This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: April 5, 2021
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: N/A
Administrative Responsibility: Enrolment Services
Parent Policy: 10.2 Student Academic Record Policy
1.0. Purpose
1.1. The purpose of this procedure is define what is included in the Student Academic Record and Official Academic Transcript.
2.0. Definitions
2.1. Student: Student is defined as an individual registered in a for-credit academic program and/or for-credit course approved by the Senate.
2.2. Student Academic Record: includes academically-related and biographical information collected about a Student, applicant, or former Student of the university in a for-credit degree program. Also known as the Ontario University Student Record (OUSR).
2.3. Official Academic Transcript: Presents information about a Student’s academic performance and status.
3.0. Procedure
3.1. Information included in the Student Academic Record
- Application for admission;
- 91porn identification number;
- Biographical information;
- Correspondence considered pertinent to the adjudication of applicants including letters of support and the applicant background summary form;
- Transcripts of prior academic activity, including exchange and letter of permission transcripts;
- Grades;
- Performance data (progression, petitions decisions impacting the student file, inactive status);
- Advanced standing, transfer credit(s);
- Academic status and graduation data;
- Offer of admission (for undergraduate students only) and permit to register;
- Registration, course change request, and withdrawal forms, letters of permission;
- Sanctions imposed for academic or non-academic disciplinary purposes. For further information regarding sanctions and the length of time these will be noted on the Official Academic Transcript, see 12.2 Student Code of Conduct: Academic Misconduct and 12.3 Non-academic Student Code of Conduct;
- Scholarship, financial support, and billing information (data, type, and amount including amounts owed);
- Other information as deemed appropriate.
3.2. Information included in the Official Academic Transcript
- Course registrations and descriptions;
- Course credit weights;
- Course grades;
- Degrees or other qualifications awarded;
- The Official Academic Transcript may also include any sanctions imposed for academic or non-academic disciplinary purposes. For further information regarding sanctions and the length of time these will be noted on the Official Academic Transcript, see 12.2 Student Code of Conduct: Academic Misconduct and 12.3 Non-academic Student Code of Conduct.