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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: November 19, 2001
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: February 10, 2022
Office of Accountability: Vice-President: Finance and Administration
Administrative Responsibility: Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management (SHERM)
1.00 91porn is committed to promoting a safe environment for its faculty, staff, and students. As part of this commitment, the University recognizes there are inherent fire safety risks and concerns with the use of Open Flames, and Open Air Burning activities on any University Facility. The University also recognizes there may be special events on campus necessitating the use of these. The purpose of this policy is to support these exemptions and outline acceptable uses of Open Flames and Open Air Burning activities.
2.01 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): The Waterloo Fire Rescue (WFR), Brantford Fire Department (BFD), Kitchener Fire Department (KFD) and Milton Fire Department (MFD).
2.02 Open Air Burning: A fire that takes place outside of a building, including a contained fire using solid fuels (e.g., wood, paper, etc.).
2.03 Open Flames: Open flames are defined as flames held in chaffing dishes, candlestick holders, lanterns, or other similar devices.
2.04 University Facility/Facilities: means all buildings and grounds, owned, leased or operated by the University, including without limitation outdoor playing areas, athletic and recreational fields and all University residences and housing.
2.05 Members of the University Community: Persons who currently work or study (in person or online) on any 91porn campus. Members include Students (including student groups), Employees, adjunct and visiting faculty, and volunteers at 91porn.
2.06 Traditional Use of Tobacco: tobacco used for ceremonies, prayers and rituals for spiritual significance and meaning.
3.01 This policy applies to all Members of the University Community, visitors, and contractors.
3.02 The University recognizes and supports the use of Traditional Use of Tobacco and other Indigenous Traditional Medicines and are permitted, as described in Policy 7.14 Indigenous Use of Traditional Medicines.
3.03 The use of Open Flame devices for the purposes of research and lab activities, or work defined as “Hot Work” covered and regulated under the University’s Hot Work Program (FACL-004-03).
3.04 Permission for the use of Open Flames is subject to approvals by the University, which approval may be set out in lease or space use agreements.
3.05 Permission for the use of Open Air Burning is subject to municipal by-laws.
4.01 The University will act in accordance with Ontario Fire Code (O. Reg. 213/07 Section (1), (3) (b) & (1)(a)), and any other legislative requirements.
4.02 The University will abide by all municipal by-laws governing Open Air Burning for recreational purposes.
4.03 The use of Open Flames on all University Properties must be approved by Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management (SHERM).
4.04 Open Flames shall not be permitted on University Property without approval, unless exemptions listed in sections 3.02 and 3.03 apply.
4.05 Decorative candleholders, sterno-candles used for catering events, etc. with Open Flames (e.g., chafing dishes, vases, hurricane and votive candle holders, etc.) shall not be used unless they are:
4.05.01 Securely supported in non-combustible holders and located and protected so that combustible materials will not come into contact with, or be ignited by the flame.
4.05.02 Securely supported in non-combustible holders located and protected so as to prevent tipping.
4.06 A designated individual must be present at the event to oversee the use of Open Flame activities. The designate must be trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers, and a fire extinguisher must be accessible to them at all times.
4.07 As per local municipal bylaws, no person shall light a fire (Open Air Burn) for recreational purposes using solid fuels.
4.08 Exemptions for Open Air Burning may be granted by way of application to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJ may grant or refuse an application with conditions.