreement, employees who are members of the Union Negotiating Committee shall be compensated up to a maximum of twenty-one (21) additional hours, at their regular wage rate for time spent during normal working hours, for the purpose of preparation and finalizing the bargaining proposal.
5.01 The University shall deduct Union dues, as established by the Union, from the pay of bargaining unit employees who have submitted a signed form authorizing the University to deduct such dues.
5.02 The dues shall be deducted bi-weekly and submitted to the Union by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the last pay period of the month in which the deductions were made. The dues remittance cheque made payable to IATSE local 357 along with a statement in alphabetical order showing the names, gross earning and the amount deducted for each employee shall be mailed to the Union in c/o The Treasurer. A copy of the report shall be either emailed or mailed to the Business Agent of the Union.
5.03 The Union shall notify the University in writing of any changes in the amount of the dues to be deducted and it shall take effect within a minimum notice of thirty (30) days after receipt of notification.
5.04 The Union agrees to defend and hold the University completely harmless against all claims, demands and expenses should any person at any time contend or claim that the University has acted improperly in making such Union dues deductions.
5.05 An employee who is a member of a religious group which by official policy prohibits union membership and paying of union dues or assessment, may apply in writing to the Union, to have such dues remitted to an appropriate religious group.
6.01 The Business Agent of the Union shall be allowed access to the Aird Centre subject to the University's normal security provisions. The Business Agent of the Union shall endeavour to inform the immediate supervisor in advance of any visit.
6.02 Subject to availability, the University agrees to provide meeting rooms at no cost to the Union for the following: to meet with new employees and to prepare for negotiations.
7.01 During the term of this Agreement the University or its representative(s) shall not cause any lockout, and the Union agrees that neither it nor its member(s) shall cause or sanction any strike, slowdown or other interruption of work.
8.01 The University requires different employment relationships due to the varied nature of the work and the qualifications required to effectively manage its operations.
The employment categories are:
8.02 The termination of employment at the end of a Limited-term or Temporary Appointment shall not be made subject of a grievance.
8.03 The University will endeavour to fill all vacancies with the best qualified candidate. All house crew positions will be posted with IATSE and externally concurrently to ensure a sufficient pool of qualified applicants.
Only those candidates meeting all required qualifications will be considered for an interview. The hiring committee will decide whether any applicant should be interviewed.
The University will make its selection decision based on the applicant deemed to be most qualified with regard to the required skills, ability, relevant past performance, and qualifications, as outlined in the job posting. Where the skills, ability, relevant past performance, and qualifications of the applicants are relatively equal, the position will be offered to the IATSE Member in good standing.
A member of the House Crew will be part of the hiring committee for any vacant house crew positions. In the event that both House Crew positions are vacant, then the Business Agent of the Union will be part of the hiring committee.
8.04 Newly hired continuing employees shall be on probation for a period of three (3) months from date of hire. The termination of such employee while on probation shall not be made the subject of a grievance. The employee must be actively at work during the probationary period; if unable to attend work their probationary period may be extended by the number of days absent.
8.05 Currently, the following positions are filled by full-time continuing appointments;
Hereinafter, the employees in these positions shall be referred to as the House Crew.
8.06 When required, stage hands will be hired as temporary appointments. The University will make every attempt to provide the Union with a minimum of ninety-six (96) hours’ notice of its requirements. The Union will make every attempt to provide the University with the name of the union member no later than 12:00 hours the day before. The Union shall notify the University at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of the call if it is unable to fill the required position.
It is agreed and understood that in the event that the Union is unable to fill a position as required, in that specific instance the University shall be at liberty to make such other arrangements as may be necessary provided that the Union is notified of same. It is further understood that, in the event that the Union is unable to fill a position as required, the Union shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement.
This does not preclude the University from hiring stage hands as limited-term or continuing appointments.
Limited term positions of greater than twelve (12) months, or forty (40) consecutive weeks if replacing the Production Coordinator, will be posted with IATSE. Only those candidates meeting the majority of the required qualifications will be considered for an interview. The hiring committee will decide whether any applicant should be interviewed.
The hiring committee will make its selection decision based on the applicant deemed to be most qualified with regard to the required skills, ability, relevant past performance, and qualifications, as outlined in the job posting.
8.07 Consistent with the goals of the University the contribution of student technicians shall continue and be encouraged. The employment of students shall fall into either of the following categories;
a. Students hired as casual labour to do tasks, including, but not exclusive of, concert stage management, event set-up and tear down, ensemble set-up and tear down, classroom maintenance, media recording and operating control boards.
b. Students enrolled in a University program with a practical theatre component (currently opera) who perform tasks and roles consistent with their course of study. The House Crew and Wardrobe Coordinator, in consultation with the Course Instructor and the Manager, Facilities Operations, shall determine their suitability to perform the assigned work.
8.08 Campus organizations and community groups which are largely or wholly amateur in their membership shall be encouraged to supply volunteers to work alongside members of the Union in the Aird Centre. The use of volunteers will be subject to considerations of technical competence and safety.
8.09 The House Crew shall assess the technical competence of student technicians and volunteers and, in consultation with the Performance Facilities Manager/Technical Director, determine their suitability to perform the assigned work.
8.10 The position of Wardrobe Coordinator shall be filled by either a continuing appointment or a limited-term appointment. The University shall have the right to select provided the candidate(s) are members in good standing of IATSE.
8.11 The composition of any work crew shall be mutually agreed to by the House Crew and the Facilities Operations Manager and shall be based on the technical competence, safety, efficiency and level of expertise required to perform the available work. If there is no mutual agreement the decision of the Facilities Operations Manager shall be honoured until such time as the Business Agent for the Union and the Dean of the Faculty of Music can render a decision.
8.12 In accordance with Article 8.11, an audio technician shall be employed any time live audio reinforcement is provided by Performance Facilities.
When a non-University client elects to use their own audio equipment, audio technicians may be employed in accordance with Article 8.11.
8.13 In accordance with Article 8.11, an additional technician shall be employed any time a live video stream, provided by Performance Facilities requires a level of quality and/or complexity that cannot be accommodated by the House Crew already scheduled to work.
9.01 The current position descriptions pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of the House Crew positions and the Wardrobe Coordinator may be reviewed and updated by a joint decision of the University and IATSE.
9.02 The Technical Director and Technical Coordinator shall be full time employees covered by the terms of the Collective Agreement. These employees shall have a working knowledge in all aspects of carpentry, electrical, sound, video, lighting and properties including design and implementation so as to competently direct, co-ordinate and provide training on all the disciplines necessary in theatrical staging.
The Wardrobe Coordinator shall be a part-time employee covered by the terms of the Collective Agreement. This employee shall have a working knowledge of all aspects of wardrobe and millinery, including design and implementation to competently direct, and coordinate and provide training on all the disciplines necessary in theatrical wardrobe.
These positions, and Specialists when replacing House Crew, may also be responsible for providing direction and support to other staff and attendees.
10.01 Subject to the provisions outlined elsewhere in this Collective Agreement, it is agreed that all construction, installation, alteration, operation and maintenance of stage equipment in the Aird Centre including, but not limited to, scenery, drapes, picture sheets, lighting, sound, projection equipment and special effects created by whatever method shall be performed under the supervision of a House Crew member and where necessary in the presence of a member of the House Crew.
10.02 As described in the job descriptions for the Technical Director, the Technical Coordinator and the Wardrobe Coordinator positions, the incumbents shall have direct input in the establishment of policies and procedures for use and operation of all staging equipment located in the Aird Centre, replacement and purchase of new equipment, and the construction or reconstruction of any theatre area.
10.03 When the Aird Centre is leased or rented on a temporary basis, to a third party, it is agreed that all terms of the agreement shall apply.
10.04 No person or persons employed under this Agreement shall remove or cause to be removed any equipment or material which is the property of the University from the premises of the University without the appropriate consent. The person or persons who receive permission to remove equipment or material shall be responsible for any damages or losses.
10.05 No personal projects may be undertaken by any person or persons employed under this Agreement at any time, in any area of the Aird Centre without the consent of the Performance Facilities Manager/Technical Director and until notification is given to a member of the House Crew.
10.06 The Performance Facilities Manager/Technical Director may, at any time, direct any person or persons employed under this Agreement provided the House Crew is made aware of such circumstances beforehand.
10.07 The University agrees that no member of University management shall perform any duties which are specified or implied to be duties of members of the bargaining unit except for purposes of instruction, experimenting, or in cases of emergency.
10.08 A member of the House Crew will be in attendance at all events for the purpose of supervision in the Aird Centre, subject to Article 8.11.
11.01 Employees shall be paid in accordance with the wage rates set out in Appendix A. Continuing employees shall be paid by direct bank deposit.
11.02 On initial appointment, the starting salary of an employee on a continuing appointment shall be based on the employee's level of job knowledge and skill, however, in no event shall it be less than the minimum wage rate established for the position.
11.03 Stage hands shall be paid in accordance with the wage rates set out in Appendix A.
11.04 Wage rates for variable rate positions will be determined by the University in consultation with the Business Agent or designate, and will reflect the employee's experience and background.
11.05 Progression adjustments are designed to recognize and compensate employees for increased job knowledge, skill and competency as they develop and gain experience on the job. House Crew employees whose job performance is satisfactory shall be eligible for a sixty cent ($.60) per hour wage increase upon the completion of three (3) months employment and for each six (6) months thereafter until the employee’s wage rate reaches the maximum for the position.
12.01 For House Crew employees the standard work period shall consist of five (5) seven (7) hour days commencing at 00:00 hours Sunday to 24:00 hours on Saturday. Because of the nature of their responsibilities House Crew employees may be scheduled to work within this work period as required by each day’s activities. This provision shall not constitute a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week.
12.02 All employees covered under this Agreement who work for two (2) hours or more without a meal period shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute paid rest period at a time which is appropriate under the circumstances. These break periods cannot be calculated as overtime worked nor can they be banked to accumulate paid time off.
12.03 Employees who are scheduled to work for five (5) hours or more shall be entitled to a one (1) hour unpaid meal period. If, in the event of an emergency and/or exceptional circumstances, a one (1) hour unpaid meal period is not possible, the employees shall be entitled to:
i. a one-half (½) hour paid meal break at the prevailing rate and a bonus payment equivalent to 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.
ii. if a one-half (½) hour paid meal break is not possible, the employee shall receive payment at a rate equivalent to two
(2) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked in excess of five (5) hours until the end of the shift or until either a 1 hour unpaid meal break or one-half hour paid meal break in accordance with (i).
12.04 It is the responsibility of the employee who finds it necessary to be absent from work to notify, or have someone on their behalf, notify the appropriate individual of their absence prior to the commencement of their work period.
12.05 The House Crew and Wardrobe Coordinator shall prepare the monthly House Crew and Wardrobe Coordinator work schedule for approval and modification by the Manager, Facilities Operations (Faculty of Music).
12.06 The House Crew shall work on an annual hour-bank system. The banking period shall commence May 1st and end no later than April 30th. All hours worked, including premium time, vacation time, paid holidays, sick leave, and other paid leave time shall be charged against this hour-bank. If the hour-bank is depleted before the end of the period (April 30th), the employee shall be compensated for any additional hours worked. If the hour-bank has not been depleted before the end of the period (April 30th), the benefit shall be the employee's. If an employee terminates employment prior to the end of the hour-bank year, April 30th, actual hours worked will be reconciled with actual hours compensated and any monies owing by either party will be paid in full by the appropriate party. Under no circumstances is the Union to be held liable for any monies owed by an employee to the University under this article. The current hour bank for House Crew members is;
When House Crew employees have completed their annual hour-bank commitment, they shall retain their house seniority and wage rate. All work calls will be filled on the basis of house seniority.
The annual hour-bank system will not apply to union members replacing house crew positions on a limited term basis for less than twelve (12) months. These members will be paid hourly at the applicable rate.
Limited term employees of twelve (12) months or greater will be given the option of participating in the annual hour bank, or to be paid hourly at the applicable rate.
12.07 Employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis.
12.08 Approved premiums for House Crew employees shall be calculated as follows:
i. time and one-half (1½) the employee's regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week, or
ii. two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate for all hours worked on a Sunday.
Employees must receive at least: 24 consecutive hours off work in each work week; or 48 consecutive hours off work in every period of 2 consecutive work weeks.
12.09 Approved premiums for Stage Hands, Specialist, Wardrobe Coordinator and Dressers shall be calculated at time and one-half (1½) the employee's applicable hourly rate for all hours worked:
i. In excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week, or
ii. On a Sunday
iii. Two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate for all hours worked on a Sunday, if two (2) or more shifts are worked in the week, commencing at 12:01 a.m. Sunday to 24:00 hours on Saturday.
12.10 House Crew employees shall have a ten (10) hour turn around between the conclusion of one day's work period and the start of the next day's. If the turn around is not provided, then the employee shall be compensated an additional two (2) hours at their prevailing hourly rate.
12.11 The minimum call for union members shall be:
i. In situations where a meal break is not required: four (4) hours
ii. In situations where a meal break is required: four (4) hours. The four (4) hour block, may occur either before or after the unpaid meal period.
iii. One and one-half (1 1/2) hours for the purpose of providing audio recordings for students, providing the individual is currently at work otherwise the four (4) hour minimum call shall apply.
12.12 When a member of the Union must work in view of the public in a costume related to the production, they shall be paid an additional hour of pay at their regular hourly rate.
12.13 All hours between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. shall be compensated at two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate.
12.14 It is understood that due to the scale and nature of most performances at the Aird Centre employees may be required to work in more than one department, or on more than one event during a single call. A call shall be defined as work performed for a single client.
12.15 Any recall to work after a break of greater than one and one half hours (1.5 hours) shall be considered a new four (4) hour call.
12.16 Performance calls shall begin a minimum of one (1) hour before the advertised curtain time. Dress rehearsal calls shall begin a minimum of thirty (30) minutes before the start of the dress rehearsal.
12.17 If a House Crew member or the Wardrobe Coordinator is required by their Manager to engage in a telephone conversation to conduct work during scheduled time off, they will be paid a minimum of one (1) hour at time and one half (1.5) times their regular hourly rate.
12.18 The minimum notice of cancellation of a scheduled call for reasons other than those noted in Article 16.13 shall be forty-eight (48) hours. In lieu of such minimum notice, each employee who has their call cancelled shall be paid for a single four (4) hour call.
13.01 The levels of benefits in effect as of the ratification of this Agreement are the same as those available to WLUSA / OSSTF. The University agrees to maintain these benefits except as they are modified as the result of recommendations approved by the University's Board of Governors.
13.02 For the purpose of this Agreement, the benefit plans in effect as of the ratification of this Agreement are as follows:
a. Extended Health Care Plan;
b. Dental Care Plan;
c. Basic Group Life Insurance Plan;
d. Optional Life Insurance Plan;
e. Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan;
f. Long Term Disability Plan:
g. Employee Assistance Plan.
13.03 The University shall pay l00% of the premium costs for insuring these plans for all full-time House Crew employees, except for (d) Optional Life Insurance, (e) Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and (f) Long Term Disability which shall be paid fully by the employee.
13.04 The University agrees to continue 91porn's Pension Plan in effect, or as the same may be amended by the University's Board of Governors from time to time during the term of this Agreement. The 91porn Pension Plan is available only to House Crew as defined in Article Eight, Clause 8.05. Normal Retirement age is defined as the first day of the month coincident with or next following the employees 65th birthday. Employees who continue employment beyond the Normal Retirement age are eligible for the same benefits as the staff as outlined in the most current Group Benefit Plan.
13.05 The University agrees to pay monthly to the Union a sum equal to six (6%) of the gross wages, including vacation pay, paid to part-time, temporary House Crew employees, Stage Hands and Wardrobe, and all others for the purchase of IATSE health insurance coverage. The monies referred to in this clause are subject to all applicable Ontario Retail Sales Tax and/or Federal Harmonized Sales Tax and are to be calculated on the total contributions of the employees.
13.06 The University agrees to pay monthly to the Union a sum equal to six (6%) percent from the gross wages, including vacation pay, for the part time House Crew Employees, Stagehands and Wardrobe, and all others as retirement benefits, or any other avenue as determined by the Union. The University shall deduct an equal amount from each employee together with any additional amounts which the employee may designate to be deducted for retirement benefits.
13.07 The monies referred to in 13.05 and 13.06 including all applicable Ontario Retail Sales Tax and/or Federal Harmonized Sales Tax shall be remitted by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the last pay period of the month in which the deductions and contributions were made (including nil reports). The remittance cheque is to be made payable to the "IATSE Local 357 Benefit Trust Fund" and shall be accompanied by a statement in alphabetical order showing the names, Social Insurance Numbers, gross earning, the amount deducted, contributed for each employee and total applicable Ontario Retail Sales Tax and/or Federal Harmonized Sales Tax and shall be mailed to the Fund Administrator. The Union shall inform and keep the University current on the mailing address of the Fund Administrator on a timely basis.
13.08 Remittances to the Trust Fund(s) due and/or payable by the University shall be, and are deemed to be, held in trust by the University for the Trustees of the Trust Fund(s) until remitted to the Trust Fund(s).
If the University defaults in remitting payments required to be made pursuant to the collective agreement and if such default continues for 10 days, thereafter the employer shall pay to the Trust Funds(s), as liquidated damages and not as penalty, an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the arrears for each month or part thereof in which the University is in default. In addition to the liquidated damages, interest shall run at the rate of 2% per month (24% per year compounded monthly) on any unpaid arrears, including liquidated damages.
The University's obligation to make remittances to the Trust Fund(s) shall not be subject to any right of set-off or counterclaim which the University may have respecting any liability owed to it by the Union or by an Employee.
14.01 The University's vacation year is the twelve (12) months from May 1 to April 30 inclusive, and vacation entitlement is based on the employee's accumulated length of service as of May 1 each year. For purposes of vacation entitlement, years of service are calculated from the date of commencement of continuous service with the University.
14.02 House Crew employees shall be entitled to vacation with pay in accordance with the following schedule. Vacation entitlement for Members who work less than or more than 1820 hours per year will be pro-rated in accordance with their regular work schedule, such that they will receive the equivalent percentage of vacation hours at their regular hourly rate of pay.
Years of Completed Service | Annual Vacation Entitlement: Full-Time Employees |
Annual Vacation Entitlement: Part-Time Employees |
Less than one (1) year | 1 day per month, maximum 12 days | 5.0% |
1 years – less than 6 years | 15 days | 6.0% |
6 years – less than 15 years | 20 days | 8.0% |
15 years – less than 25 years | 25 days |
10.0% |
25 years or more | 30 days | 11.5% |
14.03 Part-time employees other than House Crew employees on continuing appointments shall have their vacation entitlement paid on each cheque.
14.04 Employees having Temporary Appointments shall receive vacation payment in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Employment Standards Act included in their bi-weekly wages. Employees having Limited Term Appointments shall receive vacation payment in accordance with Article 14.02.
14.05 Subject to prior approval of their Department Head, employees may take their vacation entitlement, or portion thereof, when it is convenient to the functional requirements of the department.
14.06 Employees are required to take their vacation during the sixteen (16) month period following entitlement (May 1 to August 30 of the following calendar year).
14.07 Vacation credit will accrue while an employee is on maternity leave, parental leave, sick leave of less than thirty (30) calendar days and any leaves of absence of less than thirty (30) calendar days duration.
15.01 The University recognizes the following as paid holidays for all employees:
House Crew employees will receive New Year's Eve day as an additional paid holiday. As well, House Crew employees will receive three (3) additional "floating" days as paid holidays, which shall be designated annually.
15.02 House Crew employees shall receive their regular daily rate of pay for the above paid holidays in accordance with the "Employment Standards Act", of Ontario.
15.03 Employees having a Limited-term or Temporary Appointment shall receive their regular daily rate of pay for the paid holidays in Clause 15.01, in accordance with the "Employment Standards Act", of Ontario.
15.04 All employees required to work on a paid holiday shall receive payment at the rate of two (2) times their regular hourly wage rate for the hours worked in addition to their holiday pay. All work on Easter Sunday will be compensated at the rate of two (2) times their regular hourly wage rate.
15.05 Paid holiday pay shall not apply to those on long-term disability, layoff, workers' compensation, or on an approved leave of absence without pay.
15.06 Paid holidays falling on a Saturday will usually be observed on the preceding Friday. Those falling on a Sunday will usually be observed the following Monday.
15.07 When a paid holiday falls during an employee's vacation period, the employee, if eligible for payment under 15.02 and 15.03 above, shall receive an additional day of vacation.
16.01 The immediate supervisor may at his/her discretion grant an employee a leave of absence without pay and without loss of service for personal reasons for a period of up to five (5) consecutive days. Requests for leave shall be made in writing to the Immediate Supervisor at least one (1) week prior to the requested commencement of the leave.
16.02 Requests for a leave of absence of more than five (5) consecutive days are to be submitted in writing to the Assistant Vice President: Human Resources at least one (1) month prior to the requested commencement of the leave.
16.03 The University agrees to grant leave of absence without pay to employees elected or appointed to attend Union conventions, and meetings with the University provided that such leaves of absence do not unduly affect the efficient operation of the Aird Centre.
16.04 For leaves of thirty (30) calendar days or more, the employee shall be required to make both the employee and the University contributions toward the cost of available benefits the employee wishes to continue during the leave period.
16.05 Vacation and sick leave credits will not accumulate during leave periods of thirty (30) calendar days or more.
16.06 House crew employees may be granted special leaves by their immediate supervisor of up to three (3) days per year without loss of regular pay. These days shall be used to accommodate personal absence resulting from illness in the immediate family, relocation of their household, writing exams, preparing for exams, and legal appointments.
16.07 Management shall use reasonable judgment in considering all leave requests and approval of such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
16.08 House crew employees shall be eligible to apply for a leave of absence in order to participate in the Professional Development / Education Advancement Leave Program. These Programs may be subject to change in accordance with University policy.
16.09 Pregnancy and parental leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act of Ontario.
Continuing House Crew employees shall be entitled to the same level of Supplementary Benefits for Pregnancy, Parental, and Adoption Leave that is provided to members of WLUSA/OSSTF.
16.10 In accordance with the Federal Elections Act, House Crew employees and the Wardrobe Coordinator who are eligible voters will be provided a leave absence with pay where required to ensure that the employee has four consecutive hours off work during the period of time the polls are open in order to cast their vote.
In accordance with the Provincial and Municipal Elections Act, House Crew employees and the Wardrobe Coordinator who are eligible voters will be provided with a leave of absence with pay, where required, to ensure that the employee has three consecutive hours off work during the period of time the polls are open in order to cast their vote.
16.11 House Crew employees are eligible, on the occasion of the birth of their child, to a paid leave of absence of up to five (5) days to be taken at the discretion of the employee within four (4) weeks following the date of birth. The employee is required to provide at least two (2) weeks notice of such leave.
16.12 House crew employees will be entitled to a Military Reservist Leave of Absence without compensation if the employee is a reservist and will not be performing the duties of their position as defined in the Employment Standards Act.
16.13 Should the President declare the University closed temporarily due to environmental conditions, utility disruptions, road conditions, catastrophic natural events, or other similar emergencies in accordance with Policy 7.6, all concerts/rehearsals etc. that fall during the duration of the closure shall be cancelled. House Crew members and the Wardrobe Coordinator scheduled to work will receive their regular salary and benefits during the closure.
16.14 A leave with full compensation and benefits of up to one (1) day per fiscal year will be granted to House Crew employees and the Wardrobe Coordinator who are absent from work as a result of extreme weather conditions when the University is open. Further leaves of this nature may be granted in accordance with Article 16.01 (Personal Leave).
16.15.1 Employees who care for a terminally ill family member under the terms of the Employment Insurance Act and who apply and are approved for EI benefits are eligible for a supplementary employment benefit as follows: a Employee shall receive 100% of their Reference Salary for two weeks, and for the period up to a maximum of 6 additional weeks, the Employee shall receive an amount equal to the difference between the Employment Insurance benefits received and 95% of the Employee's Reference Salary.
16.15.2 To receive the supplementary employment benefit in 16.15.1, the Employee shall supply the University with proof of application to the Employment Insurance Commission, and the payment of the supplementary employment benefit shall be in accordance with 16.09.
16.15.3 During a Compassionate Leave, the University and Employee will continue to make contributions toward the cost of the available pension and benefit plans, unless the Employee has advised the University, in writing, that the Employee does not wish to continue to make the Employee contributions to such plans. The University will continue to make employer contributions to the Pension Plan unless the Employee has advised the University in writing that the Employee does not wish to continue to make the Employee contributions. The Human Resources department will consult with the Employee regarding the ramifications of discontinuing contributions to the Pension Plan. Benefit levels will be based on the Employee’s reference salary, unless otherwise stated in this Article.
16.16.1 An employee becoming a Canadian citizen will be entitled to a full day with no loss of compensation and benefits in order to attend the citizenship proceedings.
16.17.1 The University recognizes the importance of human resources development and therefore may authorize Educational Leaves to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its employees and to provide opportunities for personal growth.
16.17.2 All employees having five (5) or more years of service with the University are eligible for an Educational Leave of up to two (2) years in length.
16.17.3 Eligible employees may request, in writing to their Manager, an Educational Leave for the purpose of completing a college or university education. Application must be made three (3) months prior to the commencement of the leave.
16.17.4 The request must set out the objectives for the leave, the start date, proof of acceptance to or eligibility for continuance in an academic program, the proposed length of absence, and the expected benefits to both the employee and the University. The Manager will forward the request to the appropriate Vice-President with a copy to the Chief Human Resources & Equity Officer.
16.17.5 The employee will be notified of the granting, denial or deferral of an Educational Leave within two (2) months of submitting the application to their supervisor. Granting of permission will not be unreasonably withheld provided that the leave can be reasonably accommodated. The withholding of such permission may become the subject of a grievance.
16.17.6 Throughout the Educational Leave period, employees will receive twenty-five percent (25%) of their current salary on their regular pay cycle.
16.17.7 For the first thirty (30) calendar days of an Educational Leave, the benefit coverage and premium payments by the University and the employee will not change. After the first thirty (30) calendar days, the employee will be required to make both the employee and University contributions toward the cost of the available benefits that the employee wishes to continue and will advise the University in writing of their intention to do so. The University will continue to make employer contributions to the Pension Plan unless the employer has advised the University in writing that the employee does not wish to continue to make the employee contributions. The Human Resources department will consult with the employee regarding the ramifications of discontinuing contributions to the Pension Plan. While on leave, benefit levels will be based on the employee’s reference salary, unless otherwise stated in this Article.
16.17.8 The contributions and coverage under the Long Term Disability Plan shall be based on the Employee’s actual salary.
16.17.9 An employee who elects to return from an Educational Leave prior to the original date of return will notify their supervisor in writing at least four (4) weeks in advance, giving the revised date of return. In the event that there is a replacement employee, the employee seeking an early return to work will provide notice equal to the amount of notice required to displace the incumbent.
16.17.10 Upon completion of the leave, employees are required to return to the University for a minimum of one (1) year or, failing this, they will be required to reimburse the University for any salary received during the Leave.
16.17.11 Upon return to work from an Educational Leave, an employee will resume their former position, provided that it still exists, with full salary and benefits.
17.01 In the event of a death in a House Crew employee's immediate family, defined as spouse as per Article 2: (Definitions), common-law spouse, same-sex partner, son, daughter, children of the House Crew employee’s spouse, children of common-law spouse, step-children, ward, guardian, brother, sister, and parent, the employee will be entitled to a leave of absence with full compensation and benefits for up to five (5) consecutive working days.
17.02 In the event of a death of a non-immediate family member, defined as father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild, grandmother and grandfather, and grandparents of the employee's spouse, the House Crew employee will be entitled to a leave of absence with full compensation and benefits for up to three (3) consecutive working days.
17.03 A leave of absence with full compensation and benefits of one (1) day may be granted if a House Crew employee is unable to attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family because of distance but requires the day to make funeral arrangements and/or to attend a local service.
17.04 In the case of the death of a close friend or relative not mentioned in this Article, a leave may be granted in accordance with Article 16.06.
17.05 If extensive travel is required to attend the funeral of a family member, an additional leave with full compensation and benefits to a maximum of two (2) days may be granted.
17.06 Where Bereavement in accordance with this Article occurs during a House Crew employee's vacation period, the House Crew employee may substitute Bereavement Leave for the period in question provided that the House Crew employee contacts their immediate Supervisor during the vacation period and provides evidence satisfactory to the Supervisor. The House Crew employee would then be eligible to schedule the unused portion of their vacation at a later date.
18.01 A leave of absence shall be granted to House Crew employees who are called for jury duty or who is subpoenaed as a witness in a court proceeding. The University will pay the employee the difference between the employee's regular wages for the lost time and any payment received from the court, excluding payment for travel, meals, or other direct expenses. Such payment is contingent on the employee providing his/her administrative director or academic dean with satisfactory proof of attendance in court. When the court session is held within the Regional municipality of Waterloo and the employee is not required in court, he/she shall report to work as soon as possible.
19.01 It is agreed that the University's ICT Department will continue to provide the Aird Centre with any audio visual requirements and the staff of the ICT Department will continue to operate any specialty equipment within the Aird Centre. Subject to Article 8.11, it is further agreed that specialty equipment may be supplied and operated by employees/volunteers of off-campus organizations using the Aird Centre.
19.02 Specialty equipment is defined as equipment that is not normally used within the Aird Centre and which requires special training to operate.
20.01 It is agreed that when the Aird Centre is rented to non-university (for example, profit organizations) for the purpose of radio/television broadcasting, filming and recording the minimum crew necessary for the proper serving of the event shall be scheduled and employed in accordance with Article 8 of this Collective Agreement.
20.02 When the university provides the Aird Centre for performing any recording task, it will be clearly stated in the booking contract that proper credit must be given to any employee covered under this Agreement on any commercial or non-commercial use of said recording.
20.03 Personal video recorders used by guardians of students involved in events of the Aird Centre will be allowed in accordance with the University Policy. This applies only to recordings for personal use.
21.01 Full-time House Crew employees having a continuing appointment shall accumulate sick leave credits as follows,
i. New employees will be credited with twenty (20) days credit after their first day of employment, and
ii. Employees will be credited with an additional one and-one- half (1 1/2) days for each month in which work was actually performed.
Sick leave credits will accumulate to a maximum of 105 working days.
21.02 Part-time House Crew employees having a continuing appointment shall accumulate sick leave credits as follows,
i. New employees will be credited with ten (10) days credit after their first day of employment, and
ii. Employees will be credited with an additional day for each month in which work was actually performed.
21.03 For purposes of this Article, one (1) day is defined as a period equivalent to the employee's normally scheduled daily work period as referred to in Article 12.01.
21.04 An employee's accumulated sick leave credits will be reduced equal to the period of absence due to sickness, or injury.
21.05 Upon termination of employment an employee shall not be entitled to any allowance or remuneration for accumulated sick leave.
21.06 Sick leave pay provided in this Article is intended to compensate employees who are absent from work because of bona fide illness or injury which is not compensable under the Workers Safety Insurance Act and for which they are not in receipt of any other compensation. An employee who obtains sick leave pay as a result of misrepresentation or fraud shall be subject to disciplinary action including the forfeiture of all accumulated sick leave credits.
21.07 When an absence exceeds five (5) consecutive work days an employee shall be required to have their physician complete and submit a Medical Certificate of Disability verifying the illness or injury in accordance with the Sick Leave and Disability Management Policy.
Where there are frequent absences of a shorter duration, patterns of absences and/or absences suspect in nature, a Member may be required to have their Physician complete and submit a Frequent/Patterned Absences Referral Form verifying the illness or injury, in accordance with the Sick Leave and Disability Management Policy.
21.08 During the first one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days of absence due to illness or injury, employees shall receive;
i. 100% of their regular salary in effect at the time of absence for the period equal to the number of sick leave credits accumulated at the time of absence, or
ii. 66 2/3% of their regular salary in effect at the time of absence for the period of absence where no sick leave credits are available, subject to: the acceptable completion of a medical progress report, supporting an ongoing condition requiring a long term absence from work.
If the absence is due to the same illness or injury within 30 days of returning from the original absence, it will be classified as a continuation of the same absence and only the balance of the unused portion will apply.
Should the absence extend beyond one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days, those employees enrolled in the University's long-term disability plan shall apply for benefits under that plan.
21.09 House Crew Employees are eligible to use their Sick Leave entitlement to a maximum of three (3) days per calendar year when prevented from attendance at work in order to attend to an immediate family member who is sick and dependent upon the Employee for health care. In exceptional circumstances, the Performance Facilities Manager/Technical Director may approve additional sick leave to a maximum of six (6) days per year.
21.10 Employees may use Sick Leave to attend a medical appointment and shall, whenever possible, notify the Supervisor three (3) working days prior to the appointment.
22.01 The level of recovery for athletic membership fees is the same charged to Faculty using the athletic facilities and services.
22.02 The level of recovery for parking expense is the same as charged to Faculty using this service.
22.03 Employees on limited term appointments shall be issued a 91porn identification card identifying them as members of the Performance Facilities staff and entitling them to all card benefits.
22.04 House Crew employees shall be entitled to participate in the University's;
i. Guaranteed Housing Loan Program,
ii. Financial Assistance for Computer/Peripherals Purchase Program.
These Programs may be subject to change in accordance with University policy.
22.05 The University agrees to provide Two Hundred Twenty-Five dollars ($225.00) Two Hundred Twenty-Five dollars ($225.00) every two (2) years to each of the House Crew and Wardrobe Coordinator and One Hundred Fifty dollars ($150.00) to employees on a limited term of eight (8) months or greater to put towards the purchase of Green Triangle Footwear upon the submission of receipts.
22.06 For House Crew and the Wardrobe Coordinator that are required to wear safety glasses, the University agrees to reimburse up to Two Hundred, Fifty dollars ($250.00) every two 2 years for a pair of prescription safety glasses upon submission of a receipt.
22.07 The University agrees to provide One Hundred, Fifty dollars ($150.00) every year to each of the House Crew to put towards the purchase of dress blacks, upon submission of receipts.
22.08 The University agrees to provide one (1) Performance Facilities Golf Shirt every year to each of the House Crew.
22.09 The University shall contribute an amount equal to one percent (1%) of gross earnings for all wages generated under this Collective Agreement for the purposes of an administration and education fund maintained by the Union. The University shall remit this contribution no later than the fifteenth(15th) day of the month following the last pay period of the month in which wages were earned by cheque payable to IATSE Local 357 and sent to the Treasurer of the Training Trust Fund.
23.01 In the interest of encouraging employees to participate in personal and professional development, the University will provide tuition assistance to House Crew employees, who hold a full-time continuing appointment of at least one (1) year duration and have completed their probationary period, who take eligible undergraduate and graduate courses offered at 91porn and Martin Luther University College.
i. Full-time employees are eligible to receive a full waiver of the academic tuition fees in regulated programs. In addition, employees are eligible to receive a one hundred percent (100%) waiver of the academic tuition fees for non-regulated programs when the program is related to the employee’s career development. Credit courses and degree programs that receive government grant funding are eligible for the waiver. Non-credit and deregulated courses and programs are not eligible for the waiver. The waiver is restricted to three (3) full courses or six (6) half courses in each twelve (12) month period, commencing May 1st of each year, included but not restricted to registration fees, examination fees, incidental and ancillary fees.
ii. Part-time employees who work 900-1249 hours per year are eligible to receive a fifty percent (50%) reduction of academic tuition fee as described in 23.01 (i). In addition, employees are eligible to receive a fifty percent (50%) waiver of the academic tuition fees for non-regulated programs when the program is related to the employee's career development. Part-time employees also have the option of receiving one hundred percent (100%) waiver of academic tuition fees for any undergraduate course offered in the evening for which they register as a part time student.
An employee who is retired from the University and is receiving benefits from the 91porn Pension Plan shall be entitled to the above benefits.
23.02 The University will reimburse House Crew employees and Stage Hands and the Wardrobe Coordinator one-hundred percent (100%.) of the applicable tuition fees upon the successful completion of a work-related course at a College or University when the course is not available at 91porn. Employees shall be responsible for all non-tuition fees, including but not restricted to registration fees, examination fees, incidental and ancillary fees. To be eligible for this assistance the course must have been recommended and approved by the employee's Immediate Supervisor.
23.03 Generally courses will be taken outside of the employee's normal working hours.
23.04 The tuition waiver program will only be applied to an eligible course once. If a Member drops a course after the final allowable drop date or fails a course, the tuition waiver will not apply to that same course in the future. Exemptions to this Article will be considered by the Director, Faculty & Staff Relations in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case basis, and will not be unreasonably denied.
23.05 Dependent children and spouses of full-time House Crew employees are eligible to receive a one hundred percent (100%) waiver of tuition fees for undergraduate and graduate courses offered at 91porn and Martin Luther University College with the exception of the Waterloo executive style MBA program should one be offered on campus.
23.06 Dependent children and spouses of full-time House Crew employees who have retired under the University’s pension plan, who have died in service, or who are receiving disability benefits from the University's Long-Term Disability Plan are eligible for the tuition assistance described 23. 04 above provided that they were a dependent or spouse at the time of the employee's retirement or death.
23.07 Eligibility is determined at the beginning of each academic term and no partial waivers will be made. Eligibility will continue for as long as the employee is employed in a full-time continuing capacity. If an employee, with a dependent or spouse receiving tuition waiver, terminates employment during the academic term, the employee shall be required to pay the tuition for the period from date of termination to the end of the academic term.
23.08 The tuition waiver program will only be applied to an eligible course once. If a spouse or dependent drops a course after the final allowable drop date or fails a course, the tuition waiver will not apply to that same course in the future. Exemptions to this Article will be considered by the Director, Faculty & Staff Relations in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case basis, and will not be unreasonably denied.
23.09 For purposes of this Article the following definitions shall apply;
a. Dependent children means natural, adopted or step-children who are under twenty six (26) years of age and either live at home or are financially supported by the Member;
b. A spouse is either legally married to an employee, or a person who has been cohabiting with an employee continuously for a period of not less than one (1) year
24.01 It is agreed that all possible means will be used to settle disputes within the framework of the University and the Union.
24.02 The time limits fixed in the Complaint and Grievance Procedures may be extended by written consent of the parties to this agreement.
24.03 Pre-grievance Step: Whenever either party to this agreement wishes to register a complaint, it shall do so within ten (10) days from the time the circumstances upon which the complaint is based were known or ought to reasonably have been known to the complaining party. The employee or immediate University Management representative will discuss the complaint with the other party, in the presence of a Steward if the employee wishes. If no resolution is reached within two (2) days of the complaint, the complaining party may refer the complaint to grievance as outlined in Article 24.04.
24.04 Step 1: Particulars of any grievance shall be set out in writing and presented to the opposite party within seven (7) days after failure to resolve a complaint. In the case of the grievance by an employee or by the Union, the written grievance shall be presented to the Associate Director, Employee Relations of the University and, in the case of a grievance by the University, the grievance shall be presented to the Business Agent of the Union.
a. Within five (5) days of the presentation of the written grievance, the parties shall meet to attempt to resolve the grievance. If no resolution is reached within two (2) days of the meeting, then the grieving party may refer the grievance to Step 2.
Step 2: Individual grievances not resolved at Step 1, Association or Group Grievances may be submitted in writing to the Director, Faculty & Staff Relations.
The Director, Faculty & Staff Relations, or designate, shall, within five (5) days following the receipt of the grievance, arrange a meeting with the grievor and their Union Representative to discuss the merits of the grievance.
The Director, Faculty & Staff Relations, or designate, shall render a decision in writing within ten (10) days following the meeting.
b. Failing settlement at Step 2, the grievance may be referred to Arbitration in accordance with Article 25.
c. Any employee grieving must be notified, and may attend, or may be required to attend, at the request of either party, any meeting scheduled in accordance with Article 24.04.
24.05 A grievance of the Union or the University or a claim by an employee that he or she has been discharged or disciplined unfairly shall be treated as a grievance and shall commence at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
Such grievances shall be filed within fifteen (15) days from the time the circumstances upon which the grievance is based were known or ought to reasonably have been known to the grieving party.
24.06 Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays shall not be included in calculating the time limits specified in Article 24.
25.01 The party desiring to submit to arbitration shall deliver to the other party a notice in writing of its intention to arbitrate within fourteen (14) days after the completion of the grievance procedure provided for in Article 24. This notice shall include the alleged Article(s) and Clause(s) of the agreement that have been violated or misinterpreted, and will stipulate the nature of the relief or remedy sought. The notice will also indicate a list of suggested Arbitrators to hear the issue.
25.02 Within five (5) days after the date of delivery of the said notice of intention, the other party shall choose an Arbitrator from the suggested list, or, propose alternative arbitrators for the other party to consider.
25.03 Within five (5) days after the date of delivery of the above list, the grieving party may choose an arbitrator from this list, or indicate disagreement.
25.04 Should the representatives be unable to agree on an Arbitrator within the time frames specified, the representative of either party may request the Minister of Labour to appoint an Arbitrator.
25.05 If the hearing date is longer than sixty (60) days from the date of appointment of the Arbitrator, then either party may request a meeting sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled arbitration hearing to further discuss the grievance, in order to determine if an appropriate settlement may be reached prior to the hearing taking place.
25.06 Should an arbitrator not be available to arbitrate within ninety (90) calendar days of being asked, both Parties may agree to select another, mutually agreed to, arbitrator.
25.07 The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.
25.08 The jurisdiction of the Arbitrator shall be limited to deciding the matters at issue and the Arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, alter or amend the Collective Agreement.
25.09 Each party to this agreement shall pay half the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator.
25.10 Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays will not be included in the limits of the specified time of Article 25.
26.01 The University is committed to the health and safety of employees and in providing a safe and healthy work environment at all times.
This commitment is fulfilled by striving to identify and minimize workplace hazards and the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses, including ergonomic related injuries. The University will operate and employees shall work in compliance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), Environmental Protection Act, their regulations, and any applicable Municipal, Provincial and/or Federal Legislation. The University and employees shall take all reasonable steps to prevent personal injury, and to maintain safe working conditions. The University will make every effort to ensure that all Members comply with the legislation and with the occupational health and safety practices, procedures and policies established by the University.
The University will provide safety training to employees and employees will participate in such training. Training deemed necessary by the Director, Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management (SHERM) will be made available to all employees and be paid for by the University.
The University agrees to provide protective equipment and clothing when required by the OHSA and/or University policies, and to ensure that safety equipment, materials and protective devices are maintained in good condition.
Managers, in consultation with the Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management (SHERM) department will identify equipment that represents a level of hazard sufficient to warrant formal operating information and instructions. Any employee who is required to operate such equipment will receive information and instruction by the University to ensure the health and safety of the employee and the safe operation of the equipment.
In accordance with the OHSA, an employee may refuse to work or do particular work where they have reason to believe that the work is likely to endanger them or another worker. In this case, the employee shall immediately notify their Manager. No employee will be disciplined for exercising their right to refuse unsafe work in accordance with OHSA.
The Director, SHERM and/or appropriate Department Manager will advertise any health and safety related seminars and instruction to all employees and will inform all employees of environmental, health and safety procedures or policies established by the University.
Employees will be informed of the written procedures that outline safe practices for the workplace. Where Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are required, they will be posted in the employee’s designated workplace.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 1101) requires that the workplace contain first aid stations and that the workplace have workers certified in first aid to provide treatment when needed. The University will provide training to at least the number of employees required by the regulations and will offer training as resources permit to additional employees. Employees who attend first aid training will be provided with time off with full compensation and benefits. A list of qualified first aid personnel will be maintained at the SHERM website.
To assist in this process, the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) will function as mandated in OHSA. With the assistance of the Director, SHERM, the JHSC will help to stimulate awareness of safety issues, recognize workplace hazards, and make recommendations to deal with these hazards.
The University acknowledges that the Union has the right to appoint one (1) representative to this Committee. The Union Representatives will be provided with time off with full compensation and benefits to attend all meetings of the Committee, to fulfill all responsibilities to the Committee, sub-committees, or working groups formed by the Committee. If additional time off is warranted and recommended by the Committee, it will be granted subject to the approval of employee's manager and the Director, SHERM.
In accordance with 91porn’s Terms of Reference document, Members of the JHSC and the Auxiliary Worker Members (AWM) shall inspect the workplace on a regular basis for the purpose of examining the physical conditions of the workplace with inspections scheduled at least once per month and the entire university being inspected on an annual basis.
Any employees wishing to serve on committees created through the activities of JHSC will be afforded the same rights and responsibilities as employees serving on JHSC.
27.01 Employees incurring approved expenses, including travel and purchases, will be reimbursed in accordance with the University’s Expense Handbook.
28.01 This Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto and shall remain in effect from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024 and shall continue from year to year thereafter unless either party gives the other party notice in writing, not more than ninety (90) days prior to the June 30, 2024, that it desires to terminate, renew or amend this Agreement.
In witness whereof, this Agreement has been executed by the Parties hereto:Dated at Waterloo, Ontario, this day of September 14, 2023.
For 91porn:
Deborah MacLatchy, President
Pamela Cant
Joanne Roberts
Renee Ellis
Andrew Mellanby
Jennifer Moore
For International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357:
Jennifer Pich, Business Agent
Mathew Kensett
Trevor Gould
Nicolas Bastian
Position | Rate |
Technical Director | $36.05-$41.20 |
Coordinators: Technical Coordinator, Wardrobe Coordinator | $29.22-$34.75 |
Specialist | $32.92 |
All Others | $26.38 |
Position | Rate |
Technical Director | $36.77-$42.02 |
Coordinators: Technical Coordinator, Wardrobe Coordinator | $29.81-$35.45 |
Specialist | $33.58 |
All Others | $26.91 |
Position | Rate |
Technical Director | $37.51-$42.86 |
Coordinators: Technical Coordinator, Wardrobe Coordinator | $30.40-$36.16 |
Specialist | $34.25 |
All Others | $27.44 |
91porn (University)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357
Whereas the parties are committed to ensuring that the work of all continuing positions within the bargaining unit are accurately recorded in updated job descriptions, and are fairly evaluated and compensated; and
Whereas the parties recognize the mutual desire to have the evaluation and relevant market data prior to entering into negotiations for the renewal of the Collective Agreement; and
Notwithstanding Article 3.02, Management Rights, in which the University has the exclusive right and responsibility to manage its business, to maintain order and efficiency, including the right to plan, direct and control the workforce, to expand or reduce the size of the workforce, and to cease any operation, function or service.
The Parties agree that the University, in consultation with the Union, will develop a job evaluation system for the IATSE Bargaining Unit Local 357, which will include a review of market comparators. This process will include:
It is agreed that the University will consult with the union and be transparent in terms of data and methodology but retains the Management Rights over the selection of market
comparators, evaluation methodologies and implementation process.
It is further agreed that the above process will be concluded prior to the University seeking a bargaining mandate for the renewal of the current Collective Agreement.
91porn (University)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357
Whereas, the parties agree that Employees should have access to their earnings in a timely manner;
Whereas, Article 12.06 outlines an annual hour-bank system for the House Crew, the parties agree, on a without prejudice or precedent basis, to pilot the following compensation structure during the life of this collective agreement. It is understood that data will be collected during this period related to the volume of work under the new structure, costs to the University, and work/life balance for the employees, to be reviewed in advance of the next round of bargaining.
The Technical Director is a full-time continuing position for 52 weeks per year (1820 annual hours).
The Technical Coordinator is a full-time continuing position for 52 weeks per year (1820 annual hours).
The following applies to the two positions described above:
Overtime/Lieu Time - Where a House Crew Employee has worked and accumulated overtime hours, every two pay periods* such Employee shall have the option of electing payment at the applicable overtime rate or time off equivalent to the applicable overtime rate (i.e. where the applicable rate is time and one-half (1 ½) then time off shall be at one and one-half (1 ½) times.) At the end of every two pay periods, any overtime worked shall all be either paid out or banked as lieu time, at the Employee’s choice.
Compensation for overtime taken in the form of time off in lieu of payment will be at a time that is operationally feasible for the department. It is understood that the manager will work with the employee to schedule the paid time off in a timely fashion to allow for work life balance.
House Crew Employees may choose to carry-over a maximum of seventy (70) hours of accumulated overtime into the new budget year starting May 1 of each year. All banked hours exceeding seventy (70) as of May 1, which are not used as paid time off during the period from May 1 to August 31 of each year, will be paid to the Employee on the second pay period in September.
If an Employee leaves the employ of the University and has Lieu Time that has not been taken it shall be paid out on the Employee’s final pay.
*The first “two-pay period” interval will be specified following ratification to align with annual payroll schedule.
Actual hours worked during the current fiscal year will be reconciled with actual hours compensated and the employee(s) will have the option of banking those hours as Lieu Time or having them paid out.
91porn (University)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, Local 357
Following any announcement of a new campus, the parties agree to meet in order to discuss and explore the possible extension of the current IATSE certificate and possible modifications of the existing IATSE collective agreement. These discussions will be non-binding on the University and the Union.