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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: Office of the Provost and Vice-President: Academic
Original Approval Date: September 1, 2019
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: December 20, 2024
Administrative Responsibility: Office of the Provost and Vice-President: Academic
Parent Policy: 12.2 Student Code of Conduct: Academic Misconduct
1.0 Purpose
1.1 The President has delegated to the Deans the authority to impose discipline in cases of academic or research misconduct, hereafter referred to as academic misconduct. Any penalty that is imposed must be such that participation in academic misconduct is a high risk activity.
1.1.1 At any point in the procedures outlined below, a student involved in an investigation or adjudication of academic misconduct may be accompanied by a support person. The support person’s role is not to act or speak on behalf of the student, but to be available for assistance.
1.1.2 Students who will be accompanied by a support person are responsible to notify the Relevant Administrator, in writing, at least two (2) working days in advance. The notification will include the name, e-mail address and position of the support person. When a student chooses to bring legal counsel to a meeting, the University reserves the right to have university counsel present.
1.1.3 At any point during the procedures outlined below, the instructor, Relevant Administrator, or Dean may elect to have an administrative staff member attend any disciplinary proceeding as a recorder. The role of the staff person will be to create a written record of the proceedings to form an official record, which will be shared with the student.
1.2 The standard of proof required to make a finding is balance of probabilities, meaning it is more likely than not that misconduct has occurred.
1.3 In all cases where credibility is an issue, it is essential that either the student or the University be given an opportunity to adjudicate through an oral hearing.
1.4 All discipline matters will be investigated and decided fully and fairly and in a timely manner.
1.5 All written communication with students will be conducted through the official 91porn email address (@mylaurier.ca or @wlu.ca), or through a formal letter by mail (regular or courier).
1.6 A “working day” is defined as Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time). A working day excludes weekends, university-observed holidays, and other university closures.
2.1 It is the responsibility of instructors and supervisors to investigate incidents of suspected academic misconduct in their courses, or course sections (including incidents brought to their attention by teaching assistants, proctors, instructional assistants, and student peers). Course instructors have the right to request a meeting with a student, for the student to explain their process for creating, and/or demonstrate an understanding of, their work.
2.2 If an instructor or supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that an incident of academic misconduct has occurred, the instructor or supervisor shall consult with the Relevant Administrator.
2.3 The Dean(s) may also be informed of an incident of academic misconduct by another source, such as the Relevant Administrator, the Registrar, or those invigilating examinations.
3.1 The instructor shall inform the student in writing of the allegation of academic misconduct using the , which will include links to the applicable policy and procedures. Either the student or the instructor may request a meeting.
3.1.1 The student is to be informed of the allegation and the facts that bear on the suspicion of academic misconduct.
3.1.2 If more than one student is involved in the academic misconduct the instructor must correspond in writing with each student separately. Penalties imposed on students may vary, depending on their degree of involvement in the incident. Refer to section 4.04 Penalties for Academic Misconduct of policy 12.2 Student Code of Conduct: Academic Misconduct.
3.1.3 Disciplinary procedures may also be initiated against a student who, while not registered in the course where the alleged academic misconduct took place, is alleged to have assisted in the academic misconduct.
3.2 The student shall have five (5) working days to request a meeting or to respond in writing to the Incident Notification Form. The student must be given a full opportunity to provide an explanation of the incident. If the student fails to respond, the instructor will proceed with step 4.1 below.
3.3 If, following receipt of the student’s response, the instructor decides that academic misconduct did not occur, or that the student could not reasonably have known that academic misconduct occurred, the matter will be closed, no further action will be taken, and the student will be notified.
3.4 If, following this exchange, the instructor believes academic misconduct has occurred, the instructor must report the matter to the Relevant Administrator within ten (10) working days of the end of the student's five (5) day response period.
4.1 When the instructor has a reasonable suspicion that academic misconduct has occurred they must report it by submitting the to the Relevant Administrator, with a copy to the student.
4.1.1 If the Relevant Administrator is the instructor, the Dean of the Faculty where the academic misconduct occurred will select another member of the department to serve as Relevant Administrator for the case.
4.1.2 If the Dean is the instructor, an associate Dean from another Faculty will serve as the Relevant Administrator.
4.2 The Relevant Administrator will determine, by consulting the Central Registry, if the student has a prior record of academic misconduct.
4.3 Following receipt of the , the student will have five (5) working days to provide any additional information through writing to or meeting with the Relevant Administrator.
4.4 After reviewing all documentation, the Relevant Administrator will determine, on a balance of probabilities, if academic misconduct has occurred.
4.5 If the Relevant Administrator decides that academic misconduct did not occur, or that the student could not reasonably have known that academic misconduct occurred, the matter will be closed and no further action will be taken. The student will be notified.
5.1 If there is no prior record the Relevant Administrator, after consulting with the instructor and providing an opportunity for the student to present any additional evidence, will determine the penalty.
5.2 The penalty may be a grade deduction or the allocation of a zero for an assignment, project, test, exam, or other activity which counts toward the final grade in the course.
5.3 The most severe penalty that may be assigned by the Relevant Administrator is failure in the course. Any additional penalty must be recommended to the Dean.
5.4 The student will be notified of the penalty within ten (10) working days of the end of the five (5) day response period using the by the Relevant Administrator or Dean (depending on severity of penalty, per 5.3 above) of the Faculty in which the incident occurred. The Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered and the Central Registry is copied to this document.
5.4.1 For double-degree students, this information will be shared with the partner faculty or institution.
5.5 The student may appeal to the within ten (10) working days of receiving the . The decision of the Faculty Petitions Committee shall be final and binding.
5.5.1 If the Relevant Administrator is the chair or a member of the Faculty Petitions Committee, they shall recuse themselves from hearing the petition.
5.6. Following the conclusion of any appeal procedures, a revised copy of the may be filed.
6.1 If the student has a prior record of academic misconduct, the Relevant Administrator must notify the student that the case will be referred to the Dean for further investigation.
6.2 The instructor and the Relevant Administrator will together notify, in writing, the Dean of the faculty in which the incident has taken place and the Dean of the faculty in which the student is registered within ten (10) working days of receiving the allegation (for double-degree students, the Deans of both relevant Faculties will be notified).
6.2.1 The Dean or designate of the faculty in which the student is registered will now handle the case for undergraduate students.
6.2.2 For graduate students, the AVP and Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or designate will now handle the case.
6.3 The Dean or designate will inform the student in writing through their 91porn email account of the allegation and provide them with a summary of the prior record of academic misconduct, a copy of all relevant documentation, and a copy of these procedures within ten (10) working days of receiving the allegation. The Dean or designate must offer the student an opportunity to respond in writing to the allegation. The student shall have five (5) working days to respond. When circumstances warrant, the Dean or designate has the authority to extend the period for a written response to be submitted. Either the Dean/designate or the student may request a meeting.
6.3.1 If the student fails to respond to any communication from the Dean or designate or fails to attend a scheduled meeting, the Dean or designate may proceed without input from the student.
6.4 After reviewing all documentation, the Dean or designate will determine, on a balance of probabilities, if academic misconduct has occurred.
6.4.1 If the Dean decides that academic misconduct did not occur, or that the student could not reasonably have known that academic misconduct occurred, the matter will be closed and no further action will be taken. The student will be notified.
6.5 The Dean or designate will determine the penalty. The Dean or designate may impose penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.
6.6 Within ten (10) working days of the end of the five (5) day response period, the Dean or designate will inform the student of the finding of academic misconduct.
6.6.1 If academic misconduct has occured, the student will be notified using the
6.7 The Dean or designate will notify the Provost and Vice-President: Academic and Central Registry by forwarding the .
6.7.1 For double-degree students, this information will be shared with the partner faculty or institution.
6.8 If the student, upon receiving the , denies the allegation and/or disputes the penalty, the student may appeal the decision to the Senate Student Appeals Committee within ten (10) working days.
6.9 For information on the Senate Student Appeals Committee and the see the Procedures for Considering Student Appeals in the .
6.10 Following the conclusion of any appeal procedures, a revised copy of the may be filed.