This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: July 29, 1994
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: July 2007
Office of Accountability: Vice-President: Finance and Administration
Administrative Responsibility: Vice-President: Student Affairs
I. Statement of General Policy with Respect to Alcoholic Beverages on the Campus of 91porn
91porn recognizes the unique social needs of a campus community and will provide an environment where these needs can reasonably be met. The sale and service of alcoholic beverages should be regarded as a privilege of its members as they comply with all internal rules and policies in addition to all statutory requirements.
The University is very concerned with the welfare of its members but the primary responsibility for alcoholic beverage use is with the individual. All university community members are adults and have an obligation to use alcoholic beverages responsibly and legally.
It is the policy of 91porn to:
- Promote self-responsibility in the use of alcoholic beverages.
- Discourage high-risk alcohol related practices through appropriate policies and procedures in the areas of prevention (policy and education), intervention and discipline.
- Respect the needs of those who are underage or non-drinkers.
- Support the law in the administration of and access to alcoholic beverages on campus.
- Minimize dependence on alcohol-related sales or sponsorship by all university groups.
- Encourage the consumption of beverages which are normally consumed with food, i.e. soft drinks, fruit juices, beer and wine instead of hard liquor. However, the university recognizes that some events may warrant the service of hard liquor and will accommodate any specific requests of the applicant.
These items will be regulated by the Alcohol on Campus Committee, by the Operating Procedures Agreement (see item VI), and updated as required by changes to the Liquor Licence Act.
II. WLU Regulations Derived from the University Alcoholic Beverages Policy
A. Licensed locations on campus where alcoholic beverages are permitted to be sold, served and consumed by persons of legal drinking age may be viewed . Other locations may be approved by the University's Liquor Licence Coordinator.
Guidelines regarding public and private social events that involve alcoholic beverages within 91porn's jurisdiction.
- All product must be purchased under the University's Liquor Licence.
- A must be completed and approved by Food Services for any events taking place outside of the Turret and Wilf's.
- The exception to the policy will be activities occurring within the residences, (governed by provincial law), administered by Residence hall staff according to printed guidelines found in the Residence hall handbook.
- Security Department must be made aware of all activities.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages should be permitted only within the approved area designated for the event.
- Non-alcoholic beverages must be available at the same place as the alcoholic beverages and featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages.
- A portion of the budget for the event shall be designated for the purchase of food items.
- No social event shall include any form of 'drinking contest' in its activities or promotion. Advertisements for any university event at which alcoholic beverages are served shall mention the availability of non-alcoholic beverages as prominently as alcoholic beverages. Alcohol should not be used as an inducement to participate in a campus event.
- Promotional materials including advertising for any university event shall not make reference to the amount of alcoholic beverages (such as number of beer kegs) available.
- Security personnel shall be present at all times during events involving 250 or more guests where alcoholic beverages are served.
B. Guidelines regarding marketing, advertising, or promotion of alcoholic beverages on campus or at campus events are as follows:
- All advertising should follow Liquor Licence Act regulations.
- Must be approved and stamped by the Dean of Student's office.
- Must be non-offensive towards sex, race, colour, creed, visible minority or any minority status.
C. All student off-campus social activities utilizing the University's liquor licence are bound by the Regulations Regarding Off Campus Events (available in the Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association office; (see item IV).
D. Any alcohol related functions on campus must comply with the WLU bar service procedure attached herein.
E. All student off-campus social events utilizing the university's liquor licence must register said event at least (3) three weeks (21 days) prior to said event and comply with the written form designated for off campus events (see item V).
F. Students found in violation of this Alcoholic Beverages Policy shall be dealt with by the Dean's Advisory Council and the sanctions may include any or all of the following:
- suspension of privileges related to licensed areas
- fines
- disciplinary probation
- recommended dismissal from the university
G. Others found in violation of this Alcoholic Beverages Policy shall be dealt with by the University Administration.
H. Provisions of the Human Rights Code shall prevail in all aspects of the alcohol licensed operations of the University.
I. For events which will be sponsored by companies selling alcoholic beverages, the Liquor Licence Act regulations pertaining to this matter will be strictly adhered to.
III. WLU Residence Alcohol Policy
General: The Residence Alcohol Policy (RAP) is designed to provide all residence students with a framework within which responsible use of alcoholic beverages can be encouraged. This policy affects both personal use and special event use.
A. Who
Residents of legal age and their guests, also of legal age, may consume alcoholic beverages in the areas of their residences so designated in Section B.
B. Where
Residents and guests as defined in Section A may consume alcoholic beverages in the following areas of their residence.
- Within the confines of their bed-study rooms.
- Within the lounge area of their floor (except for the Bricker Residence and University Place).
- Within the confines of their apartment suite (in the case of the Bricker Residence and University Place).
- Within the confines of other areas of their building that may, from time to time, be so designated by the Head Resident and Staff of that building.
- Open alcoholic beverages may not, under any circumstances, be transported between designated areas.
- Open alcoholic beverages may not, under any circumstances, be transported in or out of any entrances to any residence.
C. When
Residents may consume alcoholic beverages at their own discretion while adhering to Sections A and B. However, when Floor Parties or other special events are planned and approved, the following additional regulations are required.
- Residence Staff or event organizers may not consume alcoholic beverages before or during the event.
- Bartenders must be approved in advance by the Head Resident and may not consume alcoholic beverages before or during the event.
- Suitable and adequate food should be provided.
- Non-alcoholic beverages must be readily available at all times.
- Any games or activities that encourage or require fast or over-consumption of alcoholic beverages are forbidden.
- Any participants who, in the opinion of the Residence Staff Event Organizers or Bartender(s) are nearing intoxication will be prohibited from consuming any additional alcoholic beverages.
- The use of alcoholic beverage is not allowed at pre-party events.
- All events must:
- have announced start time and finish times
- have appropriate washroom facilities
- be located in approved areas
- have controlled entry and exit areas
IV. Regulations Regarding Off-Campus Events
The aims of the Students' Union and Graduate Students' Association are to protect the individual student from conduct which might endanger his/her university career. At the same time, then prime consideration is to preserve the reputation and integrity of the University and the student body as a whole. While the Students' Union and Graduate Students' Association are concerned primarily with the conduct of 91porn students and the prevention of property damage, it is important to recognize that the repercussions of events relating to alcohol apply to the University community as a whole. The following information is designed to regulate the activities of the 91porn campus community at any University, Students' Union, or Graduate Students' Association sponsored off campus event in order to minimize any liability and maximize the safety of those participants in said events.
General Guidelines
- Students' Union, Graduate Students' Association or 91porn sponsored and/or endorsed off-campus activities must be registered with the Students' Union General Manager twenty-one (21) days prior to the event.
- Registration of each off-campus activity is required prior to advertising of the activity. All advertising on or off campus must be approved and stamped by the Dean of Students.
- It will be the responsibility of each individual participating in the event to accept the authority of the Event Leader and ensure that his/her own behaviour is consistent with that outlined in the WLU Student Handbook.
- Tickets for off-campus activities shall bear the following: Ticket holders are bound by the WLU Alcoholic Beverages Policy. Tickets must be approved by the General Manager prior to their distribution on or off campus.
- If it is felt that a student has not abided by the foregoing regulations, he/she shall be referred to the Dean's Advisory Council.
- Problems which may arise with faculty, staff, or other personnel of 91porn with respect to the Campus Alcohol Policy will be handled by the Office of the President.
Transportation Guidelines
- For every twenty-five (25) people travelling to or from an event in a Students' Union, Graduate Students' Association, or 91porn sponsored vehicle, there must be one (1) person recognized as the Bus Leader. It is the responsibility of the Bus Leader to ensure that student behaviour is consistent with that outlined in the WLU Student Handbook.
- The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on any Students' Union, Graduate Students' Association, or 91porn sponsored vehicle.
- Procedures for loading and unloading people from these vehicles must be submitted in writing and approved by the General Manager prior to the event.
Operations Guidelines
Events Using a Special Occasions Permit
- There should be an individual, the Event Leader, whose name appears on the permit in attendance for the duration of the event (Liquor Licence Act).
- There should be a one (1) to twenty-five (25) ratio of Security Staff to patrons. Security Staff will act in accordance with the Liquor Licence.
- There must be someone checking identification and collecting tickets who is acting as a Security Staff.
- Pricing of products shall be consistent with those established for on campus events.
- There must be food and non-alcoholic beverages available at all events as specified in the Special Occasions Application.
- Service of alcoholic beverages will be the responsibility of WLU Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association trained Bar Staff. The Event Leader will be responsible for including the provision of Bar Staff in his/her budget.
Events in Other Licensed Facilities
- If buses are being used for transportation to the event, the Event Leaders must comply with the Transportation Guidelines outlined above.
- All serving of alcoholic beverages must be done by the trained staff of that licensed establishment.
- There should be food and non-alcoholic beverages available as outlined in the Liquor Licence Act.
- If there is no security provided by the licensed facility, the same security measures apply as outlined in Events Using a Special Occasion Permit.
Position Descriptions
Bar Staff:
1. The number of bar staff is determined by the General Manager and Bar and Entertainment Manager.
2. The rate of pay is determined annually by the General Manager and the Bar and Entertainment Manager.
3. There shall be one member of the Bar Staff team designated as the Senior Bar Supervisor;
- This individual is responsible for ensuring that the dictates of the WLU Alcoholic Beverages Policy are followed throughout the course of the event,
- The supervisor has final decision making authority in circumstances where the integrity of the WLU Liquor Licence may be jeopardized.
4. The Bar Staff will not consume alcoholic beverages at any time during the event.
5. Event Leader:
- The Event Leader will act as the liaison between the Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association and the event applicant.
- The Event Leader is responsible for the coordinator of the event and shall work in conjunction with the Senior Bar Supervisor to ensure the event meets the requisites of the WLU Alcoholic Beverages Policy.
- The Event Leader will not consume alcoholic beverages at any time during the event.
6. Security Staff:
- Security Staff will have a knowledge and understanding of the WLU Alcoholic Beverages Policy, and will act in such a way as to ensure the safety of those in attendance of the event.
- Security Staff will not consume alcoholic beverages at any time during the event.
7. Bus Leader:
- The Bus Leader(s) must wear special apparel which will identify them as such. Apparel will be provided by the Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association if requested.
- The Bus Leader will not consume alcoholic beverages before or during the time he/she is acting as such.
V. Off-Campus Event Registration Form
- Name of Individual or Group:
- Type of Event:
- Date of Event:
- Location of Event:
- Estimated Attendance:
- Time of Event (Start/Finish):
- Time of Bus Departure:
- Time of Return:
- Transportation (bus, van, other):
- Number of Vehicles:
- Exact use of Vehicles:
- Contact Person/Event Leader:
- Manager of Business Operations, WLU Students' Union:
- Bus Leader(s):
- Comments:
Applicants are reminded that they must conform to guidelines established in the WLU Alcoholic Beverages Policy.
VI. Agreements between 91porn and 91porn Students' Union, and between 91porn and 91porn Graduate Students' Association, According to their Operating Procedures Agreements
A. Licence
The licence is held in the name of the University, with full responsibility for ensuring that the management of the licensed facility is within the requirements of the Liquor Licence Act, 1990, and all subsequent amendments, resting with the Liquor Licence Coordinator appointed by the University. All money derived from the sale of liquor will be accountable through the University central accounting system and the purchase of liquor shall be made in accordance with the books issued for this purpose.
B. Any work orders issued by the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario shall be the responsibility of the Liquor Licence Coordinator and the Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association. Any structural change or major renovation made in the licensed premises must be approved by the Liquor Licence Coordinator, the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario and the Ontario Fire Marshall.
C. Operations
The Students' Union will operate the licensed facilities (Wilf's and the Turret) in the Student Union Building and will have full responsibility and authority for financial policies within the Student Union Building and the operational procedures of that licensed facility.
The Graduate Students' Association will operate the licensed facility in the Graduate Students' Building and will have full responsibility and authority for financial policies within the building and operational procedures of that licensed facility. It will be the responsibility of the Students' Union and the Graduate Students' Association to satisfy the Liquor Licence Coordinator, or his/her delegate, that they have met all the requirements as prescribed by the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. In the event that the Students' Union or Graduate Students' Association and Liquor Licence Coordinator cannot reach an agreement as to the requirements as prescribed by the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, the decision of the Liquor Licence Coordinator will be final. Control procedure for the licensed areas located in the Student Union Building and Graduate Students" Association Building must be sufficient to comply with the Liquor Licence Act, 1990, and the costs incurred through the implementation of such procedures shall be charged against the revenues generated by the facility.