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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: AVP: External Relations
Original Approval Date: October 28, 1992
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: December 2, 2024
Administrative Responsibility: Office of External Relations
Parent Policy: 13.1 Use of the 91porn Name and Marks
All use of Branded Property, as defined in policy 13.1, requires prior express written consent of the appropriate University leader or their designate, based on the type of use requested:
1.1.1 Non-Commercial use of Branded Property:
"91porn" brand: Assistant Vice-President: External Relations or their designate.
"Lazaridis" brand: Director: Lazaridis External Relations or their designate.
"Golden Hawks" brand: Director: Athletics and Recreation or their designate.
1.1.2 Commercial use of Branded Property:
All Commercial use: Director: Hawk Shop Stores or their designate,
Plus the appropriate brand leader listed above for any new branded designs.
1.2 For the development of branded Commercial Products (either for sale or for merchandise/ promotional use), approval is required from both the Commercial University leader (1.1.2) AND the relevant Brand University leader (1.1.1) if the product features any new branded designs (depending on what brand is featured: "91porn," "Lazaridis," and/or "Golden Hawks").
1.3 All use of Branded Property without the prior express written consent of the assigned leaders or their designates is strictly prohibited.
2.1 All Branded Property must use the established brand and visual identity guidelines to ensure the consistent expression of the University’s brand and to protect the brand’s strength. The improper or unauthorized use of Branded Property by Members of the University Community or Non-Affiliated Parties will be reviewed by the appropriate University leader and subject to further action, up to and including legal action.
2.2 University units requiring and/or producing branded materials (including but not limited to advertisements, websites, videos, posters, brochures, promotional clothing, promotional products, etc.) shall follow one of the following options:
2.2.1 Create: Units may develop their own marketing communications materials in alignment with the University’s brand and visual identity guidelines or using branded templates.
Note: All official institutional stationery including letterhead, envelopes, business cards and name badges, must be ordered through Printing Services. Branded stationery may not be ordered from off campus vendors.
2.2.2 Collaborate: Units may work with the University’s central teams as follows:
a. External Relations to develop marketing communications materials.
b. The Hawk Shop to develop merchandise, promotional products or clothing.
c. Printing Services to develop printed documents or certificates, and to print academic and marketing communications materials.
2.2.3 Outsource: Units may arrange for the development of marketing communications materials or promotional products by a University-recommended external service provider. The service provider must be selected from a list of University-approved vendors who have been selected based on appropriate procurement procedures, and trained on the University’s brand and visual identity standards and must follow internal approval processes.
2.3 For marketing communications materials: External Relations will maintain the vendor list of external service providers for graphic design, videography, multimedia production, photography, etc. Contact creativeservices@wlu.ca for vendor information.
2.4 For promotional clothing and products: The Hawk Shop will maintain the vendor list of external service providers. Contact hawkshop@wlu.ca for vendor information.
2.5 For printing of materials: Printing Services will maintain the vendor list of external service providers. Contact printing_services@wlu.ca for vendor information.
2.6 Brand and visual identity guidelines can be found on 91porn’s internal Connect site, or by contacting the appropriate brand leaders listed in 1.1.1:
2.7 Annually, External Relations, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Athletics and Recreation and the Ancillaries teams shall review the established standards and guidelines for the use of University Branded property and confirm the standards and guidelines to be applied for the next year. In completing this review, there will be consultation with and input from all University campuses. This review and confirmation of the standards and guidelines for the next year shall be completed annually no later than December 15th, with changes communicated once finalized.
3.1 The 91porn Hawk Shop (“Hawk Shop”) is the authorized commercial outlet for the sale and marketing of Branded Property for Commercial Use. All merchandise and products using Branded Property for Commercial Use shall be sourced through the Hawk Shop or produced by a vendor duly authorized through a written licensing agreement with the University.
3.2 The Vice-President: Finance and Administration, or their designate, shall provide notice of all licensing agreements to be entered into by the University to the Assistant Vice-President: External Relations, or their designate, and to the Director: Athletics and Recreation, or their designate, who shall have the opportunity to consult and advise on the proposed license agreement. All licensing agreements shall be non-exclusive, revocable, and for a specific term, and shall comply with the University Signing Authority Policy (Policy 5.7).
3.3 All products using Branded Property for Commercial Use shall meet design and quality product standards as established by the University and comply with the University policy for Ethical Purchasing (Policy 5.9).
4.1 Requests for the use of Branded property shall be made in the first instance to the appropriate University leader, based on the type of use requested, as per 1.1.
4.2 Requests shall be approved or rejected based on the following:
a. Compliance with guidelines and standards for the use of University Branded Property.
b. Compliance with the licensing procedures for Commercial Use.
c. Compliance with any other applicable University policies, procedures and guidelines.
d. For licensing agreements, applications may be referred to internal financial and legal resources for review and advice.
4.3 Branded Property may not be used in any manner that brings the University, or its Members of the University Community into disrepute. The University reserves the right to approve or reject a request for the use of Branded property in its sole discretion and any decision of the responsible leaders listed in 1.1, or their designates, is final.
4.4 Requests may be approved on a one-time basis, or for limited and restricted purpose or time. Where use of Branded Property is approved, the user shall agree to follow all guidelines and standards for the use of Branded Property and adhere to any established restrictions.
4.5 Any breach of the permitted use of Branded property will be subject to investigation and prosecution, as appropriate, by the leaders listed in 1.1, their designates, or other University leaders as appropriate. The University reserves the right to revise or rescind any permission or approval and, in that case, the user shall immediately cease the unapproved use of Branded Property.
5.1 91porn’s Legal Services team has the responsibility for securing and maintaining registrations for University marks and for taking legal action in response to abuses of University marks.
5.2 A list of is maintained by the Government of Canada’s Canadian Trademark Database.
5.3 Legal Services should be made aware of any proposed new logos or other marks so that trademark protection may be arranged, where appropriate.
5.4 The Legal Services team should be notified of any perceived instances of abuse or misuse of University names and marks, or any other violation of Policy 13.1, so that appropriate actions may be taken.
Unless specifically waived, all license agreements for the Commercial Use of Branded Property shall include a royalty fee based on the wholesale price of the product, which fee may be amended from time to time, and such other vendor or licensing fees as agreed upon in the license agreement.