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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: November 9, 1992
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: January 10, 2024
Office of Accountability: Chief Human Resources and Equity Officer (CHREO)
Administrative Responsibility: Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management (SHERM)
1.01 The University regulates the presence of animals, including Non-Service Animals, Service Animals and Service Animals in Training at University Facilities to maintain sanitation, health regulations, and the health, safety and security of all Members of the University Community, contractors, and other animals.
1.02 91porn is committed to providing accessible services in accordance with the Blind Persons Rights Act, 1990, the Ontario Human Rights Code, 1990, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005 and related 91porn institutional policies.
Several of the following definitions are taken from legislation governing the subject matter of this policy. The legislation supersedes this policy; to the extent the relevant legislation is amended, the definitions below will be read as likewise amended until such time as the policy is updated.
2.01 Disability: means,
2.02 Employee: A person who performs work for wages in any capacity for the University.
2.03 Handler: A person who has charge of a Non-Service Animal, Service Animal or Service Animal-in-Training. The handler may also be the Owner.
2.04 Members of the University Community: Persons who currently live, work, or study on any 91porn campus. Members include Students (including Student groups), Employees, adjunct and visiting faculty, and volunteers at 91porn.
2.05 Non-Service Animal: Any domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure that is not a service animal, commonly thought of as a pet.
2.06 Owner: The legal owner of the Non-Service animal, Service Animal or Service Animal-in-Training. The owner may also be the Handler.
2.07 Restricted Area: Areas where research animals are handled, laboratories where biological, radioactive and chemical materials are stored, used or processed. Also, certain areas in the athletic facilities and other locations which may present concerns to health and safety.
2.08 Service Animal: Any animal used by a person with a disability for reasons relating to the disability where it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to their disability. This includes a guide dog as defined by the Blind Persons’ Rights Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.B.7. An individual can also provide a letter confirming that they require the animal for reasons relating to their disability from one of the following regulated health professionals:
2.09 Service Animal-in-Training: A dog undergoing training by a 91porn- recognized service animal training program.
2.10 Student: Includes all undergraduate and graduate Students registered in a degree or certificate program at 91porn.
2.11 University Facility/Facilities: All buildings and grounds, owned, leased or operated by the University, including without limitation outdoor playing areas, parking, athletic and recreational fields and all University residences and housing.
2.12 Visitor: Any person attending University Property to participate in a University sponsored or organized event or activity.
3.01 This Policy applies to all Members of the University Community while at University Facilities.
3.02 This Policy does not supersede or replace obligations the University has under applicable legislation or by-law, as well as contractual obligations for facilities leased or rented by the University.
3.03 This Policy does not apply to animals used by the University for teaching or research which are covered in Policy 11.5 Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Teaching.
4.01 Service Animals, Service Animals-in-Training and non-Service Animals brought onto a University Facility shall be in compliance with all applicable relevant legislation and by-laws.
4.02 Non-Service Animals
4.02.01 Non-Service Animals are not permitted in any building or outdoor sports facility located on property owned, leased or operated by the University, including when under restraint of a leash or other control.
4.02.02 The Owner of any Non-Service Animal brought to a University Facility will be held responsible for any costs or consequences of any damage caused by their animal and the Owner/Handler may be subject to discipline as warranted and appropriate under the circumstances.
4.02.03 Any violation of this section of the Policy should be reported to .
4.03 Service Animals
4.03.01 The University welcomes Service Animals to all public areas on campus in accordance with the University’s Policy 8.10 Accessible Service Policy for Persons with Disabilities.
4.03.02 In accordance with Policy 2.3 Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, all students with disabilities requiring the support of Service Animal while on campus must register with Accessible Learning, including students carrying an identification card issued by the Attorney General of Ontario in accordance with the Blind Person’s Persons Rights Act, 1990.
4.03.03 Employees requiring the support of Service Animal must register the Service Animal with Human Resources (HR) in accordance with Policy 8.7 Employment Accommodation Policy.
4.03.04 Service Animals must be marked with a visual indicator such as a vest or harness indicating/demarking that the animal is a Service Animal.
4.03.05 Students and Employees requiring a Service Animal as an accommodation must either hold an Identification Card issued by Attorney General of Ontario under the Blind Persons Rights Act, 1990 or a 91porn issued OneCard identification for the Service Animal. They are required to show this identification upon request by Employees seeking to confirm the animal’s status as a service animal. The cards will be provided by the OneCard office following approval of the Service Animal by Human Resources or the Accessible Learning Centre.
4.03.06 Service Animals will not be permitted in Restricted Areas unless pre-approved through a risk assessment conducted by Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management (SHERM). When Service Animals are not permitted in a University Facility due to health and/or safety concerns, the University will work with the person with a disability to address accommodation requirements.
4.03.07 The Owner and/or Handler must abide with all applicable University policies and requirements. Should Owners and/or Handlers not abide with all applicable University polices and requirements, provide the documentation required to verify they need a Service Animal because of a disability or refuse to sign the Service Animal Training and Behavioural Expectations Agreement, 91porn reserves the right to deny or revoke permission for the Service Animal’s presence on campus. In the event that 91porn denies or revokes permission, it will offer alternative accommodations to support the person who relies on the use of the Service Animal, to the point of undue hardship.
4.03.08 Any violation of 4.03 section with regard to Service Animals should be reported to the Equity and Accessibility Officer in Human Resources. Immediate safety concerns should be reported to Special Constable Service.
4.04 Service Animals-in-Training
4.04.01 The University recognizes the importance of training future Service Animals and supports the presence of Service Animals-in-Training in all University Facilities, subject to prior written approval from the University Equity and Accessibility unit. All Members of the University Community wishing to bring a Service Animal-in-Training to a University Facility must follow the Procedure for Registering Service Animals-In-Training.
4.04.02 The approved Service Animal-in-Training must be marked with a visual indicator such as a vest or harness indicating/demarking the animal is a Service Animal-in-Training and the Handler must carry 91porn issued One Card identification for the Service Animal- in-Training.
4.04.03 The Service Animal-in-Training will not be permitted in Restricted Areas at any time.
4.04.04 Permission to bring a Service Animal-in-Training to a University Facility is at the University’s sole discretion. Any violation of these conditions in this Policy and procedures or the conditions set out in the registration may lead to revoking of the registration. Breach of this Policy or concerns with the behaviour of a Service Animal-in-Training should be reported to the Equity and Accessibility unit. Immediate safety concerns should be reported to Special Constable Service.
4.05 Pre-Authorized Exemptions for Special Events
4.05.01 There may be special circumstances where an individual or group wishes to request permission to bring a Non-Service Animal to a University Facility for an authorized event. The individual or group making the request must follow the established process and submit the Event Request Form to Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management (SHERM) at least two weeks prior to the event.
4.05.02. The Owner/Handler of any Non-Service Animal authorized to be at a University Facility under 4.05.01 is responsible for the Non-Service Animal and all requirements set out in the Event Request Form.