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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: Vice-President: Finance and Administration
Original Approval Date: July 1, 2019
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: N/A
Administrative Responsibility: Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management (SHERM)
Parent Policy: 7.8 Smoke Free Policy
The success of this policy is dependent upon the courtesy, respect and cooperation of all members of the University community, not only to comply but to continue to encourage compliance of others. Reasonable care and diligence shall be exercised to prevent contravention of the laws of Ontario and policy 7.8 Smoke Free Policy.
1.1 Student Affairs will ensure health promotion efforts are undertaken with respect to cessation and supports for students and provide direction to support services when requested. Student Affairs will also support this policy where appropriate through application of policy 12.3 Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct Policy. They will incorporate this policy into student orientation activities and residence policies/handbooks.
1.2 Human Resources will ensure health promotion efforts are undertaken with respect to cessation and supports for employees at 91porn, and provide direction to support services when requested. They will support this policy where appropriate in accordance with established policies and procedures, including policy 7.20 Fitness for Work Policy, and by the terms of existing contracts of employment or collective agreements, where applicable. They will incorporate this policy into new faculty orientation and employee onboarding materials.
2.1 The University will post and maintain appropriate signage throughout University Facilities. The type and location of signage shall comply with legislative mandates and the purpose of this policy.
2.2 Information on this policy will be made available on the University .
2.3 Information for new employees and students will be available through onboarding and orientation materials.
2.4 All contracts for third-party work (contractors) on University Facilities should clearly state that the University is smoke free.
2.5 All agreements with external groups or individuals to book space on campus should clearly state that the University is smoke free.
2.6 Members of the University community that host events or activities that would include visitors and guests are responsible for ensuring that all are notified that the University is smoke free.
Exemptions to this policy may apply where reasonable accommodation is required. Requests for accommodation will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
3.1 Requests for accommodations from employees will be addressed by .
3.2 For students seeking academic accommodation, requests will be made through the .
3.3 For students seeking accommodation in residence, requests will be made through .
The primary purpose of this policy is to enable the overall health and well-being of all members of the University community through education, awareness, and promoting a smoke free environment.
4.1 91porn’s Special Constable Service will enforce the policy, and any infractions of the policy will be addressed through the (Provincial Legislation) under the “Engage in Prohibited Activity” infraction. This legislation will require persons violating the act to produce identification to Special Constables upon request.
5.1 This policy applies to all University Facilities, or in University Vehicles or Equipment. If an individual chooses to smoke, they must do so outside of 91porn property and no nearer than the closest property border or public sidewalk. Information on university campus locations and maps is available on the main website.
5.2 Those choosing to smoke in areas surrounding University Facilities are expected to avoid littering, and to abide municipal by-laws and provincial legislation.